
You're The Stars To My Night Sky

Stars are bright and beautiful against the wide stretch of darkness of the night sky,but my mate is even more beautiful... Caldyn Carvali is a shifter,but not the usual type.He shifts from human to panther and has a very deep connection with his mate and a strong drive to keep her safe and love her. Will things go according to their mate bond?

Kira_pantera_x · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

That pleasantly milennial coot finally left after we bickered for about another 15 minutes. I slammed the door shut,royally pissed that such a small minded fool was making such high claims over my darling mate.My anger decided to take control and my hand shifted partially and I punched the wall.I instantly felt bad for the wall because there was a hole where my fist was and my fist was half way inside the wall.I cringed a bit at the mess that was on the floor which was caused when I pulled my fist out from the wall.I pinched the bridge of nose and closed my eyes as I tried to calm myself down.I paced around a little in an attempt to relax the angered brain cells in my skull and also so that the partial shift could return to my normal hand.I just needed something to rid of this extreme annoyance and anger that I was feeling.The anger made me feel like some kind of malicious monster as random death scenes from different anime,manga,movies and series popped into my head,trying to create the perfect scene for Casteeleo Giovanni's death.

Suddenly,a very vivid and very exposed image of my mate popped into my head and that made me stop dead in my tracks.My eyes were wide open and my face felt hot.All thoughts of planning Giovanni's death and our 'talk' from earlier had vanished into nothingness at that moment.At that moment,I felt like a fangirl seeing her favourite husbando.I felt my normally composed self slip away and it felt as if the temperature had shot up.I could feel myself burning up and I could also feel some arousal.Its almost like that image of her that my mind had conjured up (in an attempt to calm me down)

was an aphrodisiac and at this moment,I needed to get rid of the feeling.Well,I guess desperate times call for desperate measures.I did not even give a shit about the mess from my fit of anger.I made my way to my room and it was somewhat painful to get there.My breathing was heavy and my body felt hot.It felt as if it took me an hour to get to my room.Once I made it there,my legs gave out,so I sat in an upright position,my back against the base of my bed.Images of her under me,writhing in pleasure came to my mind.My one hand made it's way to my face because at this moment,I was feeling really shy and then I tried to brush some of my hair away from my face but it did not work because the sweat on my forehead made strands of hair somewhat cling to my forehead.The same hand slipped down to my lips and the back of my palm made contact with my lips.My breathing was unchanged.The heat in my sweatpants was quite unbearable and so my other hand slipped inside my sweatpants.My eyebrows furrowed a bit and my breathing was taking it's time to ease down.

Once I was done with somewhat taking care of my arousal,I got into the shower cubicle and decided to cool myself down completely. The ice cold water felt good on my burning hot skin.After about half an hour, I walked out of the shower with a towel around my waist and my hair dripping wet.I felt much calmer and cooler.

Once I dried myself off completely,I decided to message my mate with my name and a good night message.Once the message was sent,I set my phone down on the night stand and made my way to the kitchen to drink water.Whilst there,I heard my phone beep.I wrinsed the glass and put it in the cupboard and then I made my way to my room again.I picked up my phone and what I saw warmed my icy cold queen diva bitch heart.It was a cute good night message in the form of a full sentence with many emojis attached to that sentence.I replied to her message with a heart and then I decided to do something that I normally do not get to do.I climbed into bed and once my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.