

When Barbara Adams, a teenager with an insatiable curiosity, that has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, receives a life-changing scholarship to an upscale school. This golden opportunity propels her into a world of knowledge, new connections, and love at an unexpected time. Just when everything seems to be falling into place, tragedy befalls her lover on Valentine's Day, leading her to a profound realization that life holds deeper meaning than she ever imagined. It's incredible how life's twists and turns can shape our understanding, isn't it?

Vee_mel0die · Fantasy
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12 Chs


of Sugar Hill Academy, her anticipation mixed with a hint of trepidation. She was already tired of the school and it was just the second day.

'I really hope that what I told Joel got to his head, and he doesn't act like a maniac today.' Barbara sighed as she made her way into the school building. The bustling crowd of students caught her attention, determined to avoid any unnecessary distractions, she quickened her pace, weaving through the sea of students.

"Barbara Adams, Barbara Adams please report to the principal's office." Echoed from the public address system immediately as she stepped foot into the school building causing her to jump in surprise. She was stunned and almost spilled the coffee she had been sipping on.

Barbara made her way through the bustling school corridors, lost in her own thoughts.

"Oh, looks like the new rude poor brat has gotten herself in some kind of trouble." She heard that as she suddenly felt a forceful impact against her shoulder. The collision caused her to stumble, and in chaos, her cup of coffee slipped from her hand, spilling its contents onto the cold, tiled floor.

Looking up, she locked eyes with a pair of thick eyebrows, short black hair and charming black eyes, she recognised him immediately, it was Felix. Barbara didn't understand why he held a grudge against her, she wasn't rude to him, she just ignored him, but of course in this school, It is rude for a poor brat to ignore an egocentric wealthy spoilt brat, so she wasn't surprised.

She had a lot to say to him, but didn't want to get in any kind of trouble, she let out a scoff of dismissal, her eyes narrowing with determination. Ignoring Felix's presence, she briskly continued on her path, her steps echoing against the polished floors as she made her way towards the principal's office, determined to face whatever awaited her there.

Barbara nervously tapped her fingers against the wooden door, her heart racing with anticipation. Silence hung in the air, as the seconds ticked by, she grew impatient. With a hesitant sigh, she mustered up the courage to knock again, her knuckles rapping again the door's surface. Just as her hand was poised to a strike, the door creaked open, revealing Joel with distinguished air about him. He emerged from the principal's office, his gaze fixed straight ahead, deliberately avoiding any eye contact with Barbara. A flicker of satisfaction danced in her eyes, a small victory in this intricate dance of power dynamics. With a contented smile playing on her lips, she watched as Joel walked past her, his footsteps echoing in the hallway.

"Good morning Principal Smith, you called for me." Barbara said nervously looking at the tiled floor, she felt Celine's gaze fixed upon her. As Barbara looked up, she couldn't help but notice Celine's scrutinizing glance, quickly averted. The room was filled with an air of tension, each moment pregnant with anticipation.

I am well aware that I called you here Miss Barbara, so I am going straight to the point. Please, have a seat," Celine said, her voice warm yet tinged with seriousness. Barbara complied, her mind racing with thoughts of what awaited her. Principal Smith wasted no time, getting straight to the point. Barbara could feel her nerves intensify as Celine's words hung in the air.

"You haven't been given a uniform yet, and it was supposed to be provided a week ago. Is there a reason for this?" Celine's raised eyebrow conveyed both curiosity and concern. Barbara's mouth opened to explain, but before she could utter a word, a knock interrupted the conversation.

The suspense in the room grew as Celine paused, her attention diverted to the unexpected interruption. Barbara's curiosity peaked, wondering who could be at the door and how this would impact the discussion. The possibilities danced in her mind, adding another layer of intrigue to the already tense atmosphere.

"Come in, Genevieve," Celine said with an air of authority, a tone Barbara had never heard her use before.

As the door swung open, a lady in her late twenties or early thirties entered the room. She exuded confidence with her reddish-brown hair, almond eyes, and a pop of bright red lipstick. Her outfit was on point for fall - a cozy mustard-colored oversized sweater paired with high-waisted jeans, ankle boots boasting a chunky heel, and the perfect finishing touches of a statement scarf and a wide-brimmed hat. She effortlessly embodied the essence of autumn fashion.

Barbara remembered this lady, remembered? Barbara could never forget her, the first time she met her was one week ago.

