

Hi !

I'm Nikhil Arora. I Believe nothing is impossible in the World for human beings. even Sometimes i often think whatever thoughts are coming in mind and in Dreams can be true only if we'll start focusing on them.

in the era of Digital revolution technology are improving day by day, with the Help of technology now one can do five person's work in half time. The source of Employment are also not increasing as per Population growth.

Yes, we are Living in a Country where Politics are as mandatory as Food for living, Everyone are Busy in their Personal life . They Don't Care because they have to feed their families, they don't have time to think about others.

Yes, for any Government job, whether high level or low level , we would have to attend an exam, on the contrary if peoples want to go in Politics they don't need to pass any exam.

Politics are going to Ruin our Country...

there are many things i care for, even working with Private sector is also not secure for future now a days. Private Sectors are taking advantage of unemployment situations of current India. 90% of the People are not working with their respective areas and many of them are overqualified for the job.

So Lets Imagine Nikhil Arora as Common Person of India.