
Yggdrasil’s Developer

The story follows a man that was reincarnated into the future, or so he thought. Instead, he was reincarnated into the world of Earth 2138, where he found a job as a developer for a game. "Hmm, I must have seen this game idea somewhere, it seems familiar," "Wait, isn't this Overlord?!?!" Note: Not a plot following fanfic. Rewriting some mistakes made in the early chapters.

Gabriantheus · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

E2138-19: I'm Back!

Yuki wakes up after a steamy night with his former caretaker from when he was in the orphanage. Their age difference was not as great as when Yuki was a child, Hana was a young adult who had joined the orphanage full of old people who had taken care of the children.

Her eyes were beautifully black, and her fun bags were just the right size, not too big or too small. smooth and firm, perfect for his hands.

This was Yuki's first love in this world. As a child, he had the mentality of an adult. Looking at the woman from his childish perspective, it was love at first sight. But he still didn't know if it was love or lust, although he had tried to confirm it, maybe it needed further exploration. Yuki smiled as she slept naked next to him. Then the notification on his phone sounded.


[You Have a Single Message from Honda Atsumichi]


Atsumichi: Hey Yuki, it's me. I was wondering if you're interested in working with us again.

Yuki: What's the catch?

Atsumichi: There is none.

Yuki: Hmm, that's hard to believe. I've done some research, obviously you won't risk hiring me again.

Atsumichi: I'm moving on to another project.

Yuki: So?

Atsumichi: You will be in charge of Yggdrasil.

Yuki: Like I said, what's the catch?

Atsumichi: Right, you're a straightforward person. Bug.

Yuki: What is it?

Atsumichi: We have no solutions without breaking the balance of the game.

Yuki: So you want me back just so I can balance the game? That's not it. If so, you won't push the cash items much on the shop.

Atsumichi: Your job will be to somehow keep the game balanced without removing the cash items. Those things come from the top.

Yuki: From Miyu?

Atsumichi: How did you know that?

Yuki: I talked to her. It couldn't be a surprise if she made it that far. I guess you're one of the stones she stepped on.

Atsumichi: I didn't know she was a social climber.

Yuki: Smooth right? Like a pro. You're a busy man, no one would care if you're that busy.

Atsumichi: I could provide enough.

Yuki: For a decent living, yes. For a good life, no.

Atsumichi: I should have been more careful.

Yuki: Since you're going to be in charge of the Naruto: Ninja Dive project, I'm going to ask for a certain amount in advance, just in case you fire me again for no reason.

Atsumichi: Wait, how did you know that?

Yuki: Another amount for the information.

Atsumichi: How much did you know?

Yuki: Enough to know that there is a new upcoming game called Elden Ring: Full Impact.

Atsumichi: So you know who the mole is.

Yuki: 200 million dollars.

Atsumichi: The company can only pay you 50 million.

Yuki: 175.

Atsumichi: 75.

Yuki: 150.

Atsumichi: All right, 100 million. You know we can't spend that much money.

Yuki: 125 and I forget you just tried to pocket some for yourself.

Atsumichi: Deal.

Yuki: Miyu.

Atsumichi: Huh?

Yuki: Good pussy, right?

Atsumichi: Do you want to insult me?

Yuki: No, stupid. She is the mole.

Atsumichi: What? She never does that.

Yuki: The pussy is so good that you still defended her.

Atsumichi: Any proof?

Yuki: Find your way into Elden Ring's open beta. Try to look into the codes of the mechanics. Or, like the big corp always does, you could find a mole for proof.

Atsumichi: How do I know you're not lying and trying to get the money?

Yuki: Check Akihiro's flight records. You could do that much, right?

Atsumichi: Half of the money has just been transferred. The rest will be transferred as soon as it is confirmed. In the meantime, log in and check out the bugs. Your developer account has been restored.

Yuki: Thanks, Atsumichi. I'll make sure Yggdrasil is balanced and bug-free.

[Atsumichi left the chat]


*80s Rock music started to play in the background*

Yuki was elated to have regained his position as a developer, a position he had fought hard to attain. He was determined to make the most of this opportunity, determined to hold onto this newfound power with all his might. Yet, even as he basked in his newfound success, he couldn't help but maintain a watchful eye for the future. He had developed contingency plans B and C, just in case things took a turn for the worse. After all, one could never be too careful in a world as unpredictable as this.

As he thought about his colleague Miyu, a classic corporate climber, Yuki couldn't help but chuckle. He thought that it was all too obvious what Miyu was up to, but he also understood that people were under immense stress and sometimes a little relief from the job was all they needed. And that was something that, even 100 years into the future, still remained unchanged.

As Yuki gathered his belongings, he felt a sense of excitement at the thought of returning to the Neo Kyoto Archology Dome. However, there was also a nagging worry in the back of his mind about the AI proctoring system. He wasn't certain if his new position would still fall under the scrutiny of the software, but he knew he would need to find a way to implement certain changes without drawing attention from the system.


"Don't expect to keep this job forever, Yuki"

"Don't make the same mistakes"

"Don't think a developer is immune"

"Remember that someone is always above you.

"Just do a good job, smile and say yes"

"10 more years Yuki, 10 years"

"Just keep your ego for ten years"

"This is not the past, this future is different, I'm just a bug here"


As Yuki stepped out of his abode and made his way toward the street, he narrowly missed being struck by a white truck that was speeding by with no recognizable markings.

"Not today, Truck-kun, not today"