
Yfunim, The Land Of Tales

To leave an indelible mark on time - that's the goal of every person who travels the lands of Yfunim. How to make such an unrealistic feat possible? Go to war? Accumulate wealth? Be the strongest? The only way to find out is to walk the path. In this turbulent era where kings and heroes reign supreme, we follow a young boy called Habel, setting out from his island to discover this vast world, and why not along the way, he too, write the lines of history? ''The world trembles with fear, beings tremble with joy and admiration, men who hate me, women who adore me, this is what the evocation of my name provokes in this world. The wonderful sensations they bring are a guilty pleasure I can never get enough of, and it's been that way since the day I first tasted them, and I've been craving more ever since". P.S.: I'm not very good at English, so I apologize for any mistakes you may notice.

Egon_Vinkej · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 6: The rainy season

Habel's Cabin

Sitting on his straw bed inside his room, Habel was observing the reward he had received.

<< I won big, he rejoices as he opens the chest in front of him.

Inside, three carefully arranged manuscripts could be seen resting on a large quantity of silver.

These were the ten thousand nyu offered by the idykachi.

A crazy amount for any resident of Hallguna.

A family residing in the upper court earns about 1,000 nyu per year and those in the lower court just 200.

With such a sum, Habel and Maha could live in abundance for a long time.

<< I don't need the money, I'll give it all to Komi... What interests me is that, he said, taking the manuscripts out of the safe.

The manuscripts were very light stone tablets, but remarkably solid.

They were in distinctly colored packaging.

Green for the first verse, yellow for the second, and blue for the third.

<< I would have liked to get the last verse, but unfortunately it's impossible... Only Kachi can have it, well, that will be enough for me for now.

<< The fighting arts that Aki Vald taught me were powerful, but he constantly told me that those used by the village warriors were more impressive than his own... More than anything he had seen in the past.

<< He was strong, stronger than the vast majority of warriors, but he still envied their arts, there must be a good reason...

After removing the wrapping around the manuscript containing the first verse, Habel examined it.

His touch was completely different from what one would expect from contact with stone.

<< It's smooth and not at all grainy... An impressive work of art, but where are the inscriptions ?

As he changed sides, he saw the engraving of a person standing in its center.

Without him realizing it, Habel was completely absorbed by this drawing.

He may have been motionless from an outside perspective, but to Habel, who held the tablet in her hands, the man depicted was executing a complex and harmonious set of movements.

It almost looked like he was dancing.

The movement of the point, the position of the left leg, the orientation of the hips, the coordination of each limb, everything was harmoniously defined.

After a long moment of contemplation, the performance ended.

Habel came out of his trance state, very surprised by the new experience he had just had.

<< What was it? For a moment, I felt like I was captive, I couldn't look away. I was like hypnotized...

<< So that's the first verse. Just by observing it, I felt like I understood better how to use my body, and my foundations improved... Just one more try and I could completely grasp the instructions it contains, let's try again! he said slightly excited.

After several unsuccessful attempts at trying to find this trance state using the first verse, he decided to fall back on the second and third verses, but as with the first, he ended up without result...

<< Tss, they should have given me instructions so I knew how to do it... However, it looks like I understood how it works.

<< There must be a recharge time for the manuscript before being able to access this state again, an hour, maybe a day... And for the other verses, if I rely on the rites, I will probably not have the possibility to have access to them until I have mastered the first verse, which will be done quickly.

<< This would undoubtedly explain the rules surrounding tattoos on warriors to mark their evolution.

<< Still, it all seems unreal to me... There's nothing natural about a drawing that comes to life, was it a power that's unknown to me Hmm... Maybe I think about it too much, the only thing that is offered to us by nature, these are the 'linkts'.

<< There must be a logical explanation behind this phenomenon... It was given by the 'creator god' eh... No, wrong clue, gods don't exist.

<< Aaaah I'm sleepy! He yawned, "Tonight I have something important to do, I better get some rest", he said, slipping into his duvet as he fell into a deep sleep.


The moon was high in the sky, accompanied by many stars, it brought light to the darkness that had taken place on the island.

The night had already come a long way since its appearance.

Outside the village walls, shadows could be seen moving through the forest, converging towards a single point.

They disappeared by slipping into tunnels scattered around a huge tree.

-You are late !

-Sorry, I had trouble sneaking out.

-I slept a little too much.

