
Yoshiki Murayama

Samuel: "From now on, I will be Murayama Yoshiki, and I will be the strongest person."

Love_4_you · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs


Samuel woke up in a daze, opened his eyes and found that he was in a strange room, not his own dwelling. Just as he was about to check it, a wave of memories flooded up and passed out. A few hours later, Samuel woke up again and patted his head.

"I actually slept and crossed over! and crossed over to Yoshiki Murayama in the high and low. "

Samuel has also roughly watched the fighting movies and TV series high and low, and Samuel favorite character in it is Yoshiki Murayama.

"Goo... Goo..".

The stomach protested, and after sleeping for a long time, I was hungry. Samuel found a room, there were a few boxes of instant noodles on the table, let's put down my stomach first. While recalling memories, I casually soaked the instant noodles. It turns out that the current Yoshiki Murayama is still 20 years old and has never been defeated in a fight, and I heard that the regular system in the Oya colleges and universities in the G-SWORD area is a gathering place for evil parties in colleges and universities across the country, and the Kowloon Group headhunters often pick people in the Oya high schools, and the Oya colleges are the hotbeds of gangsters. So I'm going to go to a Oya university.

Samuel thought that although he had inherited the memory and physical fitness of Yoshiki Murayama through the crossing, his actual combat experience was still too bad, and he still had to go to the Oya university slowly, at least he had to be familiar with the physical conditions first. I took a big bite of instant noodles, it was so fragrant! From now on, I will be a good in Oya colleges.

[Ding, Lng... 10%... 38%.... 69%.... 100%, Combat Training System Activated].

[Current System Level 1].

[Upgrade XP 0/100].

[Points: 10].

[Note: The current daily points increase by 10].

[Character Panel]: Yoshiki Murayama

Title: None

Strength: 85(S) muscle strength, punch gravity.

Skills: 75 (A) Techniques of various grappling

Speed: 80 (A+) punch speed, nerve reflex speed.

Constitution: 90 (S+) Punch resistance, stamina, recovery.

Overall score: 330 (S-).






Overall Rating:






[Combat Training Space];Opened.

[Recovery Treatment]: Opened

[Fighting Arts Shop]: Not available

Sure enough, through the delivery system, this is a standard benefit, although it feels like the function of this system is average

Click on the combat training space and 2 options will pop up. [Challenge level] [number of challengers].

[Challenge Level]You can challenge D-Class-S Rank. If you choose to challenge a certain level, you will randomly spawn the lowest - highest level of strength. For example, if you challenge the D level, D-D+ personnel will appear randomly.

[Number of Challengers]1-100 people can be challenged. Challenge D-class personnel to have 1 point for a single person, 2 points for C-level personnel, 4 points for B-level personnel, 10 points for A-level personnel, and 20 points for S-class personnel. Each additional number of Challengers doubles the Challenge Level Points.

[Recovery Treatment] can speed up the recovery of injuries, 5 points for minor injuries, 20 points for medium injuries, and 50 points for serious injuries

Try the combat training space first, click on [Challenge Level] and select C-level. I'm also an S-strength, although I don't have actual combat experience, but I have a memory that should be able to adapt quickly and recover my strength. [Number of Challengers]After selecting 1 person, an open space will appear instantly.

I saw a muscular man also appear instantly.

Character: Trainer No. 1

Strength: 60 (C+).

Trick: 51 (C-).

Speed: 53 (C-).

Constitution: 60 (C+).

Overall score: 224 (C).

"Come on".

The muscular man moved 2 steps forward, and his right fist slammed into Murayama's head with a straight punch. Murayama instinctively flashed sideways, and his left fist directly counterattacked and hit the muscular man's abdomen.

The muscular man took 2 steps back from the heavy blow, clutching his abdomen and bending over and retching. As long as you come here, you can win directly, but Murayama doesn't want to end it so soon, after all, the points can only rely on natural growth, and the province still has to be a province.

The counterattack just now was completely a physical instinctive conditioned reflex, which was the muscle memory of Yoshiki Murayama who had been fighting for a long time. Now it's time to slowly transform the experience of memory into your own actual combat experience.


Murayama was a little excited.

The muscular man got up slowly, raised his leg and swept towards Murayama's head.


After being blocked by Murayama's raised left arm, he launched a fierce attack on Murayama with his punch.

"Bang... Bang... Bang".

Murayama only defends and dodges, and is not in a hurry to attack. Feel the power coming from your arms and body, and experience the strength intensity of the C+ level.

"Bang... Bang".

I was distracted for a while, and I accidentally got a punch in my cheeks and abdomen, but I didn't feel much of it, but the muscular man has the power of C+. Yoshiki Murayama's physical fitness is really high, and his physique is almost about to enter the SS class.

"Enough fighting, I don't want to play anymore."

Murayama grabbed the straight punch from the muscular man with his left hand, and the heavy punch with his right hand directly knocked the muscular man unconscious.

[Challenge Ends].

"It's actually the flesh that enters the challenge training space."

Murayama, who reappeared in the room, looked at the wrinkles of his clothes and looked at his arms, which were slightly red from a lot of punches.

"There's still time, I just trained in it for about 10 minutes."

The bedside alarm clock time has not changed much, and the time flow rate of the training ground is not the same.

I don't know how to get system experience and what changes have occurred after the upgrade.

Forget it, I don't want to, let's go out for a walk first to see how to get acquainted.

In a remote wooden room, a few delinquent young men were smoking cigarettes around the table and playing Depo.


A yellow-haired young man with bruises on the corners of his mouth pushed the door open and ran in.

"Big brother, I've found the person who beat me and Funajima yesterday."

"Where's all-ing, win or lose."

"In Asajuku Street, Funajima is following him now".

"Fold the cards

"Fold cards".

"Fold cards".

Big Brother took the money from the table

"Let's go, brothers, whoever dares to touch me, see that I don't kill that kid. "