
Yhwach In The Multiverse

Guy dies, gets the abilities of the Almighty Yhwach and travels various fictional worlds looking to have fun. WORLDS - Naruto

NOTAKING · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Spitting Words

Travis, Naruto, and Sakura stood together as they waited for their new team leader. As they waited, the three had a light conversation, which ended in them laughing uncontrollably. Suddenly, a man landed right before them.

"It's nice to meet you all. My name is Yamato. No need to introduce yourselves; I already know your names. From now on, Team Kakashi, I'll be taking his place until he recovers," he said.

"Yeah, then why is this guy here?" Naruto asked as he stared at Sai.

"Sorry about before. I just wanted to gauge the ability of my new team member. I didn't know how much I'd have to look after the little prick with no balls," he said blankly, with zero hesitation.

"What did you say?!" Naruto shouted in anger.

"Hey! He's our teammate now!! Cool down!" Sakura said, trying to reduce the tension. But when Sai dissed her, she got angry as well and was about to beat him up when Yamato stopped her.

Travis chuckled on the side. Though he'd seen this scene in the anime, it was still quite funny.

When everyone was calm, Yamato began to speak.

"Anyway, from now on, the four of us are on a mission. But look at you, there's no time to toss you all in a cage and get used to each other. So, introduce yourselves."

"Uzumaki Naruto."

"I'm Haruno Sakura."


"My name is Sai," he said with a smile.

"Well, now that you know each other, that's the end of that. Now, I'll explain our mission. From here, the five of us will proceed to the Tenchi Bridge. There we will intercept the spy Akatsuki has in Orochimaru's organization and bring them back. This is a chance for us to find out about Orochimaru and Uchiha Sasuke.

We can gain valuable information which may lead to formulating a plan to assassinate Orochimaru and take Sasuke back. So keep focused. We will assemble at the front gate in one hour. After sorting equipment, we will depart."

An hour later, everybody was ready to go; they all had their equipment ready.

With that, they began their journey. Naruto was still pissed off at Sai. So was Sakura. They had a small quarrel that ended after Yamato literally locked them in a cage as he said before.

Sometime later, they arrived at Hot Springs Resort.

The guys were sitting together in the water while Sakura was on the other side, relaxing.

"Nothing feels as good as being naked together. Makes us feel like companions. Don't you agree?" He asked Naruto as he gave him a soul-piercing stare.

"Yeah, of course," he said, completely terrified by his aura.

'His eyes are really terrifying! He really is ruling by fear,' he thought.

Travis walked in; immediately his size shunned every guy there. He entered the water with zero care and laid back.

"Yeah, that slaps," he thought.

"Hey, Travis, what's that blue ability you have?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh, I call it Blue Vene," he said.

"Oh, what does it do?" Naruto asked.

Travis sat up. "Well, many things, I guess. Barriers, melee beams, etc.," he said.

"That's cool. Can I also learn that if it's a Jutsu?" He asked.

"Nah, it's pretty unique, like the Uchiha's Sharingan; it runs in my bloodline," he said.

"Dang it. I really wanted to learn it."

Yamato and Sai took internal notes since they were given notice of him as well.

'So, he has a Kekkei Genkai? That explains something. Yet, I've never heard of one that can revive the dead or even create barriers. It must be one of a kind,' Yamato thought.

After the bath, everyone went to their room, but Travis was feeling a bit bored, so he went outside and stared at the sky for no literal reason.

Sakura came and sat next to him.

"If I hadn't known better, I'd say you were in love with me," he said.

"What? I was just thinking of going on a stroll, you know; it's just a coincidence," she hurriedly explained.

"That's why I said if I hadn't known better. I'm willing to go on a stroll with you if you don't mind my company?"

"If you want, sure."

The two walked around the resort; it was very peaceful. Though they did hear a couple having sex, it was still very peaceful. They soon came up to a pond which had koi fish inside.

"This is pretty cool," he said.

"Yeah, I like how the moon reflects off it. It's really beautiful," she added.

"So, Sakura, tell me about yourself. I haven't really gotten to understand your origins."

"Oh, well, I was just a normal girl. Unlike the others, I come from a relatively normal family. I'm not an heir to any great clan, just an ordinary girl who happened to wish for a dream that was greater than what was originally planned for her."

"Hmm, I'm sure you received a lot of complaints from your parents when it came to your choice?"

"I did, for a good while. Honestly, they still have some words, but they kinda reduced after I started training with Lady Tsunade," she said.

"Well, what I understand is that your parents don't want you to fail as a ninja or worse, for you to die. They were born in an era where the Leaf was under a lot of conflict; they must have lost many friends during that time. So, it's normal for them to be wary."

"Yes, I understand that. I just wish they'd trust me. I mean, I did everything to get where I am. I'm much stronger compared to the me from two years ago. You get me?" She said.

"I do, to a certain extent. What you have to remember is that, no matter how much time passes and how older you get, to them, you'll always be their little daughter."

'He's right. How does he know all of this knowledge, aren't we the same age?' She thought.

"You always know what to say. I might just make you my therapist."

"Yeah, nah."