One week ago, after Barbara aced her entrance exam, she received an invitation to visit the fashion studio of Sugar Hill Academy. The anticipation bubbled within her as she imagined the possibilities that awaited her. The school had a unique approach to uniform design, tailored to reflect each student's based on their personality, style, and outlook on life.

With a skip in her step, Barbara entered the fashion studio, a vibrant space filled with bolts of fabric, sketches adorning the walls, and mannequins showcasing various designs. The fashion experts greeted her warmly, eagar to bring her vision to life, but someone stopped them and said that she would take it from there, and that person was Genevieve.

Genevieve started with lively discussion, delving deep into Barbara's passions, interests, and aspirations. During their conversation, Genevieve noticed that Barbara is not rich and wealthy, she got a scholarship because she is super smart. The bitterness was evident in Genevieve's eyes and voice.

But she continued with the questions and conversations and she began to sew Barbara's uniform. She was finally done, Barbara was so happy, she couldn't wait to see how it will turn out to be.

Genevieve asked to pull off her clothes leaving her with her lingerie and asked for her to be blindfolded. Barbara stood still as the uniform was worn on her, it felt really weird for someone to help her wear her clothes, but she thought that it must be one of the things rich people do.

When she was done, Genevieve stood behind her and removed the blindfold and made Barbara look at herself in a mirror room. Barbara opened her eyes and it widened as she saw her reflection in the mirrors, she couldn't move, she was stiff as a plank and a tear rolled down her eyes, her head was spinning, she couldn't believe her eyes. She saw Genevieve's devilish look in the reflection.

"Wha....what is...what is this?" Barbara said trying to put herself in place, she wasn't going to waste her tears on this kind of a person.

"This my dear is what you deserve, because you are a low life creature who isn't supposed to be in a place as luxurious as this, so I made you something to fit your needy life. You cannot survive one week in that school, it's either you get expelled or you leave at your will." Genevieve said as she smiled.

Barbara couldn't believe that she could still be smiling after what she did. Barbara looked herself dressed in a very large shirt that had one long sleeve and the second one was a tight and had really short sleeve, it had tiny holes in them. She then looked down to the the skirt, this wasn't a skirt, it was a rag. It was long and had pleating in every edge and there were shapeless holes in them, Genevieve then removed the gum she had been chewing and placed it on the clothes.

"Now this fits you perfectly." Genevieve smirked and left the room. Barbara pulled the rags that Genevieve had worn for her, folded it and kept in on a table there and ran home disappointed. She didn't mention this to anyone.

Genevieve's voice still rang in her ear till now, she could never forget her and the horrible things she did. She let out a sigh after seeing her.

"Hey Celine, what's up?" Genevieve casually greeted Celine Smith. Celine looked up to her with surprise.

"That is Principal Celine Smith to you, Genevieve. Take Miss Barbara Adams to the fashion studio right now and help her with a uniform." Celine said to Genevieve calm and composed.

"I will do just that, Principal Celine Smith," Genevieve replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she left the office. Barbara reluctantly followed behind, unsure of what to expect. The hallway buzzed with whispers as they made their way to the fashion studio, which was a little bit far from the school.

A sleek black car glided to a stop in front of them, its tinted windows adding an air of mystery. The driver, dressed in a crisp uniform, gestured for them to enter. Genevieve and Barbara stepped inside, the luxurious leather seats embracing them. As the car smoothly pulled away, Genevieve leaned towards the driver and whispered something in his ear. In an instant, the driver's expression changed, and he nodded, understanding her request. Without a word, he gracefully exited the car, leaving them to continue their journey in silence.

"Hey Barbara, how's life treating you in this fancy, high-class school?" Genevieve asked, breaking the awkward silence that hung in the air. Barbara, choosing to ignore the question, rolled down the window, allowing a refreshing breeze to sweep through the car, carrying away any tension that lingered. The gentle caress of the wind against her face, it was really nice.

"Arrrrgghh, I'm really sorry, Barbara, for what I did that day," Genevieve said, her tone lacking genuine remorse. However, she managed to convey the message. Barbara chose to ignore her, well aware that the apology held little sincerity. Before they knew it, the car arrived at the fashion studio, a place that never failed to stir a sense of awe within Barbara. The studio's vibrant colours, bustling with creativity, captivated her every time.

