


Kanwal kept tossing and turning but couldn't sleep for a second. What happened today was continuously repeating in her mind and now she was starting to think that where she stands in Ahad's life. At first, she was angry at him for disappearing and leaving her alone in a place where she was not familiar with, yet same time she was worried about him too. The words Yawar said earlier keep pinching her heart, the guilt stopped her to call him. She has been rejecting Ahad since they got married but his pain was making her restless.

Staring at the ceiling Kanwal recalled the moment when he embraced her in the hospital. His grip on her was tight that it startled her. The Ahad she knows wasn't someone who easily sewed by emotions, he was always strong and never allows his feelings to control him. Or that was she thought before today. Natasha told her not to worry about Ahad too much as Moosa was with him all the time.

Moosa was with Ahad, why?