

The smell of Cuban beans and rice filled the home of Dontae. Amari was just taking the baked chicken out of the oven.

Dontae walked in the apartment with red puffy eyes. Beat from back to back meetings. He can finally kick his shoes off and loosen his tie and throw it across the living room.

" Babe, in home!" as he entered the kitchen. He hugged Amari from the back as she was holding the pan of hot chicken.

The smell of black orchid and juniper oil filled his nose as he sniffed her hair. The smell burned into his memory of her. He lived her scent. He would kill to smell this fragrance on her forever if he could.

He began to kiss her neck and caress her shoulders.

" TAE" she said with a loud moan. " Taaaaae, please stop." she continued to moan as her eyes rolled in the back of her head as he started kissing her ears. The hot breath on the nape of her neck sent electric shock through her spin and she almost dripped the pan of hot chicken. " I have hot chicken in my hands and I don't want to drop it." she continued and she felt her hands getting weak.

He released her with a grin " Okay, but later on it's on!" he continued showing his Colgate smile. " So how was the dress fitting? Is everything good.?" he asked as he helped her take the food to the table

" Yeah! It's just the dress was a little too tight around my waist. I asked if they could let it out a few inches. I need it to be perfect." She said she placed the chicken on the table.

" Why is it tight? It's not like your appetite changed. Your metabolism is super high, I've seen you eat and you can eat a lot."

" Well, maybe it's starting to slow down a little. Maybe I shouldn't eat so much until after the wedding."

" Yeah, okay." he said sarcastically. " When that happens pigs, clowns, hippos and whales will fly." he laughed.

" Yeah, whatever" she said in a goofy voice " You like it, you want it" she continued

" All I know is that me and my boys are ready! The dance competition is on and we're going to see who's going to win. Either my boy, Biggie or Tupac. So don't half step girl. Don't get mad when we whip y'all butts." he said with a sly grin, a wink and nodding his head.

" You like to brag don't you? Those who like to brag and talk smack get their butts beat. Remember that Mr. Kim!" she said as she pound her fist into hand and placing her right hand to her right eye, suggesting a black eye.

" Food smells good. I'm hungry, let's eat."

They say down to enjoy their meal.


Later on that evening in their bedroom. They were getting ready for bed. Dontae has just got out of the shower and was drying off. Amari was putting lotion on her hands. He was getting ready to get into the bed to indicate that he was ready to take her, but she wanted to talk about the Inu situation.

"Tae, before we get into the goodness that you bring, I want to talk about that friend-person of yours. I know that you and Inu have been friends for many moons and I have nothing against that. But I don't trust her. Remember she tried to spread rumors that I was a gold digger? And how she so tried to poison me until your mother stepped in and took the drink out of my hand?" she was speaking calmly with her eyes closed but you could hear the hurt and tears in her voice.

" We don't know if it was poison." he replied while kissing her left shoulder.

" Dontae, I had it analyzed and tested. it was ecstasy in the drink babe. She obviously had someone waiting somewhere for me. She tried to kill me, why don't you believe me?" she opened her eyes as she pushed him away from her in a fit of anger. But she still spoke in a calm voice. " Whatever, you don't have to believe me. What about the time she tried to make me fall down the stairs in your office building? Luckily I caught myself, but that's beside the point of me bringing her up. For the wedding day. Just for one day, I want peace. Please talk to your friend-person and tell her to behave for just that one day. Please?" she continued

" I will get her to leave you alone for good, but trust me, Inu is not evil. She would never harm anyone. She's just misunderstood."

" Dontae, I'm your woman not her. Defend me not her. You know what forget it. There's no point of me talking to you when you have blinders on. Don't touch me. I'm going to bed. she said angrily.

" Okay. I'll go to bed in a little bit. I have messages to check and reply to. Good night and see you in the morning my shinning star. I love you!" he said as he tried to touch and kiss her shoulder again, but got pushed away.

As he was in the living room checking his messages, he came across Inu's message.

Inu the friendly ghost: Good night sexy thang, lover boy, boyfriend. Get enough sleep. We have three meeting in the morning. So look all sexy for me and these other b**ches Be eye candy for the day. Dru Firm has a lady rep coming to view the contract for the Philder building project. If you succeed I'll give you a blow job..... JK. I'll give a blow pop lollipop. But seriously, doll it up.

' Does she have a crush on me? Cause... nah, she doesn't. She's just kidding' he thought.

Inu is sneaky, but he doesn't see it.