

There is always one in every school. A girl whose bright , smart ,cute but unlucky her a nerd. Then there's the schools hottest chick but God blesses this one with brains and not just the hots. That's what Mara and Adrienne represent respectively. But who would have know that even though Adrienne makes Mara's life in the school horrible and just full of horrors that she has feelings for the blonde and blue eyed girl whose eyes are always a deep blue ocean she always gets lost in. She does everything to suppress them but love is unpredictable and knows no bounds. These bounds are tested the day a new girl arrives in the school and her name is Bianca. Adrienne becomes jealous of the relationship growing between Mara and Bianca that when they set out on a school camp her feelings grow and the two team up to make sure Mara doesn't get hurt . This leads to the two girls falling for her harder that they become willing to share her between them like they would share anything in the world. The story takes place in a camp deep in the forest where the scenery allows competition to sprout between the two girls who end up sharing Mara. There relationship is interfered by a handsome guy by the name Rome and his two best friends since he has become obsessed with Mara to the point the last action he takes leaves many surprised. I believe many don't believe in new writers but trust me. This story is something you just need to get in the book and become one of the characters. Hope you love my book.

Tomas_Kai · LGBT+
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12 Chs


Third person's POV

The teacher soon came into class and got down to jolt on the board some of our work in our English lesson before sitting on his desk and waited for the students to finish.

From time to time papers and small papers were thrown at Mara although she continued to smile and pretend as if nothing was happening. She suddenly felt someone's eyes on her as they travelled across her body. Looking up she saw Adrienne her biggest bully checking her out before giving her a hot glare of hatred and looking infront when she noticed Mia knew what she was doing.

"What have  I ever done to deserve this,,,,,don't I have enough problems at  home," Mara whispered to herself,"and to think one so beautiful as her can be so cold."

The teacher then cleared his voice and took a paper from his desk and stared at it for sometime before returning his attention back to the class.

"I know your all aware of  the annual top students camp at Camp Rosewood that is always two weeks and begins tomorrow," then he looked around the class to see if anyone one had a question before continuing with his speech(or whatever it can be called.)

"And I  have been instructed to choose the top ten student from all the streams and as you can see am already done so am gonna read your names." He said and cleared his voice.

Adrienne already knew she was going because she is the top student  that if people ignored Mara who was actually the top although she never got on any since sophomore year. She turned and look at Mara who was actually drawing something in her book.

She made a mental note to get that book immediately the class ended and look at it because that ugnerd always seemed glued to it. When she heard her name she just smiled and turned to her friends who had already been mentioned.

"Too bad our punching bag will be safe," while smile at them."Yeah shit we had almost forgotten about her??" They shouted together making the teacher look at us with clear anger mentioning the last name.

The moment Adrienne heard the name her smirk fell as anger and hatred heightened .

"And the last person is Mara....!" Adrienne could not believe her ears as she turned toward the blonde girl and looked into those blue ears falling into a trance before the blonde who was more dumbfounded than her.

Then Mara looked away breaking the eye contact and saw her let out a breathe she did not know the girl had been holding making her smile at the way she made the girl twitch.


Mara's POV.

it was finally lunch so that she could just see freedom and head out to her job. Yea I have job which pays little wages  which she used to take care of her family since we were very poor and lived on scrambles.

I was sitting next to my own desk at the back of the cafeteria taking out my lunch of two slices of bread when someone threw soup at her making her drop the slices and looked into a pair of green forest eyes she knew to well.

Before I could say anything her friends  fell on me With slaps,kicks and punches.  Leaving her on the group as they walk away. I felt a strange hand strangely try and get me up when I looked into a brunet with green eyes but not forest like like Adrienne's.

When they were looking at each other she got a chance to look at the girl more keenly noting her height of 5' like Adrienne and God she was just sexy,not like Adrienne but she had note tastes.

"Saw something you like?? And am Bianca Buenevista what about you," she said with a smirk as her eyes lit up.

"Am Mara Rose....glad to meet you Bianca ,,,,but mind if I call you Anca."I blurted the last part out bit she surprised me by kissing me on the cheek making them crimson red.

" I love it baby....."she said with her knowing wink.

Ohhhh gosh this year is gonna rock