


/"What are you seeking?/" Asked Moosa staring at Ahad, as he was checking the new weapon given to him for trial.

/"I don't know yet./" He answered aiming at the target before him.

/"You've been with us for more than a year and I am still not able to fully understand you./"

/"Do not concern yourself with me. You are my commander, so just order me around, use me and throw me away when I m not needed./"

/"I don't care whether you think of me as your commander or not but my men aren't just my subordinate, including you./"

Ahad didn't respond to his comment and kept shooting his target.

/"Ahad, have you ever thought of avenging your friend's death?/"

/"So many times that I have lost the count./"

/"Then why are you hesitating? You know I won't stop you./"

/"It is not the right time./"

/"One of the attackers is under my custody./" Moosa informed to check his reaction.