
YELENA: Femme Fatale

A boastful CEO is faced with a facial disease that challenges her beauty and arrogance, unable to keep up with her pride, she becomes a shadow of herself...no longer strong, fierce and confident. She unknowingly indulges in a bad business deal which renders her bankrupt and makes it unable for her to continue her treatment. Now she's bankrupt, she's lost her wealth, her beauty, her fame, her arrogance, her confidence and all that's left with her are pains and a face that's slowly fading out. P/S: It's a black novel. Will a rose smell if it was named garbage? Will a fire not burn us if it was called a flower? Will I be less of a bitch if my name wasn't YELENA?

Renee_Writes · Urban
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4 Chs


Losses? Yeah, and I couldn't be the losing one. The corporate world and its gamesI'm bound to show them that ladies aren't smiling anymore. I signed the contract with Starks, hoping they would be great partners with Allure. Thank goodness they got an impression of my arrogance on time and knew I wasn't in for jokes.I slump back on my swivel chair after a little pacing around. "Breeew!" my stomach rumbles. I'm damn hungry and haven't had anything since I arrived at Maryland except the coffee April has served me.From the look on Alex's face, he might have craved to have me for lunch, but my repulsive aura made him dare not.

I smiled to myself as the thought of the guy from the airplane popped into my head. Zarina had sure hit a big one. I know I was so rude to him back there on the airplane, but duh! I'm a big shot and can mess with whomever I want, and yes, that's life for me.

I steal a glance at the Rolex wall clock above my door; the local time reads 5:16 p.m. Oh! You could imagine how long I had endured a rumbling stomach.My closing time is near, though, and my only wish is that time would rush as it has always done.Not that I can't leave anytime I want as I'm the boss, but I'm so not ready to face my family or even get lectured on how I'm not getting any younger. I stay back in my office for a while before stepping out to supervise the other employees' work. They're all doing fine; everyone is busy on this project and doing their respective jobs.A notification beep from my app jolts me back to life. Did I forget to tell you?Oh! I own a fucking app that backs up my job at Allure. Glamour gloss is the name.I got the best software engineer to set it up for me, and he did it to my taste. Sam was of course shocked when I commended him on his effort, because girl! Yeah, comments never leave my lips; not even April is lucky to get any, though I must admit she's a good personal assistant. Of course! Humans don't deserve compliments at all; they just need to do their necessary jobs.What's too hard there?

No one in Maryland running a cosmetic and fashion plaza is worthy enough to beat me. My app is the most followed. Not Yelena Zetian is lagging behind in matters of competence.

Back to the app. It soothed most of my worries; I got to answer most distant clients on it, receiving their requests and complaints rather than having them perturb my phone with unnecessary calls.Some rude customers even went as far as stalking me, and how some of them had access to my private number, I couldn't fathom.I could leave this in April's hands and save myself the stress, but no! Of course she'll muddle things up by being clumsy as usual, and I love doing my things myself, especially as some clients need harsh words to let them know who they're dealing with.I suddenly come to a halt as I scroll through my phone, a frown crossing my face, my brows raised. Hmm! Another hate comment from a bitcher, all in the name of freedom of speech.I ignored her comment and went off. I've got other important things to do than sit and read dumb comments that ain't going to top the charts.The giant clock chimed again, and I stole a glance at it, making my brows furrow a bit. It's half past 6.I take out my phone and dial Alystair as I hurriedly pack up my stuff. 

"Hey b." He said it from the other end."

"Hey asshole. "How're you doing, man?"

"Fine, you're in Maryland already?"

"Yes. I want you and Xenia to come over." 

"Sure, I'll just do some finishing touches to my work; I'll see you by 8."

"If you're really busy, we could meet tomorrow..." I state.

"Aw man! No, don't do that. I'm coming over, yeah? "And that's it." He says and ends the call.  "April…April!" I yell as I storm out of my office.

I walk into her office and release a deafening slap across her cheeks, ordering her to go get my bag from my desk, which she did in a hurry and locked the doors.My pay was good, and April's salary was huge, so she didn't even dare to tender a resignation letter as she knew she wouldn't be getting such a huge salary anywhere else. So, she just had to endure it all.

I met Davis at the entrance room on the last floor.

"Hey asshole, make sure I get the records of today's job before 9 p.m. or else." "I reserve my comment, though." I say, swinging my hair and walking right across the room to the compound.

April scurried out and placed the bag on the back seat of my car, and I hopped in, placed a call on Xenia so she could meet me for a sleepover, and then zoomed off in my usual aggressive style.

★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★""Welcome back home, sis." Vaughn says he's been playing video games without taking his eyes off the TV set from where he's seated.

"Thanks; I hope your mother and your twin sister aren't home." 

