
Year 2244

Do you have to die? Sam was a walking corpse deprived of all hope until he managed to find a simple technological device called Pulse in the muds. Just a modern technology toy. But this toy gave him something to chase after and made him realize that this is not over yet.

Homelesszombie · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 13

Sam left the building, got into the car and drove towards the railway station, catching a train to the capital. Instead of buying a ticket, he simply slipped twenty bucks into the conductor's hands.

Sitting in his compartment, he sometimes watched the wasteland outside the window, the rest of the time he rummaged through his phone. He had no illusions that he could find information about the whereabouts of the president.

This bastard was probably hiding and it's not a fact that he was even in this country. Not only country Z wanted his death. Most of the country X population, except those who were completely brainless or those who were part of the regime, also would be happy to dance on his grave.

The most offensive thing is that the president, not only in this country, but in fact in any country, did not bear any responsibility for anything. It doesn't matter what disaster happens. Earthquake, terrorist attack, zombie apocalypse or war.

So who should bear responsibility then? Some KFC worker or maybe a farmer? Naturally, responsibility must lie with the authorities, and the more power you have, the greater the responsibility should be.

In reality it was the other way around. All responsibility was purposefully placed on ordinary people, and the authorities not only suffered losses, on the contrary. For the authorities, any tragedies brought only benefits. Of course, provided that the people in power remained alive...

Since he cannot get to the president, he will go to the seat of parliament. Moreover, these overfed bastards continued to regularly pass inhumane laws, working tirelessly.

There were rumors that they didn't have much choice, and if someone tried to stand out, he was also threatened with being sent to the war. However, unlike ordinary people, these bastards definitely had other options. They just didn't want to leave their warm seats.

The parliament building and meeting times were not a secret information, so he soon found out exactly where it was happening.

- Santa Claus? - asked the child.

A man with his son, about 8 years old, was traveling in the same compartment with him. Well, at least someone noticed his non-standard appearance. Sam smiled slightly.

- Yes, you can say so. But I don't have any gifts sorry.

The father told the boy not to bother Sam and kid obeyed, but at times he was still casting suspicious glances at Sam.

Although he imitated the human appearance well, if you look closely, you will certainly get an eerie feeling of incongruity.

Sam no longer had a heart, pulse, or breathing. It's as if there is a living mannequin next to you. People rarely pay attention to such small details so usually viewers ignored these shortcomings. But the child seems to have noticed something.

They had to spend quite a long time in one compartment, so they still chatted with the man for a bit while kid was playing outside. Fathers name was Larry

- Why are you going to city A? - he asked.

- I want to kill the president, do you know where to find him?

- Haha, who doesn't want that? But what will this change?

And indeed. Essentially this won't change anything. Even before the current one came to power, there were many others who were not much better. The crux of the problem was not him alone.

- Well then I'll kill the entire network. - said Sam.

- What do you mean by network? - Larry asked with interest.

- Well, let's take the judge for example. He is elected to his position indefinitely, so he can remain a judge almost until his death. Naturally, the police department, the mayor and many other government officials are interested in establishing long-term cooperation with this judge.

 In turn, the judge is also happy to establish various connections with other elements of the system and they support each other in various issues. In fact, the connection between these government officials and their support for each other is already a network. Of course, in real life this network, to put it mildly, is much more extensive than the examples listed earlier. Over many years of cooperation, all these judges, senators, prosecutors, congressmen, secret services, and so on form this very network.

 At the moment, this network has already become so strong and comprehensive that it is simply impossible to bypass the network even to become a candidate for any important position, such as a judge or a governor. At a minimum, you will have to accept their unspoken rules.

 Even a young man who graduates from the police academy and is assigned to the police department is faced with a simple reality. Either he "cooperates" with his colleagues or he is quickly sent to the ends of the earth and he can say goodbye to his career. Essentially there is simply no choice. But if he cooperates, he can essentially legally kill people; in the worst case, he will be formally fired and quietly sent to work in another department of the network.

 So if that is the case in local police departments you can only imagine the situation with politicians ministers and officials. There are too many interested parties. The only chance of going down for any of those officials is to go against the network itself, and that's where their restrictions end. They can kill a person on camera and in the worst case scenario they will be sent on vacation to Hawaii. What happens when cameras are not pointed at them is anyone's guess.

Larry thought for a moment and then asked.

- And you're going to kill everyone? There are thousands of judges alone, or God knows how many. Not to mention the police and military. I don't want to offend you, but this is somehow childish. - Larry shook his head.

- I would like to deal with everyone, but it's really too troublesome. However, there are only about 400 representatives in parliament who are elected by secret ballot. How many criminal laws did these bastards pass during ten years of war? The main thing is to start and then I'll figure it out as I go.

Larry just laughed at this statement and the conversation ended there.

Sam really didn't know and couldn't know all the ins and outs, but he didn't really care. He just wanted to fulfill his little revenge. Of course, he will not spend too much time and effort on this. In the worst case, he will simply kill until he gets tired of it. It will be fun.

Suddenly there was a cry and the door to the compartment was opened by Larry's son. Apparently, he couldn't keep his balance and hit a sharp corner while he was in the corridor. His eye was closed and the skin next to the eye was cut, he was bleeding and crying in pain.

Larry rushed to his aid.

Sam summoned some water element and covered the wounded area. When Larry carefully wiped away the traces of blood, he did not notice any damage and breathed a sigh of relief.

- It doesn't hurt anymore. - the kid said in bewilderment, wiping his snot.

Sam smiled slightly. The regeneration effect also improved.