
Yin-Yang Harmony System

Check out my new book: My Daughter is a Vampire Strongest Offline Cultivation King of Harem, Pioneer of All, R-18 Story My name is Mike Tyson. I was a normal dude that had an abnormal death. I was lucky enough to get reincarnated in another world. This is earth, but alternate earth or real? I don't know. But I know that I was born with the fate of a protagonist. Unsuccessful in awakening my innate talent, I spend two years in my middle-school. But this year, everything changed. I awakened something, and not just an innate ability but also a unique ability. That was the true start of my life. A life that I feared became reality. My fate was in my hand, but the fate of my little dragon was in the hands of the system. Spreading the legs of women in bed, I found a new way to gain strength. Heavenly Maidens, Supreme Fairies, shave that cave of yours. My little dragon will fly from one cave to another until it meets the destined cave. Embracing the power given to me, I let the beast inside of my soul go wild. I was no longer restricted by anyone or anything. The title does not represent me, I represent the title. Spreading the legs of hundred women, I will ascend to that title and become the one and only 'God of Sex'. Standing in front of a creature with a dark face and red scales, I broadened my chest and asked "I have talent, looks, money, women, power, and little brother. What gives you the confidence to challenge me?" Every little detail including name, identity, is fictional. They might be relatable but please don't relate them. Special Tags- weak to strong, fast strength growth, adult, mature, Character Growth (Read this book if you want to increase the size of your little brother) Disclaimer::::: The cover doesn't belong to me. I have no rights to the cover, so if the original creator wants me to remove it. He can contact me through comments, reviews, or discord. This novel is extremely focused on sex, so I don't suggest you try it. if you are under eighteen Support this book for spirity Rewards- Extra Chapters, Mass Release, Improvement in a number of the daily updates. Join my discord for more information: https://discord.gg/eNETZCeKsY

Sabin_Subedi_Fei · Sci-fi
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315 Chs

Sister, please No

'This sounds little evil. Unfortunately, I believe in action rather than words. I have seen many protagonists treating slaves as their queens. So, why I can't treat a princess as my slave? Hopefully, I won't develop any fetish like this.' Mike comforted himself and remained in the same attitude.

His Sex Aura was erupting too wildly, confusing her mine. She was resisting it due to the presence of shame in her heart. But even that got removed when Mike whispered "Seems like you don't want it. I thought you wanted my little dragon inside you. So, I was just taking a little advantage of you."

"After all, you need to repay me for all that pleasure I would've given you. Maybe, you don't understand. But pleasure is the most unachievable thing in the world. Even if you get the wealth to cover the world, you might never be happy without a perfect rod."

"I don't want to brag but I need only seven smashes to make you cum." His words made her heartbeat escape. She couldn't help but look at him with a speechless expression. She didn't understand how could anyone make slavery so good? And, what's with the seven smashes? Do you think I would believe it?

But she was starting to believe it. Her cave was drenching with white liquid making her completely wet and begging to cum. They were in the mission, so it would be impossible to masturbate. But Mike didn't stop there.

He kept whispering "Do you know the benefit of being a slave is your time with me? If you become my wife, I would bang my cock in you for five minutes. After that, both of us will have our climax and then, we would be busy with our own thing."

"But if you become my slave. You will generate dirty thoughts in my heart. Just imagine yourself in a cowboy suit for half an hour, string lingerie for half an hour, bikinis for half an hour, jeans for half an half, naked for complete one hour, sexy maid dress for half an hour, and student uniform for half an hour. Just imagine how many hours will you spend with me for sex?"

"Do you think being someone else's slave will be bad for your reputation? This is the thought of people that makes them stop from exploring their inner desires. Have you ever heard of those Hentai NTR'ed comics? Even though she is someone else's wife, she left him just for the sake of a cock. Oh! I forget current age doesn't have many comics and novels."

"They are the real women. They know what their body needs and for that, they willing to give up everything. Of course, I don't support NTR. You should find a cock that makes you satisfy, shouldn't you? That's your inborn right as a woman. So, why are you still hesitating?"

"Hmmmmmm!" Suddenly, Mike moved his finger while she was having her own thoughts. His finger pierced her cave and bent a little. Then, he started hitting her spot and whispered when she was drowning in moaning "You don't need to hurry to answer my words. Just take your time."

Saying so, he left her cave but didn't stop his Sex Aura. Currently, his technique isn't good. So, he was fully dependent on the Sex Aura. Of course, he believes he can completely make her surrender with his cock without technique.

He stopped himself because that blue light was slowly disappearing. It nearly took five minutes to complete the registration. Mike took a step forward with a smile to distract Xylan as he asked "Why do you need to register yet again for the Hell-Level?"

When he moved forward, he covered Liora. Because she was very much drenching wet.

"Hell-Level isn't easy to cross, so it records those party identities in the main server of the universe. Based on this, many top organizations select the members. Only top-level organizations are allowed to see that list."