"Why? Don't want to get lectured on how you're not getting any younger again? He teased. 

"Shut up, ditz! "You aren't getting any younger either." I say. Peww! I clench my fist. Who knows what I would face there? I smirk at him and walk in, ignoring his calls and question about whether I met a guy on the airplane.I walk into my room, and it's empty—no bags whatsoever. I'm fuming now. I take out my phone and call Phoebe. 

"Bitch! "Where the hell did you put my damn bag?!" She apologized, saying she had taken it to my mansion.

"Get them right away!" I say that and end the call. I planned to spend a couple of days at my parents', but ugh! They're making me sick to death. I get off the bed and take out my dress and clean off my make-up before tying my towel on my chest. I leave for the bathroom with my bathing kits. I fill the tub with warm water and step into it, thinking as usual. Alex and Zayn cross my mind.

"Alex. Such a perv!" I say this in disgust.Zayn is a really easy-going guy, nice and all. I smile at the thought of Zayn; I'm expecting a call from him as I didn't take his. He had my card, and I'm very sure he'd call. I just couldn't wait for his call to drop in. I spend some more minutes in the tub before stepping out of it. I walk into my room in my towel and slippers.I'm seated in front of the dresser, drying my hair, when a call comes in. It's Xenia. I almost forgot I had a night to spend with my best friends. I hurriedly get past drying my hair; it's still damp, but I don't mind. I roll it up in the rolling pin and blow dry it; it's completely dry now. I unrolled it, and it's curly. I step into my evening gown before heading downstairs for dinner. 

The doorbell rings as I'm on my way to the dining room. 

"Vaughn! "Get the door!" I yell, but he doesn't budge. The continuous ringing of the door bell starts to irritate me, and I angrily walk up to the door and open it. It's Xenia and Alystair.

"Hey babes." Xenia says and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Ew! I've told you not to be doing that! "I just had my bath; now I've got gloss on my cheek." I say after she walks right in.

"You get meaner by the day." Alistair says I hugged him and planted a kiss on his cheek, and he reciprocated. 

"I know right?" Lystair, Xen, and I settle in my room, and just then, Xen starts to probe me with questions.

"How was your trip to Maryland?" Lystair asks.

"I know she either kicked some asses or got laid by some dude." Xen says.


"What?! "I'm only kidding." 

"You better be, or I'll kick your ass!" "Well, let's say my trip was fine." We get to talking for a while, and Xen's eyes widen in surprise as I show her Zayn's picture. I stretched my hands and glanced at my phone: 8:56 p.m. Davis should not even dare. I pity him if he was making out with his girlfriend and forgot to send in the reports. Not one apology would take back his termination later. Davis sent the folder a couple of minutes later, and I turned off my phone shortly after checking it."Huh?" Xenia asks. I haven't been listening, so I'm not quite sure what she said.

"He's hot," Xenia says.I stood wriggling my butt, pulling Xenia and Alystair behind me, and then we walked into the main house, then through the stairs, to have an all-chattering and gossiping night.

in my room

I was in the middle of a discussion with Xen and Lystair when a call came in. I try to hide my surprise and happiness by maintaining a stern face. I slide my finger across the screen in a bid to answer the call, and I walk 20 meters away from them.

"Hey sexy." The voice came from the other end. I already knew who it was.

"Calling me sexy now, huh?"

"Yeah, a good name for you. "So, how are you?"

"Very much fine, thank you."

"Mm , I wanted to tell you that I feel so comfortable with you that I consider you the human form of sweatpants." He says causing me to chuckle.

"Really?! Sweatpants? "Oh come on, you've got to be fucking me right now." I say.

"Oh, how do you want it?" He asks, and my eyes widen in surprise.

"Get your dirty mind off the gutter, man! I was only saying, you've got to be kidding me." I say with a stern face.

"Oh, I know, I was just... messing around." He says.

"Oh, you better be! Thanks for calling. "I'm a very busy woman, and I've got lots of things to do."

"You made my day, Yelena," Zayn says.

"Man! "Get off my phone this instant!" I yell and chuckle slightly. 

"Dinner tomorrow," he says. 

"I ain't got time for dinner, bruh; I'm busy with work tomorrow." I say that and end the call. I walk back to my bed to meet a chuckling Xen and Lystair.

"What are you guys laughing at?"

"Wasn't that Zayn just now?" Xen asks.


"You were acting like you were about to eat him!" Oh man, that nigga is so trying.

"You yell at your crush too?" Lystair says.

"No, Zayn is just a friend... that I like." just like you two."

My phone rings again, interrupting our discussion, and I answer it. The other end is dead silent for a while before a voice speaks up.

"Hello beautiful."