


He couldn't take his eyes off of Kanwal as she gazed at the huge fountain before them. Her long hairs, which she left untied was dancing with the breeze, covering her face from time to time. The lights of the fountain were reflecting in her lost eyes. She has been like this since yesterday when Ahad told her about Moosa. He gave her some space all day and finished all the important work that needed to be done. For dinner, he took her out with him to a luxurious hotel in the city. But nothing fascinated her here, she remained lost in her thoughts like before.

Ahad has huge shares in this hotel, that's why he was allowed to have the whole dining hall to himself. It caused an immense loss to their business, but to Ahad, once in a while, people should take such risks for people they love. There was still time before dinner is served, therefore he brought Kanwal outside so she could enjoy the view of the dancing fountain.