
Different World I

"Where am I?" I shouted, fear gripping me.

It's so dark; I can barely see anything except a lighted circle on the ground, almost like a spotlight. I went to sleep and woke up in this place. I wonder if anyone else is here, or if I'm just dreaming."It looks like you're awake," a mysterious voice said, deep and echoing from my right. I turned my head and saw a floating figure with only one eye on its face."Who are you?" I murmured, fear thick in my voice.The figure smiled, then vanished in an instant.'It's so bright outside that I feel like I'm going blind. My alarm blares loudly, like it does every day before school."Oh, school," I muttered, half-dozing.It's my first day of high school at Tsukuba High, which is such a pain because I have to take the train extra early."Tokuda!" a voice from the hallway shouts.Oh, it's my sister. I wonder what she wants."Yeah, what's up?" I reply as I walk down the hallway."Oh, you're up," she says. "Mom told me to wake you up since you've been pulling all-nighters this summer."Man, I hate when she acts like this. Just because she's older than me, she treats me like I'm still a little kid."Yeah, well, I'm heading to school now," I say, trying to end the conversation."Well, I'm making dinner tonight, so let me know if you're going to be home in time," she announces."Alright, later!" I shout as I run out the front door.Man, I'm so relieved that I made it to the train station on time. I thought I was going to be late, but whatever. I just need to get through this day, and then I can watch the show I've been waiting for."Hajime Tokuda? Are you here?" the teacher asks in front of the classroom for attendance."Yeah, I'm here," I respond, raising my hand.The classroom doesn't look too bad; the hallways are much bigger than in junior high. But honestly, the school is cool, and the girls are alright. I thought that if I went to a public school, the girls would be way hotter, but I guess not.Whatever. I just need to focus on classes, and I'll be good."Um, Hajime?" a voice from behind me whispers.Who is this girl? Why is she talking to me out of everyone?"Uh, yeah, that's my name?" I reply, confused."I don't think I've ever seen you around before. Are you new to this area?" she asks, sounding curious.Is she trying to get to know me? Should I try talking to her? Also, I think her name is Akani? I still can't trust making friends since that time-I guess I'll do it."I'm from around here, but I went to a private school. This is my first time in a public one," I explain, trying to sound positive.I came from Takasaki, a little north of Tokyo. The town was okay, but I wanted better chances of success with all the opportunities in the city.One reason I left Takasaki is that I was bullied throughout junior high. The teachers did nothing but talk to us, which did nothing. They just picked on me again and again until I couldn't take it anymore. I came home crying and shut myself away from society for months until my mom finally convinced me to socialize, at least at home. Now I can socialize normally, but I'd rather not.I can't trust making friends anymore, especially since the ones I've made turned their backs and became my bullies. It's better to be alone, even though it's lonely. It's better than going through that pain cycle again and again."DING, DONG!!" the bell rings loudly.Already the end of school? Damn, that went faster than I thought. Oh well, time to go home and watch "ONE TREASURE!!"."TOKUDA!!!" Akani shouts."Yeah, what's up, Akani?" I reply to Akani's loud voice.I wonder what she wants? Probably something to do with class or like that."I need help with after-school duty, please!" Akani explains to me.Should I really help her out? Damn, if I help her out, she's going to think we're buddies. But if I don't, she'll start getting mad at me, and I don't want to deal with that.WAIT, I GOT AN IDEA!"Sorry, but my mom wants me to help her with something after school," I say."NO, YOU'RE GOING TO HELP ME!!" Akani shouts at me, pulling me along.Wow, some consent! Wait, I'm going to miss the new episode of "ONE TREASURE". I CAN'T MISS THAT!10 Minutes LaterWell, I finished cleaning. I wonder how she's doing."You done?" Akani asks me.Shit, I see some spots that don't look clean to me. Should I lie or..."DAMN, TOKUDA, YOU CLEANED IT WELL!!" Akani shouts."Yeah, it was pretty easy," I say.Well, she didn't notice a thing. I might as well leave."You're coming with me to dinner," Akani tells me, nervously."Uh, I need to go home now?" I reply.Damn, now she wants me to come to dinner with her. I already did enough today by going out of my way to help her."Please," Akani says, with a convincing voice.Fuck it, I'll go."Fine, where to?" I ask.ONE TRAIN RIDE LATER"RAMEN!!!" Akani shouts, almost deafening me.This place looks appealing; it isn't dirty and looks like a cozy place to eat ramen."Let's go inside!" Akani says, excitedly."This place better be good, or I'm never going to dinner with you again," I say, with a smirk."YUM!" I shout, with a mouth full of noodles almost falling out."How did you find this place, Akani?" I ask."Well, my parents are reporters, and they recently did a report for an article on the best ramen spots in Tokyo," Akani giggles.AFTER EATING AND PAYINGWell, that filled me up. I should go home now."I gotta go home now. Thanks for treating me to dinner; that ramen wasn't half bad," I say, smiling."Alright, see you at school!" Akani shouts, running to the train station.Now, time to go home. Damn, I'm exhausted after all I did today. I wonder if everyone is home right now?Well, it seems like they are home; the lights in the house are brightening the driveway. Might as well go in; hopefully, I don't get in trouble for being out so late."Hey, Tokuda, are you hungry?" Mom asks me, occupied with the new rice maker she picked up."Nope, I'm going to bed. I already ate with a friend," I respond as I take off my shoes before stepping onto the floor from the front door.Now I'm in bed. I wonder where my sister is? Nah, she's probably just playing a romance game or watching anime. Time to go to bed. I'm so tired.I fall asleep while listening to music."Tokuda Hajime, is it?" A mysterious voice whispers.What the hell?Where am I?Oh, I recognize this place; I was here last night. It's so dark, but is he here? Oh, there he is."It seems like you're being chosen to be transported to the Okami Dimension," a mysterious voice speaks, coming from behind."Dude, what's even your name, and how do you know mine?" I reply, getting up from the dark ground that seems to be like the void of darkness."Oh well, my name is Ryoko. I am one of the shadows that were separated during the Ren extinction. I am one of the shadows that goes by the name of Foresight. I have the ability to use senses of mine that can tell various things like the future. Surprisingly, I was chosen to be your Ren Holder, which is very rare for a puny human to obtain," Ryoko explains, leaving me confused and dumbfounded."Dude, I don't get what you're saying, and also, how did I get here?" I respond, my expression one of confusion."It's alright; all your answers will soon seek their ways to you. Farewell, Tokuda Hajime. I wish you good luck in the endless hell you will experience on your adventure," Ryoko exclaims, as my vision starts to blur."HEY!" I shout as my vision goes black.Damn, my head hurts. Why does it feel like I'm in a field of grass? Wait, where am I? Are those mountains? I thought I was in Tokyo."Son, are you lost?" a voice speaks from behind me."Who are you?" I reply to the voice."I'm one of the villagers that live in Tomika Village," the villager explains."Wait, what do you mean village?" I shockingly reply to the villager."Tomika Village; it's right in front of you," the villager responds, confused.I look over and see a huge village that looks like it's from an RPG game you would play on a computer. I can't believe this is real. Was I transported to a different world? How did I even get here? Where am I?I have so many questions.Next Chapter: Different World II
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