
Years of leveling

30 years of leveling and I am still F class adventurer, I think I am not suited for becoming an adventurer but I don't want to become a big muscle-ass farmer!!! I just don't want to be like my father who didn't return after planning to buy cocow milk. But I cannot believe that I will be going to encounter a much more big problem than my problem of leveling, is it to protect the goddess of misfortune and defeat the dark king dragon...wait an F-class adventurer ordered to kill a Dragon king??!!!? THE WORLD IS OUT OF MIND!!!!!!!!! —+—+—+— Also, the cover is now owned by me, if the artist wants to take it down, please contact me.

AshenToon · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Finally, they are now able to see the city wall. Recalling what happened the past days of the journeying through the city, they grievingly let out an exhausted sigh.

"So this is it, a farewell to each other."


Shockingly stared at Rose. Unable to believe the unbelievable words that came out from Rose's slim mouth almost making Woo cry. He don't want to cry in front of her, but giving farewell to each other was a bit too much for him to resist crying.

"But we maybe encounter each other again in some unexpected event again in further future."

As Rose tried to loosen some worries from Woo, Woo just only deepened his worries. What worries? Ask the author.

(A:Ehh, worries like everyday need? I don't know.)

"Anyway seems you learn the basics knowledge of adventurers and know some common sense of cities, therefore I will give you this."

Rose threw a pouch bag to Woo which Woo catch it too faulty but was able to catch it. Inside the pouch bag was full of dazzling silvers. Woo remembered what Rose taught him, those dazzling things are what they called shekels. The value of shekels like what Rose said, is 50 ounces of copper is equivalent to one ounce of silver, while 150 ounces of silver is equivalent to one ounce of gold. Woo knows a little bit about numbers and how to count, so he was not so ignorant about everything else that was not commonly found in his hometown. If you wondering how the hell Woo knew how to count, he was taught by a passing merchant. Rose gave him 20 silver ounces because it was his first time going to a city and therefore don't have any money to survive in this harsh place.

Rose didn't care if she was losing money or even thinking about losing money. Life was more valuable than money. Woo was ignorant of everything outside his hometown, ever since she met Woo from the woods she already knew Woo was ignorant. But Rose is willing to help him with the things he doesn't know about.

They bind farewell and they separate each other as they walk away oppositely.

Suddenly Woo turns around and calls Rose from afar, running toward Rose. While Rose expected this, she smirked happily and stared Woo came running toward her. After Woo runs toward her now standing in front of Rose, shortly takes a breath because of that running.

"Rose, thank you for everything you did to me, when we meet again in the future I will be the one who will do what you did to me, not the one you tied me in the tree but how you save me and take care of me. That's a promise, Rose!"

"Then I will look forward to that."

Rose laughs a little as if she finds this funny. They bind farewell again and Rose proceeds to walk again.

Woo watched Rose's back walk away, as her figure slowly vanished to the eternal road of life.

'Rose Wither, I ought to myself that when we meet again I will be strong as you!'

Happily making an ought, Woo continues his journey toward the city gate. He is ready and determined to become an adventurer, it doesn't matter how many obstacles came his way for he will make a way to his goal in life.

He was finally at the gate of the city wall, which two gatekeepers guarding securely. The gate was not open always, because travelers who used this way were decrease to few. Maybe because of the rumors about the disappearance of people who passed the cemetery, no one doesn't know what happened to those people who disappeared.

"Hello, misters!"

Gratefully greet the gatekeepers, the gatekeepers look at him confusingly for a moment and eventually turn back to friendly expression again.

"Ohh! Hello young lad, I was a bit surprised you survive this path."


A bit confused about what one of the gatekeepers said.

"People who walk this path disappeared, so I thought nobody will walk this way again, hahaha!"

"Anyway can I know what village you can from, you look like new here?"

Interrupted their conversation with another gatekeeper. Woo greeted another gatekeeper as a symbol of peace, and answer respectively like what Rose taught to him to what another gatekeeper asked him.

"Greetings! I came from the... I forgot."

"What place, sir?"

'Where the hell I came from?'

Shit, secretly curse himself for how could he

don't know where his birthplace is, which made him lost in his thoughts.

"Sir, by any chance are you from the Goddoshitto village?"

(A:What kind of place is that? I didn't even remember naming it like that.)

"Ahh! That's my village's name!"

Ahh I see, said something under his breath of the gatekeeper, because he already know where the hell this guy came from. It's simple to know because people from that village kind of have a mental disorder just like Woo.

(A:Wow, sounds like a mental hospital even.)

"Waah?! How do you know? Do you by any chance have magical telepathy?!"

Quickly came near to the gatekeeper who was nervous. The gatekeeper can't trick him as a wondrous telepathy man, which made him want to make fun of Woo a little bit.

"Of course I...."

"If you are really from the Goddoshitto village, can you prove it?"

Suddenly interrupted by the first gatekeeper, Woo tries to find a way to make prove himself, and he finally got an idea.

"I came from the wonderful Goddoshitto village, nice meeting you!"

Thanks to what his old man said to him when he was a 1-year-old kid.

-"We don't have place ID here so if someone asks you a proven whether you came from here or not, just said this to them 'I came from the wonderful Goddoshitto village, nice meeting you!', ok?"-

(A:There is no common sense about that.")

"So you came from that place, huh."

Surprise and unbelievably was all over the face of the gatekeeper. Only idiots can say those words without doubt of their selves.

"Well, since you're new here, your free to enter the city then! But when you next time enter a city you need to pay the entering fee, but if you are an adventurer with your adventurer's license plate, you can enter freely without paying."

"Thank you!"

One of the gatekeepers proceed to open the gate as Woo was ready to enter a new world outside his village.

I might don't upload some days because of many works and taking some breaks.

AshenTooncreators' thoughts