They got inside the studio, and this time was much better, Genevieve was very nice to her, Barbara didn't know why, but she still couldn't trust her after what she did and said.

As Genevieve and Barbara engaged in a lively discussion, Genevieve's inquisitive nature led her to delve into Barbara's interests, passions, and aspirations. While their conversation unfolded, Genevieve skillfully sewed the uniform, each stitch representing her dedication to her craft.

As Genevieve meticulously worked on the uniforms, she couldn't help but notice the subtle variations in style, despite the consistent black and white color scheme. Each uniform seemed to have its own personality, reflecting the individuality and creativity of the wearer. It was as if the fabric itself whispered stories of dreams and ambitions, waiting to be brought to life in the school.

In this moment, Genevieve's imagination soared, envisioning her ideas. With each stitch, Genevieve poured her passion and attention to detail into the uniform, infusing it with a touch of her own unique spirit.

As Genevieve finished sewing the uniform, she called Barbara over and motioned for her to take a seat. With a genuine tone, Genevieve expressed her heartfelt apology, acknowledging her previous actions as a result of ignorance. Barbara smiled warmly, accepting the apology, and the makeup team began their work.

With the makeup team now in action, their skilled hands delicately enhanced Barbara's natural beauty. The transformation was not just on the surface, As the makeup team worked their magic, Genevieve and Barbara engaged in light-hearted conversation, sharing stories and laughed.

As the makeup team applied the finishing touches, Barbara caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and was taken aback. The light makeup had worked wonders, enhancing her natural beauty in a way she had never imagined. Her eyes sparkled, and her smile radiated confidence.

To complete the transformation, the team styled Barbara's hair in a chic bun, securing it with a black and white ribbon. As she admired her reflection, a wave of excitement washed over her. In that moment, she felt like she was getting ready for a special occasion, almost like going on a prom date.

The combination of the makeup and the elegant hairstyle had brought out a newfound beauty in Barbara. She couldn't help but feel a surge of self-assurance and a renewed sense of her own worth. It was as if the mirror was reflecting not only her physical appearance but also her inner strength and resilience.

With a smile that lit up the room, Barbara turned to Genevieve and expressed her gratitude for the incredible transformation. The makeup team had not only enhanced her outer beauty but had also helped her discover a newfound confidence within herself. Genevieve gave her the uniform and gestured her to go to the changing room to test out her uniform.

When Barbara came out of the dressing room, the entire room fell silent in awe. She exuded confidence and style in her meticulously put-together ensemble. Her outfit was a perfect blend of sophistication and daring: a crisp, long-sleeved white shirt that accentuated her elegance. Paired with it was a charcoal grey high-waisted flea skirt, daringly above her knee, adorned with white stripes that added a touch of flair. To complete the look, a tie in the same color and design pattern as the skirt, effortlessly tying the whole outfit together. But that's not all! A long-sleeved short blazer jacket, reaching the high part of her waist, boasting a single button and it had the school's badge SHA on it, added an extra touch of sophistication. It was a school uniform transformed into a runway-worthy ensemble. And with Genevieve's thoughtful gifts of knee boots and canvases, Barbara had the freedom to mix and match her accessories, opting for the canvas shoes on this particular day.

As Genevieve and Barbara arrived at school in the sleek black car, Barbara couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. She spent almost the whole day undergoing a stunning makeover, and though she sighed, she secretly enjoyed the change.

However, upon entering the school, she noticed a commotion in the hallway. Curiosity piqued, she tried to catch a glimpse of the person who had captured everyone's attention, but the crowd made it difficult. Determined, she maneuvered her way through the bustling hallway, finally reaching the girl's bathroom. The air was filled with anticipation as students gathered, whispering excitedly about the mysterious individual. Barbara couldn't help but wonder who this person was and what made them so captivating.

As she entered the girl's bathroom, it was like a dreamy oasis of elegance and sophistication. As she steps inside, she is greeted by the soft glow of crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, casting a warm and inviting light. The walls are adorned with intricate floral patterns, hand-painted in delicate pastel hues, creating a sense of tranquility. The floors are made of sleek marble, cool to the touch, with intricate mosaic designs that lead you to the individual stalls.

Each stall is like a private sanctuary, with ornate doors featuring carved details and gilded accents. Inside, there were spacious marble countertops, adorned with gleaming gold fixtures and sparkling mirrors that reflect your beauty from every angle. Plush velvet chairs are strategically placed for moments of relaxation, allowing you to touch up your makeup or fix your hair in comfort.

