
You're so not my Alpha

"don't be rude and do as your Alpha says" Aiden smirks. "you are so not my Alpha" Cynthia snapped angrily to the nth time that day. *********** Or The war between the Alderpack and the Azures was as old as time. The young Alderpack's Alpha, Cynthia was sent to the human world to avenge the death of her mother after another great war between them and the Azures. It was then she found out that the young Alpha of the rival pack was her mate. Aiden just wants to leave a normal life as an high school jock and a young Alpha who anticipate to meet his mate until he finds out that she is, of course the Alpha princess of his rival pack. It was odd to mate from a rival pack. It was more odd for two Alphas to be mated. And it was most odd when it seems like every living creature wants one of them dead in other to break the mating bond which was said to be related by an old prophecy about bringing the two "most unlikely strengths" together to save those who dwell under the moon. The two Alphas, despite their differences, are to work together and protect each other on their journey of mating and finding the arch enemy. As much as they hated each other's guts, they must fight together, protect each other and find love, against all odds. And lastly the mating ceremony of two Alphas and the wedding of two rival packs. The war that had long being threatening and had left the two packs broken and wounded was now over. Those Hearts who seeks revenge and hearts who seeks answers. History revealed it's secret, wounds were healed and scars were covered and kept for memory purpose. This is a story that portrays love in it's most delicate, yet dangerous guise.

DaoistwXf5L3 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chocolate and blonde

For an early morning workout, Aiden was sweating excessively as he was doing his hundred-and-oneth early morning pushups. "Just to keep in shape" he'll say.

After a last triumphant 'umph', he stood up slowly, breathing heavily but feeling pleased, pleased to be feeling strong and alive. Just like every other morning, Aiden Park works his head out before he thinks of any other plan for the day.

He loves to keep in shape and to feel strong and healthy. With a rather tall feature, he doesn't look too bulky. He looks fit and okay, full abs and strong biceps. His golden blonde hair stuck to his forehead because of too much sweat. His toned face with a strong jawline and a rather full plum lips that were parted as he breathed heavily.

All in all, he was handsome. Or one could say, attractive.

His phone beeped and he picked it up from the night stand, rubbing his palm against his joggers to clean off sweat.

He checked the message with a swipe on the screen and scoffed.

*see me as soon as you arrive at school. It's more important than my early morning coffee. Arianna *

Giving how important his sister's morning coffee is, Aiden concluded that the call must be very important.

The drive to school was not all ways a quiet one for Aiden, maybe because he was quite famous and he had a lot of friends who called him here and there, or because he always see a reason to yell at one or two of them.

"oh fuck. I can't see you this early, I have thing to do". Aiden yelled into the phone as he was holding it to his ear with one hand and trying to focus on controlling the wheels with the other.

"whatever is it might as well wait as long as I'm pleased ".

He ended the call and throw his phone to the back seat, determined not to answer anymore calls.

And the car was so fast, just as he loved it. But the ride wasn't so excited because the drive was only twenty minutes before he hopped down and slung his backpack over his shoulder.

Breathing in the too familiar scent of fresh flowers and too much people walking up and down the school's parking lot.

"yo! Bright day. Is it".

Aiden turned swiftly to meet his friend who was also just hopping out if his own car.

"Jeremy ". Aiden greeted, the latter patting his shoulder.

"heard anything from Tasha?" Jeremy asked as they started walking. "Jenny maybe?"

"Jenny called". Aiden threw a swift glance at his friend who was smiling knowingly. "said if we could meet up before class, it should be very important ".

"And?" Jeremy pressed.

Aiden brushed his hand through his hair making it messier than it already was.

"I've gat to meet Arianna ".

Jeremy blows a low whistle.

"such a turn down ".

"I would have disobey if it had been Tasha's call". Aiden breathed, making his friend smile brightly.

"yeah, yeah". Jeremy chortled. "that girl's an hottie, lucky you, who can wrap his hand over whatever he wants. I'm always jealous of you giving her special treatment tho, and so is Jenny and fifty nine others".

They walked down the passage as everyone kept a fair distance away from them.

"she's new, let her be". Aiden cooed playfully.

"oh right". Jeremy laughed. "it won't be long enough before you start to eye another man's daughter ".

Aiden ignored him and made his way down to the principals office. He took a quick glance at his friend (who was still trailing behind him) with a questioning look.

"I'll take an excuse to worship another beauty my boy". Jeremy smiled ridiculously.

"suit your eyes". Aiden mumbled and doubled his pace as he climbed the little stairs before a black door with the tag "principal" on it.

He pushed the door open, not bothering to knock but froze when he saw a woman and a girl of about his age inside the office.

They both looked back in alarm as the door bragged open.

"oh, that's my little cousin ". The woman who is supposed to be the principal said, sending a stern stare at Aiden and Jeremy who stood frozen in front of the open door.

"wow, it's nice to meet you". The other woman said in a very friendly tone.

Jeremy bow in return while Aiden glance over at the other girl who stood as rigid as a stone wall. Blank face expression.

Auden stomach flipped, giving him an unpleasant feeling at the back of his mind, he shook his head. He doesn't like this one. And maybe it had something to do with her dressing like a cow girl or her strong scent of chocolate that made him wanna gag.

"oh this is Cynthia Khang ". The principal said, still fixing her stern stare on her cousin. "I expect you'll be nice to her, given that she's in the same class with you and your lots".

Aiden rolled his eyes but nodded with a plastic smile after a dagger glare from his Aunty.

