
Chapter 1

"If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don't fight, you can't win!"-Eren Yaeger


"GET THAT BRAT." You hear a loud male voice boom, causing you to run fast with the bread you held in your hands.

'If I just turn this corner.' You think to myself while you took a sharp turn into the ally way that had a small hole for you to sneak away.

"DON'T LET HER GET AWAY!" You heard the same voice say while you threw the bread to the other side of the hole and quickly scrambled to get to the other side.

"Sister!" You hear my little brother call while you pop my head through the other side.

You smile at him in response but before you could say anything your left leg suddenly gets pulled and within a second your world turned upside down.

"I got you this time." The man said then added, "Do you know how much bread you stole from me in the past month?" He asked

"Do you know why I keep coming back to steal your bread?" You asked while he glared at me before asking

"Why?" You smirked at him

"Because you're a total idiot," You say while you balled up your fists before punching him in the crotch.

He quickly dropped your leg and you scrambled to quickly get through the hole.

"YOU LITTLE BRAT!" You heard him yell in anger, while you looked at your little brother.

"Y/n, Y/n, can we eat the bread now?" Your little brother asked while he excitedly held up the bread to you

"Let's get you washed up, first," You said and he pouted

"But then it then bread won't be warm." He said while he gave you his puppy dog eyes

"Fine," You say giving in while you took the bread from your brother

"But, first we need to clean the bread," You say while you gently run your fingers across the warm bread to dust it off.

You broke the bread and handed the bigger piece to your brother, and you both sat down on the edge of the street.

"After we eat, we need to get you all cleaned up," You say and he smiled and nods before taking a bite out of the bread

"It's so yummy." He says while he chews his food

"Eat with your mouth close," You say while you ruffled his hair before taking a bite out of your bread.

"Now my hair is all messed up." Your brother complained while he played with his hair, trying to fix his mess up hair.

"Here," You say while you hold the bread in your mouth, while you reach your hands out to fix his hair.

"There," You said while you finished fixing his hair and took a bite of your bread

"Fine, it makes up for messing it up." your little brother said while he took another bite of his bread

"Sissy, what is the outside world like?" your brother suddenly asked and you glanced over at him

"The sky is a pretty blue, and birds fly in the sky. There is running water, with fish living in it." you say and your little brother intently listens.

"I want to come with you!" He says determined and you quickly shake your head

"It's too dangerous," you say and he stands up

"I'm older now! I want to go!" He says determined and you shake my head once again

"You can't-" you started to say but before you could finish your sentence, he quickly dropped his bread and bolted straight for the hole in the wall.

"STOP!" you yelled while you quickly got up and chased after him

"THERE SHE IS!"you hear a male voice boom once again and you glance back to see the man I ran from before

"This is not good," you mumbled to yourself while you crawled through the hole once again, but instead of seeing the other side, a wall of men surrounded you.

"Sissy!" you hear my brother call from one of the arms of the men

"Let him go!" you yelled and the guy tighten his grip on him

"Sissy, save me-" your brother called out while the man continued to tighten his grip

"Please let him go, I'll surrender," you say but he didn't let him go

"I promise.... I will... behave-" your brother said and you quickly charged at the guy who held your brother

"Let him go," you said more forcefully this time while you punched him in the face

He released your brother and you quickly shoved him away from the group of men.

"Run," you said to him before the guy you had punched quickly got back up and grabbed you by your shirt collar." What are you going to do now, shortie?" The man said while he held me up

You glanced back at your brother who still stood there.

"RUN!" You yell this time while you punched the guy once again and you followed up with a kick to the gut.

You landed on my feet while you looked up at the 3 other men.

"Who's next?" You mumbled while you glared up at the others.

You glance back for a second to check on your brother, who was now nowhere in sight only to be delivered with a punch to the gut.


You laid on the ground while the 4 men towered over you once again.

"Its a 4 against 1, why do you think you would ever have a chance." you hear one of the guys say to you

"As long as he got away," you mumbled and one of them bent down towards you

"What did you say?" He asked you and when you didn't respond he kicked you in the stomach

"How is this fair?" you hear a boy say and you glanced up at him

'He should run while he can.' you think to yourself while you finally give in to the sleepiness.


"Will she really be ok?" you hear your brother voice ask worriedly

"She will be fine, she just got beaten up a bit. That's it." You hear the same voice of the boy who showed up

"W-Where am I?" You ask trying to move your body, but it feels too heavy. You look up at a raven-haired boy who stood next to my brother.

"Underground." He said simply and you tilted your head at the boy who saved you

"Who are you?"

"Levi Ackerman."

So I decided to start an AOT fanfic, I hope you enjoy!!!




_Anime_Qalaxy_creators' thoughts