The air is filled with the scent of fragrant flowers, gently wafting from intricately designed vases placed on marble pedestals. Soft music plays in the background, creating a soothing ambiance. Luxurious amenities such as scented hand lotions, designer perfumes, and silky hand towels are at your disposal, adding a touch of opulence to her experience.

As she washed her hands, the water flows from elegant gold-plated faucets, providing a gentle stream that refreshes and rejuvenates. The soap dispensers are adorned with sparkling crystals, adding a touch of glamour. At this point, she thinks that the girl's school bathroom is the best she has seen so far.

She gazes at her reflection in the mirror, her mind wanders, consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts. With a hint of uncertainty, she tugs at the hem of her skirt, feeling a sense of discomfort. It seems too short, revealing more than her usual outfits. Suddenly, a gentle touch wraps around her waist, as if someone is embracing her from behind. A shiver runs down her spine, a mix of surprise and intrigue intertwining, she closed her eyes.

"Hey there, newbie! You can't just go altering your skirt like that. Your uniform is more than just clothes, it's a representation of who you are. Embrace it! And let me tell you, it suits you perfectly," Barbara's eyes snap open as she recognises the familiar voice. She locks eyes with the reflection in the mirror, and there stands Amelia, radiating confidence and authority.

'Oh great, it's that princess again.' she thought as she smiled at her. She then looked at her uniform, it suits her princess personality perfectly.

It is a stunning white gown. It's like stepping into a world of pure elegance and grace. The fabric is a delicate, flowing satin that drapes beautifully, creating a mesmerizing silhouette. The bodice is adorned with intricate lace details that add a touch of sophistication. The sweetheart neckline accentuates your natural beauty, with delicate pearl embellishments scattered throughout the gown. The back of the gown is just as captivating, with a low-cut design, It had a daring open-back silhouette that adds a touch of allure and sophistication. The intricate lace and beadwork gracefully adorn the edges of that back, creating a mesmerising pattern that catches the eye. The straps delicately crisscross, accentuating her shoulders and revealing just the right amount of skin. It also had the school's badge "SHA" and to finish her fabulous uniform, she wore a fabulous pair of black heels.

Barbara was totally amazed when she saw it! She couldn't believe that this was actually allowed as a school uniform. It was like a fashion statement rather than a typical uniform.

Amelia bid her farewell with a friendly wave, gracefully excusing herself from the conversation. Barbara, feeling a weight on her shoulders, let out a deep, heavy sigh, her emotions evident in the way her shoulders slumped. Seeking solace, she pushed open the door to the restroom, stepping into the serene sanctuary. Inside, she took a moment to gather herself, finding comfort in the stillness and solitude. As she stood there, lost in her thoughts, the soft echo of someone's voice reached her ears, breaking the silence and drawing her attention. Curiosity piqued, Barbara strained to listen, wondering who it could be.

"You can't do this to me! How can you expect me to just end things like that? I did everything for you!" The voice on the other end of the phone call trembled with a mix of anguish and frustration, their voice cracking with heartbreak. Barbara couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy, imagining the pain and betrayal they must be experiencing.

"And you had the audacity to cheat on me with my best friend? You think I'm just going to let you go? You think there won't be consequences?" The tone shifted, now laced with anger and a sense of righteous indignation. The person on the line was no longer just crying, but also making it clear that they wouldn't let this betrayal go unpunished.

But then, amidst the tears and heated words, a sudden burst of laughter erupted. It was a bitter, hollow laughter that held a tinge of disbelief and resignation. It was the laughter of someone who had been hurt deeply but was slowly coming to terms with the reality of the situation.

Barbara felt really bad for the person, she unzipped her bag as quietly as possible and took out a note, then tore a page from it and wrote something in it. She slides it in a small space between the two restrooms, and walked out of the girl's bathroom wanting to mix with the crowd, but no one was in the hall so she decides to go to her classroom.

The person caught a glimpse of the delicate paper, her eyes welling up with tears. As she gently wiped away the tears, her gaze focused on the elegant cursive writing that adorned the note. It read:

"No Boyfriend, No problems. Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option. If you take action and make them face the consequences, they will always remain a priority to you. Just let go."

