

"MIN YOONGI I HATE YOU!" those were his last words... i didn't dovit on purpose i swear it's all an accident but he won't let me explain

NeyaWrites ¡ Music & Bands
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number 9 where are you?

jimin woke up dizzy and possibly blinded because of the light that came from somewhere

'what the'

'where's yoongi hyung?'

jimin became quick and dialed yoongi's number but the latter won't pick up...

'maybe he came back to his own apartment?'

he then quickly dialed hoseok's number since hoseok and yoongi share one apartment

"hello hyung, goodmorning! is yoongi hyung home?"

"jimin-ah? oh no he hasn't come home since last week, by the way how are you feeling? taehyung said you haven't wake up since the other day."

"hyung what are you talking about? i just slept for a while..."

"well jimin-ah that 'for a while' you were talking about was exactly 2 days, it's already september 4, what happened?"

'i slept that long?'

"nothing's wrong hyung i'm fine, i have to hang up, but could you please contact me if yoongi hy[ng comes home by any chance?"

"sure jimin, annyeong"

jimin got out of bed to do the usual morning routine...

well, sort of, Manager SeungJae called him and told him she was outside his apartment...

"took you long enough"

"sorry noona, i just woke up"

"exactly, you took 2 days to wake up just because of a party? your fans are worried sick they even raised a trend on twitter, take a look"

jimin took the phone and SeungJae was right...

ARMY raised trends on twitter such as #JiminGetWell #PrayForJimin #MochiGetWell #ArmyWithJimin and much much more...

'i guess ARMY really got worried, maybe i should write a tweet that says i'm fine.'

jimin quickly grabbed his phone and while he was tweeting for their fans SeungJae is already telling him the group's schedule..

"jimin, you,jungkook,taehyung and hoseok have a photoshoot for BillBoard today at 10 am..

then after that you guys are all gonna meet up for lunch then at 1 pm all of you are going to Lin—"


"erm, yes even yoonJi is going"

"suck it up noona, you always pester him with that "YoonJi" joke eversince it was replayed by ARMY's on twitter"

"whatever anyways, it's time to go, you ready? i mean, i sure hope you are cause we are gonna be late if you aren't"

"yeah let's go."

while we're inside the company car, my mind suddenly retrieved a memory of yoongi-hyung, well the time when he told it in live broadcast that ahjumma(aunt/yoongi's mom) found him under the bridg—

"are okay? or should i call a psychiatrist?"

my mind went back to focus and looked up to my manager

"what are you talking about? of course I'm fine..."

"well sorry to not think you are, but you were laughing and i wasn't even telling a joke"

i... was laughing? i.. guess.. i missed him so much...


"we're here, are you sure you're okay? you can sit this one out you know..."

"nope, c'mon let's go."





"Hyung! are you okay now? no more collapsing under 9 shots of JD's?"-jk

"Yah jeongguk-ah, that was one bottle!"

"lol i'm kidding hyung"

"excuse me? the shoot's ready" -???

"yes of course, we'll be going over" -Tae

~~~~fast forward to after the shoot~~~~

"You don't look okay." -hobi

"What do you mean? i'm fine hyung"

"miss him?"

"yeah so muc—i mean uh i guess so"

"you can't hide it Jimin, by the way did you kn—YOONGI HYUNG!!"

"hi Hoseok"

after hearing hoseok-ie hyung call his name and him responding, I instantly looked towards him. i have to admit, he changed, he became... more handsome. those eyes that pierce into my soul like it's taking me in, that hair which looks great either styled or deshiveled, that porcelain skin that glimmers in the sunshine...

and then i realized i was staring to long... i tried, but failed. i tried to ask i WANT to ask how is he? i WANT to tell him that i miss him but all i could say was...


"hey Jimin, i missed you"

...to be continued

hi guys sorry if seldom lang po magupdate? but anyways thank you for waiting??

NeyaWritescreators' thoughts