


After Ahad left, Kanwal was all alone in the huge mansion. She had already sent off all the maids home and all the guards were outside. They would only come inside when needed.

Kanwal had lunch half-heartedly like usual and prayed Zohar prayer. While folding the prayer mat, she heard a glass breaking sound, as someone had broken inside the house. Kanwal thought that Ahad might have come home, but not long after, everything went silent as before. Putting the mat on the side, she left the room and walk to the direction where the noise came from. But on reaching there, she didn't find the source of noise, no broken thing nor Ahad. Everything was in the right place as it should be.

Then where did the voice come from????

Kanwal immediately looked around the whole house but she couldn't find anything that could possibly make that sound.

Was it my imagination???