The words resonated deeply within her, and a warm smile spread across their face. Filled with anticipation, she hurriedly opened the door, hoping to find the person who had left such heartfelt words. However, to her surprise, the person was nowhere to be found.

As Barbara entered her classroom, her gaze immediately locked with Joel's. A warm smile spread across his face, and he gave her a thumbs up. She returned the smile, feeling a surge of excitement. However, their interaction was brief as Joel soon left the class.

Taking her seat, Barbara's eyes scanned the room and landed on Amelia, who now occupied Joel's previous spot. A mix of curiosity and confusion filled Barbara's expression, and she couldn't help but let her questions show. Sensing Barbara's curiosity, Amelia's face lit up with a mischievous grin.

"Oh, it seems we're sitting buddies now," Amelia exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. "Joel specifically told me not to spill the beans." Amelia's words were accompanied by a playful wink. Barbara didn't understand what she said, she then gave an awkward smile.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Barbara made her way to her locker to gather her belongings. The hallway was eerily quiet, amplifying the sound of her footsteps. Suddenly, a book slipped from her hands and fell to the floor. Bending down to retrieve it, a shiver ran down her spine. It felt as though someone's eyes were fixated on her.

With a sense of unease, Barbara turned around, only to catch a glimpse of a shadowy figure lurking in the distance. Fear gripped her heart, and instinctively, she began to walk briskly. But the feeling of being pursued persisted, intensifying with every step. She quickened her pace, breaking into a run, her heart pounding in her chest.

The empty hallways echoed with the sound of her hurried footsteps, but she couldn't shake off the sensation that she was being relentlessly chased. The once-familiar corridors became a labyrinth of uncertainty as she darted through them, her breath becoming ragged.

To her astonishment, as she glanced back, she realized that there was no one else in the entire school. It was just her and this mysterious pursuer. Panic surged through her veins, urging her to keep running. Her legs carried her relentlessly, propelling her towards the only escape she could find-the rooftop.

With each step, her heart pounded louder, matching the rhythm of her racing thoughts. Finally, she reached the rooftop, gasping for breath, her body trembling. The chilling wind howled around her, adding to the unnerving atmosphere. She stood there, on the edge, her eyes scanning the horizon, desperately searching for answers.

"Why were you running? Did you steal something? Why am I even asking, of course you stole something. You are just a pauper after all." A distant voice said, the voice sounded very familiar. Barbara heard then person's footsteps coming closer until it finally got to her.

"What did you steal? Tell me now and you might just go scott free." The person said softly and daringly, as Barbara was about to talk, a slap landed across her face, she held her face with her hands looking up to the person that slapped her.

It was a mysterious girl, with hazel coloured hair that partially covered one of her hazel coloured eyes, she wore a uniform that consists of a white shirt, black suit with black pants, she tucked in the white shirt perfectly giving a polished look. To complete the ensemble, there's a black tie worn around the collar. As for the shoes, a classic black leather shoe with low high. Her hands were in her pocket casually, making her look cool then she smirked. Barbara then noticed the school badge on her suit, it also said 'SHA' like everybody's own but it was still different, it was written differently and it was golden.

"Oh, I didn't mean to be rude, I am Hazel." She whispered, leaning so close to Barbara making her feel uncomfortable. Wanting to slap her again, Barbara held Hazel's hand in mid-air, she couldn't deal with this again. Hazel could have sworn that Barbara's brown eyes became much more brighter, it seemed to glow with an intense yellow or was it golden hue? Hazel blinked, and in an instant, it vanished. Yet Barbara's grip on her hand remained, her fingers digging into Hazel's skin, her fingers felt like claws. Frozen in fear, Hazel stood motionless, trembling as blood trickled from her wounded hand.

"Stop it, you are hurting me." Hazel screamed in pain, causing Barbara to snap out of her trance. The weight of her actions crashed down on her, leaving her gasping for breath. Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions, Barbara turned on her heels and ran away, her heart pounding in her chest.

Hazel, trembling with a mix of fear and confusion, couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. This was what Hazel feared, this was why she has been getting a weird feeling after she heard about Barbara. Doubt gnawed in her mind, refusing to let go. Could it be true? Could Barbara really be...? The thought sent shivers down Hazel's spine, filling her with a sense of unease that she couldn't shake. The world around her seemed to blur as she grappled with the unsettling possibility, she fell down unconscious.

Thanks for reading this chapter ❤️❤️

"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

-Marilyn Monroe.