
We are indeed sisters...

Cristine twitched hearing the slamming of the door. She touched her swollen lips which was brutally kissed by Joseph and saw the trace of blood on her finger. She felt her knees wobble and she slowly slid down on the floor. She sat there with her knees on her chest. She put her hands on her knees and laid her face on them and cried. 'He is such a bastard. Why do I have to put up with him?' she thought to herself.

Joseph on the other hand went back to his room a little upset. He was not aware that someone was watching him going out from Cristine's room. Her eyes were red due to anger, her fists were clenched tightly that her sharp nails are already digging her palms and a drop of blood fell from it. She waited for Joseph to go in his room before moving angrily toward Cristne's door

"Hon, where are you going?'', Jackson who followed her out of the room asked.

Celine stopped, composed herself and sweetly smiled at Jackson. "I just wanted to check on Cristine if she is ok and have adjusted well in the mansion", she said trying to hide her not so good mood.

"Cristine is fine hon, you don't need to worry", Jackson smiled and put her arms around her waist.

"You are wearing a thin night gown hon and it is cold outside, come back to our room or you will catch a cold", Jackson led her back to their room.

"Don't worry about Cristine, we will talk to her tomorrow, I'm sure she is already sleeping by now", Jackson opened the door to their room letting her in first. He was not aware when Celine's face turned sour.

"That slut", Celine said to herself as she entered the room.

"What is it hon?", Jackson thought he heard her saying something.

"Oh, it's nothing hon, I am sleepy now", she sat on the bed and alluringly waved at Jackson, inviting him to join her in bed. It is her way of diverting her husband's attention.


Cristine let out a sigh. Its already five in the morning and the sun is already starting to shine in the east. She can no longer go back to sleep after reminiscing what happened in this room five years ago. She gently touched her lips, remembering her first and last kiss. She is 22 and have been in the modelling industry for three years. She has not engaged herself to any relationships. Except for her manager Charlie, she has not associated herself with any man. She focused on her job as a ramp and commercial model. Many have tried to get close to her and she even get indecent proposals most of the time from old politicians and billionaires but she intentionally distanced herself from all of them. She focused on taking care of her grandfather, career and on her studies.

Since she can no longer go back to sleep, she got out of bed. She went to the bathroom. She filled the tub with lukewarm water and dipped herself into the tub. It somehow relaxed every muscle in her body and she slowly fell into sleep.

It may have been 2 hours since she laid into the tub and she was awaken by a light tap on her face. She slowly opened her eyes. She squinted her eyes due to the sudden exposure to light and she saw a silhouette. She closed her eyes to adjust to the surrounding before she opened it again only to see Joseph squatting on the floor. She became conscious of her nakedness. She crossed her arms in the hopes to cover herself and she curled herself into a ball position. Joseph smirked and took a towel from the rack.

"Breakfast is ready", he said as he handed her the towel. She took the towel and looked at him without moving.

"I will wait outside", he said and left the bathroom.

She hurriedly got out of the tub and then took a shower to rinse the soap. She cautiously peeked outside the bathroom to see if Joseph is still there. She did not bring any clothes with her inside so she only have the towel tightly wrapped around her. After making sure that Joseph is not there, she slowly went out of the bathroom and took her luggage which was still on the floor. She took a pair of jeans and a floral blouse with a ¾ sleeve and buttoned in the front. After putting on her clothes, she blew dried her hair. She just applied a loose powder on her face and then a red lipstick on her lips. She was satisfied with how she looked in the mirror. She then pulled her hair up in a bun. She looked so young and refreshed. She applied a little bit of perfume, her favorite DG light blue. After making sure she looked ok, she went out of her room.

"Please follow me mam", a young made was waiting for her outside the room. She looked around and can't see Joseph anywhere. She followed the maid to the dining room downstairs. No one is in the dining table when she got there except for a maid who was setting the table for her. She greeted her politely.

"Good morning Miss Cristine, your breakfast is ready", the maid said with a smile.

She looked around but found no one except for the maid who escorted her from her room and the maid who served her breakfast.

"Madam Celine takes her breakfast in her room while Master Joseph usually takes his breakfast early", the older made who served her food explained.

"Oh I see", she said and looked at the food before her. There's scrambled egg with butter, fried rice and dried fish which are her favorite. Banana and apples are on the fruit basket. Another tray with bread is there. She took the banana and eat it first, it has become her habit to eat fruit first contrary to what others are normally doing. Eating the fruit first will prepare the stomach to accept any food and will also aid in the digestion. Being a model is not easy. There are so many things that she was told to do. She was only lucky that she did not need to control her diet because no matter what she eats, she never gained weight. It was because of her metabolism. The only thing she made sure she does every day is to drink plenty of water and have enough sleep. It helped her maintain her soft and flawless skin as well as her figure.

As she was eating, she noticed that the maid was packing foods and loaded them in a picnic basket and she was about to ask what was that for when she heard the door opened and closed immediately.

"Hi, you must be big sister Cristine", came a small voice from behind. She turned around and saw a cute little girl in red and white floral dress. Her hair was up in a braid, she looked so adorable and charming. However, she seemed to be so hesitant to go near her.

Cristine smiled back at her and said, "And you must be Claire?'' She guessed it by the look of her. She looked so familiar.

Claire nodded and shyly put her hands at her back with her eyes looking at her like she was stars strucked.

"You are very beautiful just like how Joseph described you to be", she giggled a little but still did not go near her.

"Really? And you are so beautiful as well, we are indeed sisters", she said with the smile plastered on her face.