
You & 1: Part 2

4 years ago, she walked away from that toxic relationship. 4 years ago, she learned how to put herself first before anyone else. She thought, finally... She gained the freedom. But destiny planned something different for her. After a long struggle, Pandora successfully enrolled in her dream college. She is one step closer to achieving her ambition; holding a degree. She is once again ready to face the challenge. She knew she needed to be brave and strong because now she was a role model for her 4-year-old daughter, Shu. Who knows, the past is running towards her! She never expected to meet her ex, Zee. The man unexpectedly changed so much after 4 years. Now, he is in his senior year, while Pandora is a freshman. Since the encounter, they always met each other in a series of unfortunate/fortunate events, which drew them closer to each other. While Pandora is trying her best not to have any feelings for Zee, the man himself slowly falls in love with his ex, not knowing the secret that she kept from him. What happens when Zee learns the truth about Shu?

anya_mac69 · Urban
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37 Chs


Okay, let's move on to Yara. As we know, she was wasted last night. Although she claimed that she used to drink, matter of fact, it was her father who taught her to drink, it seems that Yara is still a rookie.

She wakes up this morning, feeling much better than last night. Her headache is not that severe, but the remaining stains of a hangover are still on her system.

Yara slowly opens her eyes. It's good to be home! She grins alone, still wriggling in the bed. As she smacks her hand to the side, she hears a grunt.

A grunt.


Am I still dreaming?

Yara smacks her face a few times. She whines because of the pain. So, she's Pan was awake now and realizes...

The bedsheet looks strange to her. She never owned anything so dull, plain, and dark. Then slowly she realizes...

She never plays basketball. So, why the hell is that huge, big orange ball doing in her room-

Is this her room?

The first thing that she checks is whether she's properly dressed under the duvet. The good news, she's not even an inch naked.

The bad news? Those T-shirts and short pants are not hers.

Yara can't hold her feelings anymore. Her curiosity immediately kicks in. She musters her courage and flips the duvet.

"Ahhhh!!!" her scream makes the other person wake up.

"Fire! Fire! Call the rescue team!"

Yara smacks the head with a fluffy pillow. She keeps on smacking while the person never bothers to stop her.

"Ai shia! What's wrong with you?!"

"Me?! You brought me back to your room! You slender pervert-"

"You're the one who hopped into my car!"

"Liar! I won't simply hitchhiking!"

"Then, why are you ending up in my bed?!"

"Tell me how did I end up in your..." Yara stares at the person. And then, she screams again!

"Ai sutt! What is wrong with you?!"

"Where is your top? Did you wear anything down there?!"

The person suddenly smirks. His eyes linger on Yara, looking at her up and down.

"You wanna find out?"

Yara smacks the person's shoulder.


"Who's a pervert, huh? Who? Should I tell you what were you doing to me last night?"

Yara is going blank. She can't recall anything from the last night. She did remember the part when she came out from the toilet. But, that's the only part that she could remember.

"What did I do? Tell me!"

"I don't know. Something about a good kisser..." the person leans closer to her. "... And, grinding..." Those eyes move downward, making Yara slap the person, out of intuitive.

"Oi, what's the slap for?!"

"Keep your eyes up, or I'll pluck it out!"

"Like I wanna gaze on them anyway! Too small, even from up close, it's not visible-"

Yara swings her hand again, but this time the person manages to stop her.

"Let me go!"

"You should thank me for saving your life! At least I'm being gentle to you. Imagine if a bad person found you last night..."

Yara screams while pressing her palms against her ears. The person tries to stop her from screaming.

"Stop it, crazy! You woke up the whole nation!" the person smacks Yara with a pillow.

"Let them know how pervert you are! Wait..."

Both of them halt for a moment.

"Who are you?" asks Yara.

"Who are you?" the person asks her back.


"You slept with a stranger?" asks Han with a high-pitched voice. Then, he scrunches his nose and shuts himself when Kim stirs suddenly in bed.