There were around ten people already gathered in this place.

Thanks to the roots deeply embedded in the ground, this place could be arranged so that it could serve as a meeting place between these individuals with common ideals.

Torches were lit in every corner of the cave and the center, there was a large table made of earth around which everyone stood.

The attire of each of them was identical.

Completely black fur covering them from head to toe and a simple mask of the same color which modified their voice.

Distinguishing between them was impossible, because the size and thickness had been custom-made so that the proportions of all were similar.

They had held many similar meetings in the past, but no one was able to identify the one next to him.

-It takes longer to arrive than usual.

-This is the first time this has happened.

-Even someone as punctual as him is late, I have a feeling this meeting will be different from the previous ones.

-Well, given the recent event, I'm afraid today will be a turning point.

-Eh eh, I'm eager to !

They were chatting among themselves when they were interrupted by the arrival of the last guest.

He had an outfit identical to that of the others, only marking the difference in his mask.

It was still black in color, but it had red markings creating an obvious distinction.

This person was the initiator and leader of their meetings, the only one who knew who was hidden behind each mask.

They called him 'Kric'*.

''You're all here, okay, so we can get started...'', he said after taking his place around the table.

-Kric, can I speak? Asked one of the participants, raising his hand.

The latter simply nodded his head to his request.

-Thank you, he said while removing his mask.

-Hey wait! What are you doing ?

-Don't take it out !

They tried to stop him, but it was too late.

Once the mask was removed, the face appearing in plain sight was that of Hajim, the man whose son was beheaded a day ago.

-I know that preserving anonymity is an important rule, but please forgive me, what I have to say requires me to completely reveal myself to you, he said while lowering his head in apology.

-It's Hajim...

-So he was one of us...

-So that he decides to reveal himself...

-Yes, you guessed it, I can't take it anymore... he said, clenching his fists of rage.

-When I decided to accept your invitation, I was far from imagining that such misfortune would strike me... Today, I am happy with my decision, because you are the only ones I can turn to.

-The creation of the upper and lower court system, the restriction on the use of wood, the sacrifices to the guardian of the forest, and more, all these things...WE MUST NO LONGER TOLERATE THEM!!! he cried.

-No no no...no, what am I talking about ? he mumbled, these are all just excuses, it's... n-not for these reasons that I-I decided to take the word and to reveal my f-face to you... The only thing I want is to avenge my son, he said, breaking down in tears in front of everyone.

He was kneeling on the ground, as he emptied himself of all his tears and resentments.

-I WANT THIS BASTARD KACHI DEAD!!! This is my meager request. Since my son's execution, I haven't been able to close my eyes once... Every time I try, I see his lifeless head in front of me, it's awful, why did this happen to him? Why my son ! He said in a muffled voice.

The room was silent throughout his complaints.

The sadness, the rage, and his despair were visible to all.

-Sigh. Get up, no need to put yourself in this state, my friend, everyone here can understand your pain, said one of the participants as he helped Hajim to get up.

-It's true, we understand how you feel... I had to watch helplessly as my brother was offered as a sacrifice, said another, gritting his teeth in anger.

-Eh eh, this decision to decapitate Hajin was one sin too many, wasn't it Kric ? Said one of them hiding an excited smile.

Everyone turned their gaze to the Kric.

He was the only person authorized to make a final decision on the course of action to follow.

Unconsciously, they were ready to carry out any of his orders.

<< When I approached you, it was with a promise... To put an end to the actions of the Idykachi. The preparations have been ready for a while, we were just waiting for this little spark and we got it... The time for revolt has come! he said, spreading his arms to the sky.


The Kric's passionate words had reached their targets, their hearts burning with excitement and anticipation for the events to come.

Finally ! The moment they had all been waiting for would soon come true.

Everyone present had been negatively affected by the Idykachi's decisions.

Among them, there were residents of the upper and lower courtyard, simple villagers and warriors, men and women.

They were ready to come together to achieve their goal.

<< Seeing you so impatient makes me happy, but let me add something, he said, asking for silence in the cave.

-What is it about Kric ?

<< Well, I wanted to remind you that what we are preparing to do will not be peaceful, blood will be shed.

-B-Blood ?

<< Yes, the idykachi and his followers will not take this kindly... You must be prepared to kill those who stand in the way of achieving our ideal.

<< Our victims will be our fellow human beings, it could be an acquaintance, a friend, or maybe even a member of your family…

-It's horrible !

