
Yellow Wolf

Ken, the last surviving disciple of the faint-hearted dojo. Finds himself in the outside world. Struggling to carry on his masters final wishes, he finds the deeper meaning behind the morality of live.

Mesarik · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The Low Magic

You once again find yourself near a crackling fireplace, where a dark-haired man in a blue coat reads a book. Sipping on some tea, he looks up only to find you sitting in the armchair opposite to him.

A smile fills his face as he closes the book and puts it away. "Reader! You're back. Welcome to my comfy room. "What would you like to know now?" Thinking for a second you decide to point at him. Coroad looks at you confused.

"You... what to know about me?" Nodding your head, his smile fades and instead, a face of deep thought replaces it.

"No one ever asked about me, so I don't know what to say." Chuckling a bit, he reaches into the bookshelves beside the fireplace and pulls out a book. [Coroad's Lessons]

"It's a book about me, but the author scrapped it. Now... I'm just a wondering character in the back of their mind. It was supposed to be a book about life and accepting it, but... my author realized that he himself barely knew anything about life himself."

His shoulders go limp as he thinks about it.

"Actually all the books you see here are all book ideas that got scrapped, either out of fear or the lack of knowledge. And I'm one of them." Putting on his s,miel again, which now doesn't seem as genuine.

"You probably want to know how to even read this name. [Coroad] Its pronunciation is Co-like Coal, and Road as Rad, like Radioactive. So [Co'Rad]. At least... I think."

Resting back in his chair, he asks you if you want to know anything else. Wanting to keep going you ask him to show you real magic.

"Ah! That's a good idea." Making orbs appear out of thin air, he smiles.

Grabbing a green ball, he places it in the air where it sticks.

"Malkuth, The Body, or the physical realm. This is the base of everything. When you're born you're at the base, or Malkuth. Training this increases your body's strength and well-being."

*Snap * Room shifts and suddenly you're in an open field.

Two large white puppets rise out of the ground. One on the right and one on the left.

"These two will be our examples. Boring text will amount to nothing, after all. This is a story, not a damn textbook!" Coroad yells, as the puppet on the left gains muscles.

"The one on the left is going to be Malk, short for Malkuth. And the one on the right will be Norm, short for- You're not dumb, you know what it's short for."

Pointing to the small skinny guy, he tells you it's a normal person with no training.

Clapping his hands, Malk runs at Norm and slams him into the ground with a strong punch. Reeling back for another one, Coroad claps his hands. Both change into pure white blocks they prepare at their starting point.

Turning to you he watches like a puppy waiting for a treat. Looking at each other in silence for a few seconds, he finally gives in and rolls his eyes.

"Fine! I get it, this can happen even in the normal world. Now watch." Snappin' his fingers, the small guy grows muscles equal to Malk's, and with another snap, Malk grows in size.

"Malk know is an intermediate Malkuth practitioner. His maximum strength is 3X compared to a normal human. In a deadlift senesce..... his limit should be around a Ton and a half."

Handing you a flag he tells you to start the fight whenever you want. Looking at the white flag for a bit, you decide to shake it.

Jumping into action, Norm runs at the unmoving Malk. Only for Malk to suddenly shatter the ground he standing leaving a single crater in his wake. Grabbing Norm by the head, he crushed his skull like a watermelon.

"And that my dear reader, is Malkuth. The Malkuth Seph is a place where everyone born starts. Only after that can one move the magic out of their body."

*Clap * The world shakes again and you're back in the small room with the crackling fireplace.

Making the colorful orbs fly over again he grabs a purple one.

"From Malkuth, there's only one way to go. Up, Aka to Yesod."

Taking the purple ball, he made a line of pure light connecting the green and the purple orbs. "From Malkuth, you can go to Yesod, the first place where you can change the reality around you."

Touching the floor, the floor starts to stretch almost like it's made out of clay. Pulling the floor up into a staff, he snaps it off. Before perfectly aligned planks were now pulled and stretched on the floor.

"This is the basics of Yesod, You can manipulate the reality around yourself according to the laws of physics. You can think of me making the staff, like moving the atoms of the wood. It might sound weird, but Yesod still has to follow the rules of nature, compared to its older and more powerful brother, Tiphereth."

Shaking his head, he smiles. "Anyways, Yesod allows you to control anything according to the laws of physics." Pointing at the fire, a small ball of flame flies out. "See? All you need is enough Sephs to control your surroundings. In a short Sumamry, Yesod is your classical magic found in a fantastical story."

Sitting back down. Coroad pulls out a book. "My dear reader, this is the basic premise of the world. There's still a lot more to offer that I can share with you in this room. Nonetheless, it's up to you whether you come back and listen to my rambles."

Not sure what he means by that. The room stretches, and before you know it.

The chapter ended.