
Chapter 3

Okay, this is rad fuckingly unbelievable he finally noticed me. fuck him just when I'm about loosing interest. I just don't think any amount of act can build up what I had for him again I don't even double crush who do you think you are

" so I'll be leaving now or do you need a ride home "

" I do.... you know but we aren't going the Same way and I hate to trouble you."

" it's an offer "

" fine.... bye "

what I love to trouble him cause he's annoying just noticing me now bastard. I fake waved all of them as we strode towards his car. I slide patiently into his car at the front seat catching Kenny's eyes outside the windows. I just couldn't smile it's like I'm choking on it . wait I do not even owe him anything. The car roared to life and we hit the road wow this is the first time I'd really sit in his car like mad isn't it .

Isn't it this all so sudden like so sudden?? I like him yunno but I never expected it to turn this way. well we've been friends well for a short period of time back in twenty thirteen when my uncle got married to their sister though it was short it was well memorable. I missed those times and we just stopped talking the time they broke up after their first kid ore he's one cute kid

" so how's been life "

" good and lonely yunno "

" yeah I know how it feels like " he said glancing at me

" why.... why now " I asked after a moment of silence

" can't we be friends like old times??? " now??

" k "

" you're weird "

" I know right ??? you know about this party I don't know whose gonna be there or anything so would you please tag me????"

" sure "

" I hate to be a loner particularly at parties I'd rather not just come "

" don't worry "

" I trust you.... hey do you even know where you are going????"

" I've been to your house "

" once... just turn "

" I have your address "

" don't live in that house anylonger "

" I Know "

yeah he's been to the new house once when we had the house warming party.

" oh "

soon the car came to a stop and I slowly alighted " thanks "

" I'll see you seven dot on Monday. he winked and I smiled okay this is getting out of hands my hand.i let out a sigh before entering the house

The door bell rang just as I was about putting on my sneakers. actually a lot of things are happening to me today. and one of is I do not feel like wearing a bra that I just put on an oversized green sweatshirt and a blue knicker. I let my hair down as I walked out with this small bag around my waist. I opened the door smiling at him as he looked at me.

I squealed as we entered through the back stage. okay so here I am, don't panic. my first party ever let's just say the first party I've ever attended on my own without sneaking out or anything. The loud noise, crazy people good JESUS I love this party already oh my GOD and there is omah lay, olamide, Terri, oxlade talking to Kenny, live music already going on the stage. Taiwo held my hand as we walk over to Kenny's side

" yeah " I screamed, okay maybe I have to stop drinking but it tastes so good ugh good JESUS. I've never had this fun in my entire life, the music still booming, like it has been for the past six hours. I down on another drink and like that I feel the urge to visit the toilet. I push back the chair with my butt. I managed to stand on my own but the strength isn't there. somehow Taiwo managed to catch me before I feel GOD I'm so wasted

" jeez, babe take it easy "

" I need to use the restroom" I muttered slowly clinging to him. clutching his shirt. he led me to the bathroom. I go in and back. kemi and co aren't present but wale is .I've just been eyeing him and most importantly I've been ignoring him. out of nowhere Kenny showed up I'm over him it was once I'd start panicking when I saw him but not how it almost seems like I don't even give a shit about how even looks like anymore. but---

" you should take her home she's drunk and she could get us in trouble into--- "

" you're the one who's drunk.... drunkard " I snapped at him leashing a bit out of the anger I have for him bfor not paying attention to me when I liked him he isn't even as good as Taiwo. lie I know I know. but not now he's the ugliest person ever . " I hate you " hissing I try to get out of Taiwo grip but he wouldn't let me instead his grip on me tightened

" woah "

" nche " I mimicked him

" okay I'm sorry "

" I don't need your sorry "

" Iet her be Kenny, I'll just get her home "

" to get get away from the likes of you to make out "

" GOD, precious shut up "

" sorry " with that Kenny walk off resignedly.

well maybe getting drunk and yelling at those I hate is actually a good idea after all. no the best idea ever. now it remains one person I hate. wale

" what was that about? "

" I'm sorry "

" that was my twin brother you know "

" I know and I'm sorry--- you angry at me??? "

I purred against him and before he could talk two girls strode towards us. quickly aiming and striking a conversation with Taiwo keeping me out yet Taiwo's grip on me tightened trying as much as possible to end the conversation with them but it was pointless those girls are fucking vampires. unconsciously annoyed. I grabbed Taiwo by the chin jerking his head towards mine I kiss him. with fierceness pressing my body against his he responded back clicks of phones nearby clicking annoyingly Al around us