
You're my forever love

In her past life, she was deceived and died miserably at the hands of a scumbag. After being reborn, she became cold and ruthless, seeking revenge against those who wronged her in her previous life. From a timid and innocent girl, she transformed into a cold and aloof woman, but in front of the man she liked, she reverted to her old self. Her two main goals in this life were revenge and winning over Tyler Davis. "I heard you want to win me over?" "N-no, I want to take revenge first, and then... win you over!" Someone lightly tugged at the collar of his sleeping robe and bit his lip, hinting. "I'll take revenge for you, and now you can come and win me over. Come on!" "..." Unexpectedly, one day her two goals merged into one, and after winning over Tyler Davis, everything went smoothly!

ArcticVoyager · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
154 Chs

Arts performance

Amelia rarely showed this infatuated look, but when Tyler Davis looked at her like that, he was very satisfied, and his heart was filled with contentment!

"Say it again!" Tyler Davis chuckled.

Amelia only saw Tyler Davis's thin lips move slightly, making her have the impulse to pounce and take a bite.

"Brother Tyler Davis!" Amelia obediently called out.

Tyler Davis felt his heart melting!

"Amelia, why are you back?" Tyler Davis pinched Amelia's small face and asked.

Only then did Amelia realize and said, "Oh, I have something for you! Tyler Davis, this is for you!"

Tyler Davis opened the silver box and asked in confusion, "What is this?"

Amelia blinked her big eyes and said happily, "This ointment can remove the scars on your face!"

Tyler Davis sat up and asked, "Where did you get this?"

Amelia didn't expect Tyler Davis to ask about the origin of the ointment first. She paused and said, "I got it from an old lady, don't worry, it really works!"

"Is it from that manor?" Tyler Davis asked with a stern face.

Amelia didn't expect Tyler Davis to know about the manor and nodded involuntarily.

"How did she make things difficult for you?" Tyler Davis's face became even more serious.

"She didn't, she didn't make things difficult for me!" Amelia shook her head repeatedly.

Tyler Davis didn't believe it, "One of my subordinates went to that manor to get the medicine before and was made things difficult by that cunning old lady. She didn't give it to him, but you said she didn't make things difficult for you!"

Amelia lowered her head slightly, "Tyler Davis, that Taylor lady has passed away. She really didn't make things difficult for me. I promised to help her take care of those children."

Amelia explained the process of going to get the medicine and ignored the part where she knelt on the cold stone to kowtow!

Seeing that Tyler Davis finally put away the ointment, Amelia breathed a sigh of relief.

She began to tell Tyler Davis about the situation at the manor and how she was going to take care of the children.

Tyler Davis didn't object. Whatever Amelia wanted to do, he would never object.

Tyler Davis prepared everything Amelia needed, and Amelia smiled.

Indeed, with Tyler Davis around, there was nothing to worry about.

"Oh, and the 500,000 yuan, I borrowed it from my roommate and have to return it to her." Amelia suddenly said.


Tyler Davis laughed and cried, "Amelia, have you never checked how much money is on the card I gave you?"

Amelia shook her head blankly!

Tyler Davis couldn't help but rub her head, "You silly girl!"

Amelia finally understood that the money on her card was definitely more than 500,000 yuan, so why borrow money! She found it a bit funny.

Amelia whined and rolled around on Tyler Davis's bed for a while before reluctantly leaving.

If they want to have a long-lasting relationship, fate has to be on their side. For now, studying is the priority. After Tyler Davis arranges everything she needs, she will return to the manor in a few days and come back later.

Amelia hurriedly returned to school and even made it to the second class!

During lunch, Noah Foster suddenly exclaimed to Amelia, "Amelia, do you know that Saint Hua is going to hold a school-wide arts festival?"

Amelia shrugged, indicating that it had nothing to do with her.

Noah Foster was surprised and exclaimed, "Don't you know? Your green card represents excellence, and you must participate in all the school's major activities!"

The green card represented excellence in all aspects, and for students who were always nervous, the arts festival was a way to combine work and rest. However, for Amelia, it was a troublesome event. She had to participate, which was really annoying!

"I heard that our Class 6's program has already been decided, and it's Snow White!"

When Amelia heard the name, she couldn't help but think...is this a kindergarten class?

But Noah Foster and Julia Kim, who had been quietly eating, both looked at her with bright eyes.

"Why are you all looking at me?"

"Snow White. Besides you, who else is more suitable for this role in Class 6?"

Amelia's head got even bigger. If she had to play some stupid sweet white princess, she would want to hide in the research room and never come out.

It would be better if they gave her an inconspicuous supporting role. She didn't want to fight for the lead role!

If she had this free time, she might as well go back and see Tyler Davis.

Amelia didn't care at all. Anyway, she had to participate, so she could just go through the motions no matter what role they assigned her.

She was still immersed in the library. She thought she should work harder because Saint Hua's academic workload was indeed heavy.

Compared to ordinary universities, Saint Hua was different. While academics were heavy, it was also relatively free.

In some schools, even if your grades are good, and even if you can finish four years of coursework in two years, you will not be allowed to graduate because you don't have enough credit hours.

Saint Hua didn't care about that. As long as you had good grades and could do it, you could graduate.

However, just as Amelia was in the library these two days, her role was assigned.

Julia Kim hurriedly ran to the library to find Amelia, "Quickly...go to the class president...hit...Noah Foster...hit..."

Julia Kim was stuttering and running too fast, and she was too nervous, so she couldn't express what she wanted to say clearly.

When Amelia heard "Noah Foster hit," those few words were enough for her. Whether Noah Foster was being hit or he was hitting someone else, she should go and see.

Amelia hurried to Class 6, with Julia Kim trailing behind her, stuttering to say something. When Amelia arrived, the fight was already in full swing. Noah Foster was holding Wyatt Parker down on the ground, punching left and right. "I wanted to punch you last time when you took a picture," Noah Foster said before throwing another punch. "You're asking for it again by messing with Amelia! I'm going to teach you a lesson today." Noah Foster's reputation for fighting preceded her, and the other students were too afraid to get involved or try to break it up.

Amelia was confused about what was happening. Why would Wyatt Parker, the class leader, who was always so kind, provoke Noah Foster like this? When she arrived, she saw a throng of people, making it impossible to get close to the fight. So, Amelia spoke up from the back of the crowd in a cold and detached voice, "Noah Foster, come here!"

Noah Foster heard Amelia's voice and immediately stood up, spitting at Wyatt Parker, and walked towards Amelia without saying a word. The crowd automatically made way for her, demonstrating their fear of Noah Foster.

Amelia looked at Noah Foster's messy hair, dusty face, and the red mark on her elbow and couldn't help but frown. She took out a handkerchief and wiped the dust off Noah Foster's face, asking with a frown, "Why did you fight again? Who provoked you?"

Amelia didn't blame Noah Foster for fighting. After all, Noah Foster had a reputation for picking fights all the time. She was just unhappy to see Noah Foster hurt.