
You're my forever love

In her past life, she was deceived and died miserably at the hands of a scumbag. After being reborn, she became cold and ruthless, seeking revenge against those who wronged her in her previous life. From a timid and innocent girl, she transformed into a cold and aloof woman, but in front of the man she liked, she reverted to her old self. Her two main goals in this life were revenge and winning over Tyler Davis. "I heard you want to win me over?" "N-no, I want to take revenge first, and then... win you over!" Someone lightly tugged at the collar of his sleeping robe and bit his lip, hinting. "I'll take revenge for you, and now you can come and win me over. Come on!" "..." Unexpectedly, one day her two goals merged into one, and after winning over Tyler Davis, everything went smoothly!

ArcticVoyager · Fantasy
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154 Chs

The lion let out a deafening roar

Noah Foster immediately gestured for the two members of the Foster family waiting outside to come in.

"Take this card and immediately go get me 500,000 dollars in cash. Call my old man and tell him to guarantee this estate for ten years!"

"Yes, Miss!"

The room fell silent.

Amelia looked at Noah Foster.

"You can consider it borrowed from me," Noah Foster said with satisfaction.

"Noah Foster, I'll pay you back in a few days," Amelia said.

"Okay, okay. You can pay me back whenever you want," Noah Foster said. He didn't say that Amelia didn't have to repay him because she knew that no matter how valuable a gift was, she would still insist on repaying a loan of one dollar.

Ten minutes later, 500,000 dollars in cash and Noah Foster's father's written guarantee came through.

Noah Foster was always efficient in his work. If you didn't believe it, he'd put the evidence right in front of you and you'd have to believe it.

Taylor's lifeless eyes seemed to sparkle a little.

Noah Foster couldn't help muttering under his breath, "Money is everything!"

Taylor immediately turned to the little boy who had been in the room the whole time and said, "Dorian Gray, go open my locked cabinet and get the things inside for this lady!"

Dorian Gray, the little boy, looked at Amelia and finally went to the cabinet to retrieve a tube of ointment, which he handed to her.

Amelia accepted the ointment, just as she had in her past life.

The silver box contained milky white ointment that gave off a refreshing scent.

"Thank you, Taylor!"

"It's just a transaction. No need to be polite. I'm sorry about what happened before," Taylor said weakly.

It was like completing a great task and finally feeling relieved. The weight of death on her body seemed to be even heavier.

With the knowledge she had gained, Amelia knew that this Taylor lady probably wouldn't live for many more days. Her face and eyes were lifeless. Amelia had obtained what she wanted, so she and Noah Foster were ready to leave. As they reached the door, they suddenly heard a scream.

"Grandma, Grandma, what's wrong with you? Wake up, don't scare me!" The previously fierce little boy, Dorian Gray, let out a hoarse scream.

The entire estate erupted into chaos.

Amelia, who hadn't left the doorstep, saw all the previously closed doors suddenly fling open, and children of all sizes poured out. They were all children, no older than twelve or thirteen, with some as young as three or four.

They all ran towards Taylor's room, and the younger ones began to cry.

"Well, shall we go back and take a look? Who do all these children belong to? They look so pitiful crying like that!" Noah Foster suggested.

"Okay!" Amelia agreed.

The two of them couldn't leave, so they went back inside. There wasn't a single adult in the room. All the children were crowded around Taylor's bed, their faces full of grief.

Noah Foster wanted to go take a look, but he couldn't even squeeze through. Thinking on his feet, he pointed at Amelia and said, "Step aside, she's a doctor. Let her take a look at what's wrong with Taylor!"

When the children heard that there was a doctor present, they immediately made a path for Amelia.

After examining Taylor's condition, Amelia knew that she was beyond help.

She hadn't expected that the person who was bargaining with them just a moment ago would suddenly pass away.

Amelia looked at the weeping children and asked, "Where are your adults? Taylor is gone, and we need to make funeral arrangements."

After speaking, she herself began to sob uncontrollably, her head throbbing.

Dorian Gray raised his hand to silence everyone's crying and, with red eyes, asked Amelia, "We don't have any adults in our family. I'm the oldest. Can you save Grandma?"

This twelve or thirteen-year-old Dorian Gray was undoubtedly clever. He knew that Amelia was capable, so he begged for her help.

But Amelia didn't tell him a comforting lie just because he was a child. Instead, she spoke directly and plainly.

"No, I can't. Taylor is beyond help. I can only do something to make her conscious for a few more minutes before she passes away. Do you need my help?"

Dorian Gray was stunned, like a cub abandoned by its mother, with confusion and fear in his eyes.

But he was only confused for a short while. After looking at the other children, he quickly regained his composure. The fear in his eyes disappeared, replaced by a sense of determination and ferocity.

"If he was a discarded wolf cub before, then this wolf cub will one day become the most fierce wolf on the grassland!" said Dorian Gray.

The young child seemed to have matured in an instant, with a demeanor that made one's heart ache.

"Alright!" Amelia took out her sleeve pocket, revealing a row of silver needles inside. She quickly used the needle technique she had learned from her teacher's manuscript on Taylor's grandmother.

It was similar to unlocking the potential of the human body, with the idea of revitalization!

Although it was Amelia's first time using needles, she acted as if she had done it many times before. Her movements were steady and fast, causing the children to hold their breaths and dare not cry.

After three minutes, Amelia finished and Taylor's grandmother coughed weakly twice before slowly opening her eyes.

"You only have half an hour to settle your affairs!" Amelia calmly said to Taylor's grandmother.

Amelia often showed a detached and indifferent attitude, which made people think she was cold-blooded and ruthless. But hearing Dorian Gray's cries earlier, she came back.

Taylor's grandmother hesitated for a moment but then understood. When one is about to die, they have some idea of what needs to be done.


"Sobbing, don't die, Grandma!"

"I want my grandma!"

The younger children cried as they saw Taylor's grandmother wake up, feeling like they had found their backbone.

Dorian Gray held back his red eyes and stopped the crying, "Everyone be quiet and listen to Grandma speak."

Taylor's grandmother looked at Dorian Gray with some satisfaction in her eyes, "Children, even if I leave, I will be watching over you from the sky. In the future, listen to Dorian Gray's brother, okay?"

The children all shouted in unison that they understood.

"Dorian Gray, be strong and don't be afraid! You may suffer and be tired in the future, but you don't have to worry about the estate being demolished or the living expenses. I hope you can all grow up healthy and well!"

"Grandma, don't worry, I will take care of everyone!" Dorian Gray choked up, but he did not cry.

He knew that from this day forward, he was an adult and had to take care of all the children. Even if the sky collapsed, he could not cry anymore.

Taylor's grandmother smiled at Amelia and said, "Little girl, I'm sorry."

Amelia shook her head.

"When I made you kowtow earlier, I just wanted to confirm your determination to obtain this ointment. I know I'm not going to make it, and this is my last chance. I didn't really want to humiliate you and take so much money from you. I'm sorry!"

"It's okay." Amelia replied calmly.

Taylor's grandmother's consciousness seemed to have become blurred, and she began to reminisce.

"This place used to be an orphanage, but no one takes care of it anymore."