"Yes..." the girl replies slowly.

"Sorry Yara... I shouldn't have left you alone last night," Pan sighs, how many times over the past hour while talking to her friends? She lost count already.

"We all know what happened to us last night? What about you? Why did you leave Yara alone?" asks Han.

"Yes! Where were you last night?!" Yara suddenly yelps at Pan. Maybe she is indeed still mad at Pan. But Yara denies it, afraid that she might lose a friendship with her.

"It's a long story. But, so far... Nothing weird happened to me. I'm home. Safe and sound," says Pan, smiling ear to ear.

"I hate her confidence!" says Yara. She crumbles her fists.

"You want me to curse her?" asks Han, in a note of teasing.

"Ai sutt, you better not!" Pan warns Han. The man giggles and feels amused with the tease.

"Pan... Words..."

"Sorry, mae..." Pan replies between faint laughter. She slowly wakes up from the bed.

"So, what's for today?" asks Han.

"I don't think I wanna go out! I don't feel secure..." Yara whines.

"I might have to deal with something..." Han grabs his T-shirt from the floor. "Or, someone..." his eyes glare at Kim.

Seriously, is he sleeping or dead? I don't remember being so rough last night. He murmurs alone.

"What about you, Pan?" asks Han.

"Family matters, as usual..." Pan casually replies to Han. She walks towards the curtain and opens it in one swipe. That's when she sees something that she didn't expect at this hour.

"Gu...guys... I... I call you back!" Pan immediately cuts the call. Her hands shake so badly. Her whole body is trembling.

"Finally, a good amount of sunshine..." the person stares at her.


Pan still looking at the person who casually lying on his side, stabbing his elbow onto the soft springy mattress.

"What are you doing here?!" Pan inquires the person with a striking voice.

"Wow... You forgot what happened last night..." the person replies with frustrated notes.

"Stop goofing around, Zee!"

Zee slowly rises from the bed. He grabs his pants from the floor.

"Can I have my top?"

"How should I know where it is?!"

"You wear it..."

Pan looks over her body. That very black T-shirt is not hers. She feels her cheek burns.

"Turn around..."

"Seriously?" Zee gives her a bland expression.

"Just fucking turn around!" Pan yells at Zee.

"Fine! Like I never see you naked before..."

"Shut up! And don't take a peek!" Pan warns him. She quickly grabs anything available in her dresser, undresses like a commando, and throws the T-shirt at Zee.

"Wear it. And leave..."

"Wow, this is truly a nail and bail!"

"I don't care! Leave before anyone wakes up," says Pan. She grabs her pants from the floor and wears them. In no time, both of them are properly dressed.

"Wait..." Pan stops Zee from leaving. She bites her lips softly. It might not be necessary but if she keeps it out of light, she might end up feeling awkward around Zee in the future.

Zee glares at Pan. He knows what's inside her mind. Knowing her since he was 13, having a relationship with her, even if not for a very long time, taught him enough about Pan, inside out.

"Don't worry. We both wasted last night. It's no one's fault. Don't overthink," Zee replies to Pan before she can ask him.

"So, it's true?!" Pan looks devastated. Zee nods in tiny.

"There's no way we could avoid it. We are adults who were left alone and lost out to insanity temporarily. Anything can happen," Zee grabs his sweater.

Pan's body trembles like a dead leaf. She couldn't hide her embarrassed reaction when she learned the truth about what happened to her and Zee last night.

"Can I say something?" Zee's inquiry makes Pan startled. But, she nods softly, waiting for him to ask her anything.

"Even after four years, you still make me blown away with your charm, Pan. You know what I mean," Zee's crook lips making Pan blushes so hard, that she grabs a pillow and threw it towards Zee.

"Get. out!"

Zee puts his hands in the air, and surrenders immediately. He was about to grab the knob when...

"Mama! Are you awake?"

Both Pan and Zee exchange looks.

This is trouble!