
You're Mine!!!

Samiksha_Ramjass · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

We walked inside, this is an apartment, there was a long hallway that we had to walk through...It was scary because the whole place looked desserted. I think we got to his apartment, we stopped at a door and he got his keys out, he unlocked the door and we went inside. It was really nice inside...how can i say that about my kidnapper...but he is a neat freak, normally kidnappers would have pictures of you hanging on thir wall and it would be dark and messy...this kidnapper was different...he was handsome, he was a neat freak, and he had a home that had the feeling of love.

At this point I didnt know what to do...should I sit down...or should I just stay right where I am.

"You can sit down, you do know that right?"

"Urmm...How did you know?"

"How did I know what Shanay?"

Why did his voice sound so damn sexy when he said my name...why am I feeling the sudden urge to just kiss him? No Shanay...you cannot do this...you haven't liked a guy before so what makes this guy different?

Well...for starters...He is really handsome, he has really gorgeous eyes, he has such a sexy voice, when he looks at me...i get butterflies in my tummy, his sense of style is really good also...i mean like c'mon...he looks so sexy with those skinny jeans and that shirt...it makes him look so tough. And he smells really good.

Stop it Shanay! You cannot be thinking like this. Your kidnapper is your enemy...he is a really scary dude who just wants you for his own pleasures...he only wants you because he feels that you will fulfill every single fantasy he has...this isnt about you...you will feel nothing but pain...

"If you're done thinking about how i will torture you...can we continue? "

"How do you know what im thinking about?"

"I can read your mind."

"Thats not true."

"I know." He said with a slight chuckle.

"You're evil."

"Now what did i do?"

"You laughed at me...this is a very serious situation...i need to know who sent you to kidnap me...or why you chose me out of all people."

"You will find out in due time Shanay."

"Okay but can I atleast know the name of my kidnapper, thats the least you can do for me right now."

"You cannot know what my name is right now, when I feel that the time is right I will tell you, but right now you can't know my name."

He then walked into the kitchen and i walked behind him since i had no clue what i should be doing here...or did he bring me here to clean his house...no...his house it too clean for him to bring me here to do that. Could be anything.

All of a sudden i had this brilliant idea...

When he walked out of the kitchen I quickly looked for a pan and i walked out...I slowly walked up behind him until I was up close, I raised the pan above my head...gathered all my courage and hit him knocking him out cold. All of a sudden i see a small figure appear out of nowhere. He walks up to my kidnapper and starts to shake him and wake him up.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The little boy asked me.

"I am Shanay Ramjass, and who are you? Where you also kidnapped, we can escape this place and run away from this evil person"

"What did you do to my brother?"


"Yes...this is my brother." He tried to wake his brother up but he didn't get up.

After about 10 minutes it's he woke up and got up off of the floor...Damn he looked so hot...i got this sudden feeling in my tummy...i dont even know how to explain it, but this only happened when he looked at me or if he did something really sexy.

Why the hell am i thinking this about my kidnapper...for God sake...he could have some kind of weird name like Jordan or Michael.

"What are you looking at princess?" And that was what set me off...the way he said princess was so god damn sexy...it made me want to kiss him...but I cant fall for my kidnapper...who in their right mind would do that?

"Princess?" I asked him.

"You dont like it?"

"I dont actually because a kidnapper doesn't call his victim "princess "."

"Fine I wont call you that from now on."

"Thank you."

"Urmmm...This is your brother?" I asked pointing at the small figure beside me.

"Yes...what did he tell you? I hope he didn't tell you anything embarrassing. How long was I out for?"

"Relax prince charming...you were only out for 10 minutes and all he told me was that you're his brother." i said to him and walked off. I took one step and i tripped...he luckily caught me before I could fall. When I looked up, all I could see was his beautiful brown eyes. I could literally stare into them for hours. They were really gorgeous.

"Get off of me." I said to him and shoved him away from me. The last thing I needed was a creepy kidnapper.

"Well...you will be sleeping on the couch...i will sleep in my room."

"Why can't I sleep in your room?"

"You can't sleep in my room because you're not here to be a princess...if you think your life will be easy while living here...then im sorry because you will have to endure the torture.

"I am sleeping in your room whether you like it or not..." And with that, i ran and looked for a room that looked like it could belong to him. I ran inside and locked the door.

"You open this door now or you will have to face the consequences. "

"What will you do if i don't?"