
You are in dark

It's about a girl Freen who have frequent dreams even in days. It was not a problem until she realises that her dream is fusing with reality when she meets Becky. how would she end it.?

Deeksha_Nagesh · LGBT+
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2 Chs


Freen's PoV

Hi I amFreen . I'm 20years by now. I always have a night dream of horror but I never feel scared of it. It may be because I'm used to it. My face is always emotionless and I never smile. I'm always jumbled with my own thoughts.

I started to have this kind of dream when I was 16. I was not like this before. I was very friendly and joyful person but all of a sudden that day when my close friend left me. She was no more. She met with an accident while we were on a ride in bike. I had deep injury and went to coma for 1year.

When I woke up I realised that my friend was no more. She was the only one I had in my life with whom I shared every small thing she took care of me so do I. Now I'm always lonely and sad. My mom decided to send me to college to make my life back normal. But it was not like earlier now I'm always getting visions. I think it's dream I see my friend screaming for help. I see she is trapped in a home and I see someone who stands out locked her in that home.

That person outside the door changes very frequently. Every day a new person is standing and there faces are really weird . The face once has only eyes or only nose. There hands are cut half. They always give her some food for leaving. They have tied them to chains and she is crying and screaming my name for help.

Firstly when I had this vision I woke up from ICU in the hospital. I screamed out loud my mom ran to me and hugged me tight . I didn't say anything to her I kept it to myself.

It was to scary but I didn't let it on my face.

This is how I started to be an extremely introvert person I couldn't share this to anyone as no one would believe it .

Now I slowly adjusted my mind to this terrible vision's. I couldn't get my previous life back. These visions are quit frequently occurring. My mom suspects me but she don't know the whole thing what's happening to me.

Day passes and I had to go college it was my first day. I entered the campus its really very huge but it didn't bother me much. As I entered my class many were already seated I choose to sit alone at the last.

Suddenly a girl comes to speak with me but I am lost in my own world.

She said " Hi I'm Becky . Nice to meet you" . I didn't here anything but that name Becky I suddenly got visions this time it was real I entered that hunted house. Ya I was in I see my friend Becky coming towards me her chain is pulled by her as she comes near to me. Now my body is shivering with fear because I was in that house I am feeling scared weird. She suddenly touched my hand I came back to reality that girl who just introduced herself asked me "Are you fine?". She looked worried about me. I just nodded my head she sat beside me and my face was filled with fear.

This was first time since I woke up from coma that my face showed some emotions. Becky asked me "Are you really ok?" . I see her without any reaction on my face. I speak to a person for the first time.

I said "Yes need not worry". She then starts to say about herself more I was just listening. Why the fuck am I feeling that she is similar to my friend Becky who left me. She speaks like her , she laughs like her, cares me like her, she made me more comfortable with her. But the problem was ever since I meet her those visions turned to reality. Now it was not just dream now I could even enter that haunted house see and touch my friend but it was really scaring me a lot.

This happened very often whenever she touched me physically I would reach that scary house . I don't know what was happening. I lost the gap between reality and the vision.

One day Becky said "hey Freen lets go out". But I was scared to go out with her. She forced me a lot at-last she won and she hold my wrist tightly and pulled me out of the campus.

Ah as soon as she hold my hand my vision started I was in that house and my friend was holding my hand. She had got rid of that chain tied on her leg. She takes me deep inside that house. It was really like a big prison of dead people. I looked around there were many rooms like her. In each room a person was tied like her. I was feeling bad as I saw all those spirits trapped there . I'm not sure what actually was going on there.

Then she left my hand and I saw a huge truck just beside me and everything went dark...

When I opened my eyes I was in a hospital bed. My mom entered the ward and I saw Becky behind her. I was not surprised as she was the one took me out in the college. But how did I landed there I was in the scary house.

My mom said "How are you feeling now? Are you fine?" I just nodded my head positively. Then I said my mom "Mom I have to speak to Becky alone". My mom understood and she left us alone.

Now it was the time for her to know the truth because I have understood that there is something weird between me and her. I think we are connected as soon as she touch me I was going to the scary house. I wanted to ask her many things and I know even she wanted to speak.

To be continued.....