<< Indeed, but we have no other choice, if we are not ready to do it then we will be the ones to die...

The cave was silent, killing another hall was the worst possible crime to commit according to the village laws.

The idea of killing had never crossed their minds before the Kric broached the subject.

The previously high morale had just fallen sharply.

<< Sigh. Your fear and your distress, I understand them, so as a leader, he said, taking a weapon from his coat, …Let me show you the way, let me show you the determination necessary to achieve our ideal, let me be the first to shed blood for our cause...

Many of them were frightened at the sight of his long knife, not understanding why he had drawn it.

The Kric climbed onto the table, observing everyone present, then he lunged at one of those who was close to him.

Seeing him coming towards him, the latter knew that he had been unmasked, not understanding how he had been seen through.

Panicked, he pulled out his weapon to defend himself, planning to flee at the first opening.


Unfortunately, nothing happened as he had planned.

Being a warrior, he had greatly underestimated his opponent's abilities.

It wasn't even a fight, but an execution, as the difference in their skills was too great.

His weapon had barely been drawn when the Kric's dagger had already pierced his skull emerging from the underside of his jaw.

It happened so quickly that only the warriors present were able to see what had just happened.

Hant was one of these warriors, the strength that the Kric had just shown had made a strong impression on him and it was the same for the others.

(The guy who was just killed was a warrior given his reactivity, but it was insufficient... the Kric went much too fast) He thought.

(This strength, he is at least equivalent to a 'Dalti' like me. Fortunately, he is strong, if our leader had no strength, this revolt would certainly not end well for us).

-Why did you kill him, Kric ? One of the participants asked with fear the question everyone was asking.

<< I am the one who made your outfits and I know perfectly the size, build, and way of walking or running of each of you... If anyone else fits into your costumes, I would immediately the distinction.

-You mean that…

<< Yes, it was an intruder... His gait was different from the one who should be in this costume, I noticed it when I watched you arrive from the top of the tree...

<< But don't worry, once I noticed it, I took the trouble to check the surroundings and the interior of the village to see if we risked anything on the way back and it seems that this is not the case.

<< He was supposed to be there just to spy on us and try to find out the purpose of our secret meetings, but given the subject we just discussed, I couldn't let him reveal the content of our discussions.

<< It must have been sent by the idykachi's henchmen. Do you know what his death means? If they don't see him come back, they will know that something happened to him... From now on, going back is no longer possible.

Beyond the shock and fear that they had all just felt at seeing a person die, a great and deep admiration for the Kric was born within them.

Being able to distinguish such small details and act decisively, even if it meant killing, was proof of his great intelligence, prudence, and determination.

Having him as a leader greatly comforted them.

With this demonstration, everyone's hearts strengthened, more determined than ever.

-It seems that our method of communication has been noticed by our enemies, said one of the participants.

<< It's true ! It is for this reason that this will be our last meeting, so we will now discuss in detail the plan we will apply to overthrow the idykachi.

-Okay Kric!

<< So, the first days of the rainy season...


After finishing all aspects of the plan, everyone retired.

The Kric had remained alone behind to take care of the body.

Once done, he returned to the surface and removed his mask, revealing a young face with light purple eyes and completely black hair, it was Habel.

<< Sigh. I expected to be more disturbed after my first murder, but I'm strangely calm. The sensations did not seem different to me from when I killed a common animal. It was so easy to take his life...

<< It's a good thing, if I was disturbed for that little, I could just say goodbye to the success of my plan. Kill, I will still have to do it to accomplish my objective. I hope this is the right method...

<< It wasn't easy handling all his adults, but at least the result was worth it, he said, looking at the moon in the sky.

<< The fruits bore fruit faster than I expected, it's like Aki Vald taught me, humans in distress only want one thing, a source of hope. Even in total darkness, as long as there is light in the distance, they will always seek to access it, no matter the difficulties.

<< Humans are beings who for excellence are always in search of happiness and this obsession will be more accentuated if they have already tasted it.

<< You have put me in the best possible position to format this rebellion, Idykachi... I can only thank you, he said with a broad smile on his lips.

On the way back, Habel felt a drop of water hit her face, before several followed.

…It had started to rain in Hallguna.

<< Ah! Finally… The rainy season is here!


Kric: This term means judge.

Dalti: a term designating second-level warriors.