
You're Courting Death!

Co-Posted on Scribblehub under the same name. Crappy Synopsis Below..... It was a bright sunny day when it happened..... When Yun Xie arrived in that other world. A world of flying cultivators and ancient ruins. A world, unlike any other... The one where the Dark Crow flew across the Nine Realms, and that one filled with more young masters than you could count. Where cliche tropes were a new reality, and no one had a inch of common sense or logic. Good thing he brought with him some overpowered (Albeit a bit cringy) cheats. It would be good fun. Some parts are sort of copy and paste, I really can't do much about it because I want the MC to be part of the main storyline, as that is fun..... If you wanna get to the actual story, go to volume 2. Update: When I feel like it.... Disclaimer: For the most part, many of the characters and such don't belong to me, besides OC''s and such. I can't write these types of stories...... A haven for Plot Holes......

HatefulAutumnBreez · Book&Literature
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57 Chs

Chapter 15

"Did the old man protector just….. Speak?"

"Fire Fist A- Fire Fist sure is impressive!"

"So cool…"

By now, most of the more neutral disciples just called him Fire Fist, to avoid a conflict….

Suddenly, a menacing aura broke out, shaking the peak. Mu Shaohuang cracked his neck, the chains following to the floor with an extremely loud crash.

Obviously, those chains were heavy.

"I don't really want to ruin the peak so…." Yun Xie pointed into the distance. "I believe there is a flat empty plain round there…."

Mu Shaohuang nodded, still pretty weirded out that he actually bothered with this guy… Something about him, besides the kids supposed genius, interested him.

Mu Shaohuang kicked off the ground, causing the peak to tremble. Inside, the disciples were sort of frightened, Li Qi Ye looked up thoughtfully. "That old man…. Does this have to do with Yun Xie…?"


Yun Xie burst through the air, flaming behind him, as he smashed down on the flat hard ground, sending flames flickering across the ground.

Mu Shaohuang leaped to the ground, his aura increasing immensely, which did not seem to pressure Yun Xie in the slightest, who got into a stance.

"Well…. Here I come…" Yun Xie smiled. For now, he would not use [Amplify], just martial arts and devil fruits would be fun. He liked it. Not being insanely overpowered yet not being complete canon fodder. Sometimes it was fun to crush people, like arrogant young masters, but this guy…. Yun Xie liked. His personality seemed also laid back and fun…

Yun Xie's fist burst into searing hot flames, as he stepped forwards, punching out.

"Shinka: Unknown Fire" Yun Xie threw a huge volley of fire lances, which flew towards Mu Shaohuang like rockets.

Mu Shaohuang shrugged them off with a little difficulty, as they exploded in an array of flames.

"Crimson Wave Palm." Mu Shaohuang swung an infused palm of energy, which was a dark crimson color, practically mowing Yun Xie down. They clashed, the old man's physical strength obviously greater than Yun Xie's but Yun Xie could dodge most of the attacks with observation haki.

"Higan: Fire Gun!" Yun Xie shot powerful flame bullets at Mu SHaohuang, who deflected or dodged most of them, with a few making their mark.

"Kagero: Heat Haze!" Out of the palm of Yun Xie's hand, a stream of flickering flame scorched the hem of Mu Shaohuangs robes, who grimaced a little.

He had underestimated this kid's ability. Yun Xie had pretty good instincts and fighting sense.

"Hiken: Fire Fist!" A huge column of flames emerged out of Yun Xie's fist and completely enveloped Mu Shaohuang, who leaped back, his robe completely scorched.

"Not bad…." Mu Shaohuang sent a flurry of fist techniques at Yun Xie, who was barely able to dodge them, recovering, he noticed something. "Oh, crap." Mu Shaohuang was behind him, smiling.

"You burnt my beard eh….?" Mu Shaohuang sent a powerful punch aimed straight at Yun Xie's chest.

"Full Counter!" Yun Xie smiled, as Mu Shaohuang was sent back flying in surprise. Yun Xie had somehow reflected his attack right back at him. Interesting….

"Full-Contact Karate…."

Yun Xie swung his body forwards, lobbing fireballs at Mu Shaohuang, meant to annoy the old man.

"4th Stance: Blue Dragon's Storm x Kyokaen: Mirror Flame!" Yun Xie swung his legs, fast. A large fire erupted towards Mu Shaohuang, as behind Yun Xie, it seemed like the visage of a rearing and burning blue dragon was lunging straight for him.

Mu Shaohuang stepped back, adopting a defensive position. "Heavens Shockwave Fist!" A powerful punch exploded towards Yun Xie's flaming dragon. Then, the two moves made contact, sending an enormous warm shockwave across the landscape, scaring off animals and spooking the disciples of the Cleansing Incense Sect.

"What the hell!"


"Who is fighting!"

A few elders took off in the direction of the explosion, sort of worried. Was it an attack by the Nine Saint Demon Gate Sect?

Li Qi Ye walked out of the pavilion, quite shocked. The old man was missing, and so was Yun Xie. "That crazy bastard decided to fight with the old man…." Li Qi Ye walked down the peak steps, sighing.

"I really underestimate him…" Li Qi Ye's thoughts turned to Yun Xie, who was ever so strange in his eyes. Nan Huai Ren ran after him, wary of the explosion.

"What was that?!" Nan Huai Ren, for some reason, asked Li Qi Ye.

"It seems our good friend Yun Xie decided to have a sparring match with a Virtuous Paragon." Li Qi Ye smiled a little, at Nan Huai Ren's shocked face.