"and Jerry," She added. "can you please take Miss Khang to her class?"

"It's Jeremy, and it's a pleasure". Jeremy smiled cheekily.

Aiden snorted, knowing fully well that the pleasure was only by Arianna calling his name.

The other woman in the room stood up with a bright smile.

"thank you so much Miss Park ".

She faced her daughter with the biggest smile and hugged her while she only hugged back reluctantly.

"be a good girl".

The woman said before Bowing one more time to the principal and left the room.

The girl called Cynthia Khang moved after Jeremy, who led the way out of the office still with a cheeky smile.

"be a good girl" Aiden clicked his tongue and smirked as the girl walked pass him but he scrunched his face a second later when he was met with the too-strong scent of chocolate.

He entered the office fully and closed the door behind himself.

"Have a sit". Arianna beckoned.

He sat down with a soft sigh.

"there are two reasons why I called you here today. And both are for your own good".

Aiden was silent.

"firstly, you'll be turning eighteen in five days time". Arianna sighed.

"And?" Aiden urges.

"as much as you enjoy messing around, I think you should think more about the fact that you'll be getting a mate anytime now." The last part of the sentence was taken in a sharp breath by Aiden, who drummed his fingers on the table but didn't say a word, so Arianna took it as a clue to continue.

"you know you won't be so connected to your mate until you mark her. Things might get a little messy if you are not willing to leave your too much girlfriends and stick to one ".

Aiden finally stared up at his Aunt with a bored look.

He hates to admit the fact that he'll have a mate but he knows it's inevitable and he's ready.

"I know sis, I'm not dumb". He answered and his sister smiled tightly.

"suddenly, three new students appeared in your class today". Arianna laughed and the whole tension of seriousness lifted from the room.

"weird. isn't it".

"three? " Aiden quirked his brows.

"yeah". She smiled. "Lilian Sage, Simon Stark and Cynthia Khang is the third. I don't want to see any of them as a victim of your stupidness".

"don't worry, I'm not into boys or cow girls. But I won't promise you about the Stark girl if she happened to be pretty". Aiden smiled cheekily at his Auntie half bitter expression.

"I'm asking you not to bully the poor boy or scare the ladies away with your smuttiness". She said.

"I promised but I won't cross my heart ". He grinned.

"get out of my office ". Arianna growl at him.

Aiden raised his hand in defeat.

"you said there are two things".

"oh". His Aunt breathed out.

And the tension was back in the room again as she pulled on a stern and concern face again. A face that Aiden hated so much.

"it's about the pack's war".

She said and Aiden face fell.

30 minutes later, Aiden appeared in the class looking a little angry. He marched straight to his specified seat.

It was still early so students weren't much, Jeremy wasn't in class as were the other friends of Aiden.

He glanced around the familiar faces in the class and his expression was morphed into a wide smile when he sported the new girl.

For the last two years Aiden was forced to believe that pretty girls had gone in extinct. He was forced again to stick with the two most pretty girls in the school, Jenny and Tasha.

Tasha wasn't always in the game, she was transferred to the school last year, and that served as the only hope of more pretty girls for Aiden.

Jenny then had learnt to accept the fact that she doesn't not own Aiden and then again it had given her a reason to become a freaking bully to any girl Aiden tried to spare more than a blink.

Except for Tasha of course, due to the special treatment she tends to get, not only from Aiden but others too. (much to Jenny's annoyance).

One thing that Aiden loves about being the principal's spoilt cousin was that everyone seems to spare him any girl he had eyes for.

Perhaps it was because of his possessiveness.

But the girl (Aiden took a minute to appreciate her), bright blonde hair, slightly slender and tall, long lashes and all. (*like a fucking barbie.*) that was sitting right there smiling and giggling with another boy.

Aiden smile fluttered.

He looked closely at the boy and saw it was another new boy, not the one he met at his Aunt's office though.

He looked very tall and bulky but of course Aiden can't be intimated by mare statue.

Aiden walked up to them and sat down right next to the pretty girl, his smile still managing to cling to his lips.

"Hey". He greeted.

The girl turned to him in surprise but greeted back politely.

"Hey ".

Damn! Aiden thought, her voice were like silk but her eyes.... Her eyes were the deepest see he could ever stare at.

The girl was still staring at him with a bit of a wide eyes and he couldn't just bring himself to tear away his gaze.

It was breathtaking only to stare at her eyes. He can't look away, he just can't.

Her deep blue eyes were just calling, it kept calling, as if there were sirens there.

His brains were literally frozen and the only echo of heat rushing through his numb brain was....

Mate. Mate. Mate. Mate. Mate. Mate...

Until his head shot up as if being revived from a slumber, the sudden scent of chocolate makes him scrunch his nose and look around. He looked at the direction of his attraction and spotted Jeremy walking in with the other new girl. (the one he saw at the principal's office).

He wonder where they had gone all those while he spent talking with his Aunty.

His stomach did a back flip, making him remember that that was not the situation at hand.

He slowly averted his attention from Jeremy at the door and looked back at the pretty girl.

She was still smiling, very warmly.

"I'm Lilian. Lilian Sage".

"Aiden". He cooed.

"nice to meet you. But you seem familiar tho". Lilian smile brightly again.

And with every smile as bright as the ray of the sun, Aiden melted. His perfect Alpha's facade was melting down.

He wants to suddenly hug her and tell her that she's only his.

But there was still one problem, he couldn't pick up any werewolf scent from the pretty girl.

Is he mated to a human?