"And, it will also force yourself a quest based on your status and your family contribution. If you have a powerful background, you can choose the quests to a certain limit. Currently, we also have a quest. Let's move!" Xylan didn't try to look at Liora and explained.

He didn't know what happened to his sister. Mike nodded him and followed a bit forward until another blue panel with white words appeared.

"Welcome to the Hell-Level Difficulty. Hope you have brought your own onion to chase ghosts away!"

"Registration- By Miller Family"

"Force Task- Defeat Slime-Kun

Description- Slime-Kun is the lord of slimes in the Water Jade Dungeon. Slime Kun has the ability of all other slimes, so he must be defeated.

Reward- 5000 Bronze Coins*3, 5000 EXP*3, 50 Contribution Points*3, 50 Health Potions*3, 50 Power Potions*3, and E-Rank Weapon*3

Failure Punishment- Death"

"Wow! This quest is awesome." Mike's eyeballs almost popped out after seeing this quest.


"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! You really don't know anything, do you? Do you know how powerful slimes are? Unless, your Innate Ability is powerful than theirs or if you possess a completely higher realm, they can instantly absorb all of your attacks. And, Failure is death." Xylan sighed after seeing this task.

Even with the Miller Family reputation, he got this freaking hard quest. He almost struck his forehead with distress. Now, he can't back down because if he doesn't enter the Dungeon within five minutes, his family will suffer a powerful disaster.

"Come on! Don't worry about the slimes, I will knock them out with a single punch." Mike was really confident about his ability. But deep down, he was thinking of a better plan against the slimes. He has many kinds of slimes throughout his reading experience.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Bang!

Slowly the gate opened in front of them as they walked inside the gate. The moment three of them entered the gate, it suddenly closes on its own.

For a moment, three of them were frightened. Soon, they mustered courage and walked inside. They weren't truly scared rather only for a moment. But Liora was still walking in an awkward position. She was still trembling for the pleasure.

The more she tries to hold back, the more she wants to ride in his cock. Unfortunately, she couldn't do it now. No matter how much she tries, she can't do it.

Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap!

Water was dropping on the surface but they could easily hear that sound. Inside the cave, it was almost a pin-drop silent making every other sound clear. Even their heartbeats were easy to listen to.

Tap! Tap!

"Who?" Suddenly, Liora felt someone tapping her bare skin. She jumped out of instinct and turned around. She hurriedly rushed away as her breathing suddenly increased. Her movement made Mike and Xylan alert.

Both of them turned around and saw a blue sponge. It was the size of a human head with nothing but a blue jelly-like body. Suddenly, its body involuntarily moved towards Mike who had clenched his fist. When the sponge reached in front of him, Mike slammed his fist on it.

"Meteor Fist"

Bong! Boing! Boing! Boing!

It wasn't an ordinary fist. Using the ability energy with the strength of unique ability, he still used the meteor fist. But his fist only knocked it on the ground. It collided with the ground a few times until it finally retreated twenty meters away from him.

Advanced Low-Level F-Rank Slime!

"Damn it! How can a slime gain Impact Absorption?" Mike's face turned ugly when he saw his attack didn't have any impact. At this moment, Xylan shouted, "Mike, physical attacks don't work on blue slimes."

"Blue Slimes has impact absorption. Green Slimes has elemental absorption. White Slimes has an Impenetrable Body making it impossible for even a B-Rank sharp sword to make a cut. Gray Slimes has weapon replication. As for the Slime-Kun, it has all four abilities. And, all of them has the A-Rank Abilities."

"Are you freaking serious?" Mike instantly turned serious. If this was the case, it would be a pretty ugly fight.

"Ummmm! M----Mike, let me handle it." Suddenly, Liora mustered her courage and spoke with a red face.

"But, isn't your ability related to weapons?" Mike asked with confusion. He has seen Liora creating a big spiky spinning wheel.

Hearing his words, Xylan had a bright smile on his face making him even more confused. On another side, Liora summoned her golden chakra. She raised her hand with her index finger pointing at the top. Her chakra revolved around her index finger.

Swish! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop!

Suddenly, her chakra moved out with speed faster than sound. Mike's eyes couldn't even take a glance of it until the slime was perfectly cut in half. But it didn't stop until it made hundreds of slimes pieces.

"Amazing!" When he saw the power of chakra, he couldn't help but feel amazed with wide eyes. He raised his thumbs-up at her and praised her. Originally, Liora was in the battle position but when Mike praised her, she got distracted with a blush on her face.

"Sister watch out!" "Whoosh" "Bang" "Thud"

Suddenly, the slime came out of blue striking its body on her stomach. When it slammed her, her body flew back and collided against the wall coughing out blood. She fell to the ground on her chest.

"Damn! It's extreme regeneration." Seeing the slime repairing itself so fast, Xylan's face turned pale.