
Yggdrasil's Pupil

Yggdrasil’s Pupil. A direct representative of the God Tree. A protector and a bridge with the world. No one truly knows where he came from. The one that would come to lead them all. Guiding the Eternal Forest’s inhabitants. A place of myth and legends. All we know is he left his mark everywhere in the world. I spent my whole life looking for answers. I just found a manuscript apparently shedding light on it all. I just have one thing to say: “What the fuck is this?!” *Sigh* I will just copy it in its entirety. You guys can judge for yourselves. *PS: Volume 1 is mostly Slice of Life ;)* **** Schedule: 2-3 chapters a day (Temp hiatus, write on the last chap if you want more of it !!! ) My Discord: https://discord.gg/TccuJPD

Zombie · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Transmigrators With an S

Somehow it all turned all right. Next to me is a pleased and proud …bean.

[So you don't know magic at all? How were you able to guide me then?]

"Ah, Bean saw magic be used many times in the past! Bean just told you about it is all!"

[I guess that works.]

"Of course! Bean is a wise bean after all!"

[Oh right, what exactly is The Unnamed God and why was this written in English?!]

"Oh? Bean knows this one! Master said that the …transgmigra-something would recognize it.!"

[Do you mean transmigrators?!]

"Yes! That's it! So you are one! Bean knew it haha!"

[Are there many others out there? How many of them are they?! Where?!]

"Ah. Bean doesn't know. At least this Bean doesn't know."

[What do you mean by that?]

"Well, this Bean is an old version of Bean."

[An old version?]

"This Bean is a fake Bean made from the real Bean!"

[A clone? A copy?]


Why does this feel familiar?

[Then what can you tell me about this world?]

"This world? Bean has no idea. There are many worlds out there."

Many worlds?! What is happening? Is this place connected to other worlds? Wait, me being there does suggest that. In my case, only my soul came here. What if there are others with similar circumstances?!

[What can you tell me then?!]

"Bean can tell you about where Bean came from if you want."

Nice! A clue!

I just need to figure out what exactly is happening, and I might be able to.

"This is going to be a long story. Sit tight for Bean will tell you all about…ah."

What is happening? The light seems to be growing dimmer by the second, the hologram slowly fading away.

"It seems we are out of time. We did train for a long while. Talk to you later then!"

[Wait! How can I summon you again?]

"Hum you can get help from Bean by recharging the Bean advice tool."

[How do I do that?]

"Bean doesn't know haha. Bean isn't the one that made it. Bean is just Bean!"

[Then do you have any hint …]

The light and my interlocutor both disappear at once. I'm left here alone and confused.

Let's organize this information. First, there are many worlds that are interconnected to the current world I am in. Somehow. This point right there already has huge implications.

Then there is some guy going around rounding up transmigrators. For him to do something that troublesome there must be many out there. Why didn't Yggdrasil warn me about that, however?

Perhaps there aren't that many in the area here. Maybe it isn't an immediate danger hence why I wasn't told. This search effort is using English as a tool of recognition. This means that I'm quite possibly not the only one from Earth.

Are there many factions existing? Aka the transmigrators from earth versus the transmigrators from other places? Or perhaps there are allegiances based on where you end up transmigrating.

For example, I am in a forest. I already have 2 disciples and some guardians I can rely on. If anyone invades trying to destroy this place, I will naturally help.

I get the feeling I just caught a glimpse of something way bigger than me. All from talking with a bean, a talking Bean. How ludicrous is this all? Very.

Even weirder how did my companions not come to see what was happening earlier? I was freaking out big time. Then using magic for a long time.

Better check up on them. I go outside. The tiger is there playing with some rocks. He seems to be divinating. Or perhaps just playing some kind of game. The bear is nowhere to be seen. I'm glad it finally went back home.

[Hey there, have you been quietly waiting here this whole time?]

"Teacher! Of course! This tiger is loyal and here to do his best should you have any request."

[Actually, there is something I want to ask you. Do you know anything about transmigrators and other worlds?]

"What's that?! Is it something dangerous?! Should we prepare against it?!"

He doesn't seem to have any idea what it all means. Was I overthinking this? Maybe there are potential dangers in this world. Just maybe they haven't made their apparition just yet. Perhaps any existing are just too far away from us.

After all, this is a forest, not some sort of developed civilization. My situation feels very similar to the humans on earth wondering about the wide cosmos. The void is so big and filled with countless cosmic bodies.

What are the chances that somewhere exists a planet very similar to ours? One blue and thriving with life. For each individual planet, the chances are abysmally low. When considering how many there might be out there, however…. May very be possible.

Right now I feel like someone that just found the corpse of an alien. Indubitable proof of there being something. But if these aliens are out of our reach they might as well not exist. Are there transmigrators in this world or no? I do not know.

Should I go on a journey to find whatever organization I just had contact with? Probably not. If we are truly talking about multiverses I would likely run out of lifespan before getting a clue. Ah, I will look for it for sure, but only as a side project.

There is no way I will go hunting for an invisible dragon. One that may or may not exist. Now that I think about it isn't this very similar to that writing.

The Unnamed God was it? Is it unnamed because it is unknown? Perhaps it is unnamed because it doesn't exist in the first place? Wouldn't that be the ultimate joke? People revering a fake god sarcastically.

Probably not. What kind of jokester would do something that absurd? No one. I am probably the only dumbass that would think about random stuff like that.

At least I hope so for the sake of this world haha.

Now, what was the tiger even doing with the rocks?

Do I even want to know?

MC and his ludicrous ideas

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