
Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Life wasn't the best for Darcel. Just because of what he was born with. He was robbed of a normal cultivation life by the hands of a strange and cruel Organization. An Organization that treats human life as nothing more than little lab rats and Darcel got forced into their cruel experimentations. For years he lived this way, only having a bit of protection because of his inborn powers. It wasn't until a recurring dream of his unexpectedly had a slight change to it. Be it luck, fate, or destiny, Darcel didn't know and frankly didn't really care. Because after that dream, his life took another dramatic turn to venture out into the universe and explore the pleasure of Yin's Darkness...

CosmicPrime · Eastern
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328 Chs

Unable To Forget

There was an overt amount of frustration mixed in from Khyra's tone. Even before she attempted to use this Crystal Orb, she actually didn't have high hopes. 

Unless they had actual blood samples or some form of DNA, the Crystal Orb wouldn't give the best result.

Khyra knew this, knew that failure was essentially ninety percent possible. And yet, she couldn't stop this searing, unending rage from growing. 

From dealing with numerous obnoxious or plain-out disgusting Mercenaries, none of them could genuinely sway Khyra's emotions.

The high level of strength she achieved allowed her to be so coldly indifferent to mostly everything and everyone. 

However, now, all of that calm and stability were destroyed. And it was utterly vaporized by just three mere youths! 

The fact that Darcel, Aniela, and Masami utterly crushed her like she was nothing but an ant left a deep shadow that was carved deep into her heart.