
You Are Mine (English)

COMPLETED She is an unknown actress Edie Lara, who had a one night stand with the Noble Prince and the CEO Of L.N Group, Stuart Yates. He is every woman’s dream but not for someone like Edie. Stuart was said to be gay, but people behind him don't know the tragic past that pushed him to change into a different man. Stuart offered Edie a contract marriage after the passionate night they shared. He told her it would only last for six months until his family and shareholders could prove that he is not gay. Suddenly, Edie discovered the truth that Stuart is not gay but he had a rare type of phobia. She then fell in love with him. He did everything to let her stay beside him. One day someone pretends to be Stuart’s ex-fiancee after he met an accident, would he still remember his wife, Edie? Would their story ends tragically, or their love will remind him of the woman who is bound to be his fate from the very beginning? Would he still remember how deeply he loved her? Can Edie stand all the struggles along the way when she felt alone and unloved by her husband? Special Note: If you are looking for a sweet contemporary-romance genre, this novel doesn't have that kind of plot. Most plots of my novel talk about mystery, suspense, and a slice of life. Often FL starts a slow pace of development, from weak to strong. Wanna know more about the story follow me at Instagram: annashannellin

AnnaShannel_Lin · Urban
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Chapter 18: Movie Drama Audition

Zoe finally gave up struggling, and hastily said to her assistant, "Transfer the money." She stormed out of the room with her high-heels smacking against the floor. As soon as she left, the atmosphere in the room finally eased.

Zoe's assistant, who was not as domineering, stayed behind. She was a little embarrassed to say, "Edie, could I have your account number, and I will transfer the money to you."

Edie pointed to the makeup artist who had just been hit and said, "Give it to her!" The makeup artist looked up, and you could see that half of her face was swollen from the hit to the face. She was in her early twenties, she was also an assistant.

Hearing Edie's words, she was so shocked that the tears that were streaming down face instantly stopped. It was like she forgot how to cry. Edie frowned at her swollen face and said, "I can't believe Zoe would involve someone else, and I am so sorry, it was all because of me. So, I want you to have the money." The makeup artist responded with tears flowing in her eyes again and said, "I don't know what to say, thank you, Miss. Edie."

The assistant transferred the money, and Edie deleted the photo in front of Zoe's assistant. Lily was embarrassed that such a thing could have happened in her salon. She thought Edie might have been upset with her, so she said, "Miss. Edie, don't be angry. Let me make it up to you. For all your trouble, this one is on me."

Edie nodded and sat down in the chair. Lily began to do her make up for her, just as she started to put some skincare products to put on Edie, she closed her eyes and whispered. "Miss. Edie, you were so amazing today! We have been putting up with Zoe for so long now, and it was nice to see someone put her in her place. She deserved everything she got."

"What?" she said faintly without opening her eyes.

"Zoe has been so crazy lately. Joyce accidentally hurt her the day before yesterday when she was giving her a manicure, and she slapped Joyce on her hand. She told her never to do it again, or next time it would be worse. Then what happened today, she's going insane. No one can seem to control anymore."

I wouldn't be surprised if she soon gets thrown out of the showbiz world. I heard that she had sex with one of the senior executives who worked for L.N. Group, and that was how she got the leading actress part in the film. Can you imagine anyone doing such a thing?" Edie couldn't believe what she was telling her.

"Really? How could she so easily seduce a senior executive from L.N. Group?" asked Edie.

"I saw it in the gossip group magazine," she said.

What about Edie? She was the wife of L.N. Group's CEO. What would they think of her if they were to find out? Would they believe the same thing like her? She knew that her secret could not be revealed, or it ruins her career.

The doors of the Villa were opened. "Master, why are you back so soon?" Mr. Sampson was surprised when he saw him. Then he wondered if Hong Kong's business was not going well. Stuart got off the plane and went straight back to the Villa.

Mr. Sampson looked at Stuart's face and could see how lovely he looked. His cold front expressed the relief of now being relaxed. It almost seemed like he was in a good mood. "Where's Edie?" Stuart's eyes swept through the house.

Thinking she was still sleeping, he walked up the stairs. "Master, Miss Edie, had an audition today and left early this morning." Stuart stopped, and he remembered what she had told him, but he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. He wanted so much to see her.

He was hoping he would see her as soon as he got back. It was less than two minutes since he got home and his wife was gone. He suddenly had an idea. He asked for Edie's work information and left as soon as he found out.

Mr. Sampson had no clue what was going on. His Master was here, was it because he told him that Miss Edie missed him? So he immediately returned to the city! Wouldn't he do such a thing? Would he? Who is this person? Was this still his Master?

He couldn't remember him ever doing anything like this ever before! Mr. Sampson pinched his arm. Ouch, it hurts! That was the truth. Stuart went out of the house and went straight to the Limousine.

Mr. Sampson and Stuart's secretary were a little unresponsive to seeing him back so soon. "Master, did you forget something?" asked Mr. Sampson tentatively. After getting the earliest flight back, the first thing on his mind was to return to the Villa to see Edie. There had to be another reason why he would leave his important business in Hong Kong behind.

The secretary looked at Stuart's face and asked carefully, "Sir, are you going back to the company?" Stuart gave him a grim look, and the secretary immediately shut his mouth. After a while, Stuart blurted out, "where is the audition being held?"

Mr. Sampson and the secretary looked at each other. They both thought that they must have misunderstood him. The CEO could earn hundreds of millions of dollars in a few minutes, why he would care about an audition for a small T.V. play?

Stuart's secretary had been with him for many years, so when Stuart wanted something, he was always prepared. He pulled out his notebook and checked out the company that was under L.N. Group.

If a movie or drama audition were going on in the city, they would find it. The entertainment industry was not the company's main project. That didn't matter to Stuart, he never cares.

"I found it!" The secretary said. He could feel Stuart's overbearing gaze. He swallowed anxiously, and his voice began to slow down. "It's being held at the Movie Tower on the eighth floor. It has already started and has been going on for about an hour.

Stuart narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes grew deep as if to say, do it and do it now. The deep thought was betrayed in his furrowed brow. The secretary did not know what he was thinking. He tried to guess Stuart's idea and tentatively asked, "Sir, Do you plan on going to the Movie Tower?" Stuart looked at him as if he was a fool.

The secretary immediately understood. He straightened his back and turned to the driver and said, "Go to Movie Tower." It was not easy being Stuart's secretary. If you did not understand his meaning, you would be regarded as a fool. Even if it was only a look, you always had to be on top of things. It was like you had to be inside Stuart's mind.

Mr. Sampson was also thinking, knight-errant? The investment in this T.V. play seemed to be at least two hundred million, why did the Master suddenly need to go to the audition? Was there anything in this play that he wanted? Or did the Master want to pay more attention to the entertainment industry? Was it the message? Why did he come back in such a hurry? All these unanswered questions were going through his mind.

The three people in the car had their own ideas. None of them was the same.