
Yet another gamer story. Yay!

You already know the deal. Nameless asshole dies. Gets reincarnated as a gamer. Gets Bowerful and travels to other worlds to get more Bower All that fun stuff. (This is a side story that I will write in my free time as I work on Season 2 of my other book so don't expect constant updates nor a decent story. Actually, if you're reading one of my books why would expect that at all?)

Nxgen_Snail_Kota · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Boss fight


"Oh, you gotta be kidding me."

Suddenly the entire cliff starts rumbling as a loud ear-shattering roar shakes the ground. I grip the sides of the rolling chair to stay stable as I roll around the bunker wildly, and after a few minutes, everything finally starts to settle. But In the distance, I notice a small shadow that starts getting bigger and bigger.

No, that's not it.

"Oh shit, it's getting closer." I realize.



A cloud of dust falls on me making me sneeze.



Don't know if it was my sneeze or a result of the rumbling. Heh. But this hundred-year-old bunker is starting to fall apart. Looking around I see widening cracks in the support beams and I bet the roof will collapse in on itself not long after.

"Screw that noise." I hop off the chair and run outside in a matter of seconds. I didn't need to run far and I got out well before everything fell apart as the bunker was small enough to navigate through with ease.

But that was the least of my issues.

"Okay, now you're just fucking with me!" I scream outraged as the flying figure finally comes into view, the setting sun behind it giving me a clear picture.

"It just had to be a goddamn zombie dragon," I grumble as I summon my desert eagle.


Another ear-piercing roar and the bunker falls apart.


Meanwhile, I cock the gun and aim it at the dragon.

I place the iron sights right on its big green rotting fleshy head, close my left eye, and with a steady hand and pull the trigger.


As I pulled the trigger I couldn't help the smirk that was forming on my face. 40,000 ATK is a bullshit value for my level and should be enough to one-shot anything in this dungeon even the boss, and even if it can't then I have 6 more rounds and that adds up to a whopping 240,000 so either way, I won.

[0 DMG!]

"...The fuck?"

[Notice! You cannot use this weapon! Your class and level does not match the minimum prerequisites needed to use this weapon at the moment! Please equip the class [Weapon Master] Level 100 to use this weapon! The weapon has been auto unequipped and stored in your inventory!]

I can't use this weapon.

I do have an inventory.

And this shitty game didn't tell me until now?


I knew this gun was sus-




You have survived long enough, and have killed enough zombies but it's not enough! The leader has decided to dispose of you himself! Will you flee? Or will you fight!

Clear Condition - Kill the Zombie Lord! Or Run away for 15 minutes!

Clear Reward - Mystery Box! 10,000EXP!

Failure - Do I need to tell you what happens if you fail?


The zombie dragon lands right in front of me with a loud thud kicking up dust, dirt, and stone in the process and with its beady red glowing eyes, it opens its mouth and...


"Meep! Meep!"

I spin the fuck around and bolt out of there.

You got me messed up thinking I'm fighting that thing.

With no gun, I have no chance in hell of killing this thing.

Yamato might be able to kill it, but if I fail then I'm screwed.

And I ain't risking it.

Lady luck has officially revoked my license.


Suddenly a large health bar not my own appeared in the top middle of my vision with a name on top of it reading. I ignored it as I was right next to the tree line mere moments away from safety when a yellow wall materialized in front of me and knocked me down.

[-1 HP]

"Ow, what the hell?" I groan as I rub my forehead and look up to see another blue screen right in front of my face.


It's a boss fight! You must face your foe and win!

Kill Kuzan!

[Level: 25]

[HP: 6,455] - [MP: 15,820]

[ATK: 110] - [SPD: 300] - [DEF: 25] - [MGATK: 502]

Reccomened course of action: Survive


What happened to the option to run?!

[It's a boss fight! You must face your foe and win!]

Why not just kill me yourself?!


Oh right, that's what he's for.

Kuzan opens its mouth, roars, and breaths out a green gaseous substance right toward me. Probably poison or something.

I roll out of the way as the gas hits the wall and I look over to see all the grass that the gas covered was turned to nothing and the dirt was melted.



"It's acid, not poison. Fucking great!."

[Title Zombie Slayer! is now in effect!]

