
Why did I employ you guys

When they got to the airport , Fred! flight just landed he came out from the airport saw his brothers car which was not to far from the airport, got into the car ,when he saw Ruth sited at the front with his brother "Hey! Ruth you came to pick me up " Fred was very happy because he heard missed them so much " brother I taught you will send your assistant to come pick me up at the airport "Fred asked.

" Are you saying , you're not happy seeing me ?" When Fred heard what his brother Paul said his eyes was wide opened " Don't was not what I met , but you told me yesterday that you will not be picking me up , that was why I was wandering ..." Fred was still talking when he saw the look his brother gave to him , that was when he knew he has spoken more then enough .

Ruth saw all the exchange of eye contact Paul was given to Fred , but she didn't want to exposed him " Fred how are your parents over their " Ruth asked.

"They are doing just fine" Paul started the car and drove the car straight to the mansion .

When the got to the estate,the came down from the car and went into house , Ruth was working to her room when are phone which is waa in her hand started ringing, Ruth Checked the caller ID and saw that the call was from her assistant Jude.

"Hello Jude! is there any problem" ?

"good evening Boss ! There's some development which I need to discuss with you, it very urgent" Jude said.

Ruth was still on the phone when she turned to Check if Paul was still standing closed to her , When she saw him standing not far from her , She excused herself and went into her room .

" Hello, Jude what is so urgent?"

"Boss is about the product that was delivered from Japan last week, when I checked it, I found out there ware illegal transaction and your present is needed for verification "

" Why did I employ your guys, if you can't verified those product , I will think about it to see if I could be able come down to Abuja next weekend".

"Okay Boss! Boss is there anything you want me to do for you? Ruth taught about her sister and think it is time to play with her a little . " I need you to send the evidence we have regarding my sister to the media, let me see how she will be about to solve it this time "

" At your service Boss " Jude said

" I needed you to inform scorpion about the work I gave him regarded my step mother, He should be on alert , After her daughter scandal she will be contacting people to help her solve it , I want to know who does people here, that will be all for now "

" Okey Boss"

Paul got into his bedroom sat on the bed and his taught went to who call Ruth on the phone , he heard when the person on phone called her Boss and said there's some urgent matter , who could that person be ,his he the scorpion Naomi talked about the other day .

Ruth went out from her bedroom to the kitchen to prepare dinner ,she saw Fred who was coming out from the kitchen " earlier today I was with Naomi she said you should not forgot about her goodies you brought from Abuja " Ruth said to Fred who stood not far from her.

When Fred heard what Ruth said, about what Naomi asked her to tell him , he laugh so heard , because he knew Naomi love sweet things a lot " I brought so many thing for her ,which I knew she would like "

" So Ruth can we talk about you , what is going on between you and my brother, I saw some changes between the both of you" Ruth turned and look at Fred when she heard what he asked her about his brother and herself, she just smile and said nothing " Why don't you asks your brother "Ruth said.

" don't bring my brother in this discussion, I want to know from my sister " Ruth did not answer him mediately she washed the vegetables first before she turned and answered, what Fred asked her.

"While ! your brother said his in love with me , but I did not accept him mediately, I told your brother to prove his love for me"

"Anything your decide , I will support you decision , But I want to tell you to give him a chance to prove his love for you "

" Fred thank you very much for your support and I want to tell you that your brother his a great guy, I will make sure I judge him by his performance "

Paul came down from his room and saw his baby and his brother discussing in the kitchen" Are you guys talking about me Paul asked? " Ruth startled when she heard Paul voice in the kitchen , when did he come into the kitchen Ruth asked in her mind.

Fred have already saw his brother when he was coming down from the steers , he did say anything to Ruth , he wanted to see how Ruth will react when she sees my brother.

" No Paul we were just discussing about school and our font coming exam's "

Paul look at Ruth when he heard the lies that is coming out from her mouth , he just laugh without exposing her." is that so I taught I heard my name from you? ".

" No am just telling him you will be the one to drive us to school tomorrow "

Fred was just laughing when he heard the excused Ruth said, stupid is Paul not the one driving us to school what are you saying ,Fred said in his mind.

Ruth could not say anything else, she just have to divert the topic " You guys should go and sit at the dinning table ,dinner should be ready any moment from now".

Paul just looked at her and smile he did say anything so she could not be embarrassed " Okey we are waiting at the dining table " Paul pulled his brother who kept laughing at his baby .

Ruth was true with the cooking she brought the food to the dining table when door bell rang , Fred stood up to check who's at the door .

When Fred was gone to attend to the door , Ruth turned and look at Paul who kept staring at her " Do I have anything on my face " Ruth asked Paul and started touching her face, to see if there's something on it .

" You're to beautiful I can't stopped looking at y....." Paul was still talking when he saw uninvited guest ,Mike and his brother walking his way to the dining table.

I can't have a little privacy ,without getting interrupted, Paul said in his mind.

"Hello Ruth" after mike greeted Ruth he went and sat closed to Paul who was just looking at him with eye's that can kill.

" Hey Paul why are you looking at me with those eye's , I didn't interrupt you when you were doing something bad right?"

When Ruth heard what mike said, she was very shy , she could not look at Paul in the face , she just lower her head and started eating without saying anything, is not that they did something which mike said , it just that she is knew in all those topic.

Paul saw Ruth was feeling shy ,he turned and gave his friend a cold face, which mike just gave him face , that what did I say wrong.

When they were true with having their dinner , Ruth went back to her room to take are bath, like Wise Fred, Paul and mike where left at the coach for them to catch up .

" Paul his there any improvement regarding you and Ruth? " .

" I can't say there's much of progress , but am sure there will be , because I want to sit and talk to her about it "Paul said.

" That's a nice decision , because what I saw in her eyes when I said if you both did something , I saw shyness , you have to be the one to initiate the closeness between you both ,because what I saw is that, she's new in all those relationship of a things"

Paul also reason with what mike said, he should have knew about that, if not she would have seen the love that Joel has for her in his eyes.