I get up on my feet and face the dragon.

I...have no clue what to do now so we just stare at each other.

It's big, like at least 8 meters tall (26') with big boney wings and legs. And I mean boney because I can see its bones through the tiny patches of skin flaps attached to its body. In all honesty, it looks more like a bone dragon than a zombie dragon because there is a lot less rotting flesh than I thought there would be.

Though I would prefer this over a bonafide zombie dragon because I don't think thousands of pounds of rotting flesh would very good on my nose.

Back to our confrontation.

Kuzan is standing still probably sizing me up while I am trying to look like I know what I'm doing by putting both hands up in a boxing stance.

I'm not smart enough to come up with a super risky plan that guarantees victory if pulled off, so I have no choice but to try and pummel this thing to death.

Yeah, I'm probably going to die here.

"Like a great man once said. LEROOOYYYY JENKINSSSS!" With a war cry, I start running toward the beast that will probably kill me by the end of this fight, but there is always a chance some bullshit happens and I win anyway.

Kuzan responds in kind and with a beat of its wings, it charges at me as well, the ground rumbling and shaking with every step it takes.





"FUCK YOU DRAGON!!!" I scream as I leap up and get eye level with Kuzan as its eyes glow a special shade of crimson and it opens its mouth to swallow me whole.


My closed fist glows a deep blue color and I feel my strength increasing to an absurd amount, as I get mere inches away from Kuzan a huge grin appears on my face and I throw my fist forward with all my might.



[Mass Critical Strike! 15X DMG!]

[You have done 6480 DMG!]

My eyes widen as my fist makes contact with its boney head its entire body gets blown away in a whirlwind of force. Its health bar drained to zero in an instant, and as I drop to the ground bits of the zombie dragon landed over there. And over there, and some over there, with a big piece over there, while the majority of it was pulverized by the force of my strike.

And I'm just standing there flabbergasted.

"W-what the fuck?!"

[You have killed Kuzan! + 15,000 EXP +150CEXP]



You have killed Kuzan!

You have completed this dungeon!

Quest rewards have been distributed!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have gained new titles - [One shot - Increases the chance of one-shotting opponents when you use all your strength for a single strike.] - [Reckless - When attacking an enemy that clearly eclipses you in power +10,000% LUK]

You have gained a mystery box!

What was in the box?



Dark Zuben


Durability: Infinite

Description: A thick black and purple rod made of a metal called Blackstar that is Mana conductive.


This weapon has been soul-bound and auto-equipped in your main hand!





"Again. What the fuck just happened?"

Did I seriously just one shot a boss monster? N-no way right? T-this has to be a joke right? Is there a second phase or something? Does it auto revive unless specific conditions are satisfied? T-that can't be it...Can it?

[You have completed the quest!]

"So that's it?"

Shit, and I was prepared to die and everything too. I had made up my mind and figured this was a helluva lot better way to go than dying of suffocation from clocks, I had no plan and was just going to go down swinging, I definitely didn't think it would end up like this.

Huh, is it weird that I'm slightly disappointed that It was so easy to kill?

I would have liked it if it fought back just a bit.

Maybe one more breath attack.

Or maybe a claw swipe, or something.

But to just crumble down and die after one strike?

"Is this how Saitama feels every time he fights?"

Shit. Maybe infinite power isn't such a good thing.


Well, whatever. Either way, I survived to fight another day and I got the zombie dungeon so I guess it's all good. Though I am not looking forward to going back to the crusty old lab.

Hmm, I wonder if I'm strong enough to break out now?

"I'll find out later, for now though."

I summon my newest weapon. It was easy all I had to do was think about gripping something in my right hand and voila! New sword. The so-called Dark Zuben appears in my right hand and I look down at it.

"Wow, they weren't kidding when they said it was a hunk of metal." It's literally just a thick rod made of a purple-ish black material with lines running across the blade asymmetrically.

"But how am I supposed to use this?" I wonder as I squeeze the rod.


Suddenly the veins on my arm light up blue I feel something leave my body and enter the blade, mana probably, the cracks that run across the surface light up purple, and an ethereal glowing black blade appears out of the hilt.

"Oh...It's a lightsaber."


