
Yeah, well... this is not a good world

Our protagonist transmigrates to a reality from where he will have the task of traveling/taking control of various characters belonging to various fantasy worlds, fulfilling missions proposed by... Himself? Warning: I do not own the rights to any of the characters that appear in this story, only my protagonist. (WARNING: this fanfic is translated from Spanish with Google Translator, so there will be some grammatical errors. I only do it because many asked me to translate my fanfic) Publishing schedule: 3 or more chapters per week Stories taken into account: - Getsuyoubi no Tawawa (Tawawa No Monday) - Sono bisque doll wa koi wo suru (My Dress-Up Darling) - Miru Tights -Mieruko-chan Mission-related worlds: - Btooom!

Culture_Lover · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Arrival to a new world II

"W-What the hell is going on here?!" – Robert shouted with all his might as he unconsciously pushed the old man and tried to get as far away as he could, colliding with the people who were walking.

"Hey! Help me, please! "Someone call the police!"

The desperate young man began to walk away while he yelled at all the people he bumped into.

However, something strange seemed to happen.

Only until now did he realize that all the people here were unfazed by all the fuss he was making!

In the restaurant no one looked at him when he ran away, on the street no one saw him while he screamed, not even the people he collided with seemed to want to pay attention to him.

Everyone was completely ignoring him as if he didn't exist!

"I told you, you're dead" – the old man in the suit spoke calmly after adjusting his wrinkled jacket – "Everything you see now is nothing more than an illusion"

"S-Shit… this can't be real… t-this has to be a dream… I'm still drunk" – the young man began to mutter while he stood in one place and looked around with a stupid face.

He raised his hands to touch the people who were walking, but no matter how many signs, greetings, and shakes he did, no one responded to him.

This, added to the ominous feeling that the old man gave him, made him feel even more anxious and desperate.

"Accept it kid, the faster you do it, the faster this will end" – the man in the suit approached and patted him on the shoulder a couple of times.


At that, a horrible guttural sound came from the sky!

The sound resembling the wailing of an ancient beast resounded throughout! 

Causing all things around to tremble!

It was a sound that conveyed an ominous and oppressive feeling that tightened the young man's heart! This was something he had never experienced in his life!

"W-What the fuck was that?!" – Robert stammered as a cold sensation ran through his entire back.

"They are getting closer…" – the old man looked at the sky with deep eyes.

Right now the feeling of power he conveyed became much greater, as if it were a response to that terrifying sound.

"Come, follow me, we must look for another place…. As long as we walk, we will not raise suspicions."

The stunned young man was scared to death by everything that was happening, not knowing what the hell to do.

However, as he watched the old man walk away into the crowd, a disturbing feeling began to settle in his heart, as if something was telling him not to lose sight of the old man.

A second ago he wanted to get away from that old man... now he felt that he should follow him. It was as if something inside him told him that he should not be left alone.

He unconsciously began to walk behind the old man, as if by inertia.

And although he stopped for a moment, as if he regained control of his legs, he did not go in another direction, he again followed the old man.

Maybe it was fear from the sensation transmitted by that horrible scream in the sky, maybe it was something else, now he himself didn't know it, he just kept walking.

Trying to lessen his shock, he began to look everywhere while he observed everything with a bit of amazement and fear.

"Could you tell me what that horrible sound was?!" – after a silent moment, Robert asked anxiously.

"It's not something I can explain to you in the short time we have. Besides, you wouldn't believe me if I told you" – the old man spoke as he continued walking – "But don't worry, you'll know in due time"

The young man frowned when he heard these words. However, he did not ask any more questions, it was evident that the old man would not talk about it right now.

This surreal situation was crazy, so he just managed to follow the old man while he occasionally tried to touch everything around him.

The feel of the clothes on people... the feeling of the cold of the environment... the sounds and lights that came from the screens embedded in the tall buildings... all this was so real, but at the same time so unreal.

He even tried to touch his own body, feeling the same sensation.

'A-Am I dead?' – He asked himself – 'Is this… heaven?'

At what point did it happen?

Did he drink so much this time that he ended up intoxicated? Did he suffer a fatal accident while drunk? Was he drugged by someone to steal his things?

"Yes, you are dead" – suddenly the old man spoke as he walked – "And no, this is not heaven, it is an illusion, a kind of 'waiting room' to go somewhere else"

'Shit… can this old man read minds?' – the young man was surprised.

He tried not to think about anything to prevent the old man in front of him from reading his thoughts, but right now his head was so saturated that the only thing he couldn't do was stop thinking.

In the end, he gave up and asked.

"Tell me… are you something like… God?"

"No, I am not that kind of God that humans believe in" – the cornflower responded with a smile – "But by the standards of power that are in the fantasy stories of him… he could well be classified as one"

'What the hell does that mean?' – thought the young man without understanding those words.

"How come I'm here? I mean, I don't remember dying"

Although he somewhat understood what was being said to him, his mind was still chaotic.

One would think that this was a bad dream resulting from a great drunkenness, the result of being highly saturated with acids, or both.

But the young man had experienced both situations before, sometimes at the same time, and this was something completely different.

It seemed that what the old man said was real... he was dead and this world was an illusion.

The question now was how? How the fuck did it happen?

"To answer your question, it was your fault for acting as usual. Los Angeles is not your city, no one knew you there. You should be careful not only of people who seem strange and dangerous, but also of beautiful women who don't seem that way, especially those who walk around with Roofies in their purse" - the old man spoke with a mocking tone of voice - "Even the most experienced hunter loses his prey, but in your case, it was the prey that hunted you Jajaja" 

The old man's words made Robert's eyes widen!

That damn woman he had slept with was responsible for his death!

How the hell had this happened to him? He was a good drinker and he knew how to guard against people trying to drug him, and this time he was no exception. He didn't know how that woman could put something in his drink no matter how hard he tried to remember.

"Now boy, there's no point in bothering you now. What's done is done, you don't have to blame some girls who don't know how to mix pills with alcohol, blame yourself for not knowing what the hell you're drinking. Maybe for your next life, you will act with moderation" – the old man spoke – "Now let's hurry up"

Robert slowly calmed down as he tried to suppress his anger. While he was really furious about being drugged to death, it's not like he could come back to life.

He tried not to think about it as he continued walking. Little by little he became distracted by all the things he could see.

It was here that a question arose.

"Tell me, if this is something like the passage to the other world, why does it look like a Japanese city?"

"To be honest I have no idea. I don't create these illusions, I just make deliveries. Although they say that this is created from the memories of each individual who arrives here"

The old man's words made more doubts arise in his mind.

Why was this illusion from the city of Japan? While he had watched some anime and read some manga due to the influence of his ex-girlfriend, it wasn't like he was a fan.

If it were up to him, he would prefer to be in an environment similar to the Oak Club or in a grand final at Yankee Stadium.

'Aaaa... damn, the Yankees were going to play next week against the Guardians... There was money insured there'

The young man sighed internally as he continued walking.


"Well, this place is safe" – the old man in the suit finally spoke after opening the door to a large room – "Happily we arrived on time. If you had resisted or if you had tried to escape, I would have had to break your legs and bring you back by force"

He had entered one of the luxurious rooms at the Park Hyatt Tokyo, one of the five-star hotels in Shinjuku, Tokyo.

At least it was the hotel that was inside this strange illusory world.

"How… moving to hear that" – Robert, who also entered the room, responded sarcastically – "Now, could you tell me what we do in this place?"

The young man's initial shock and disorientation seemed to have disappeared.

Likewise, in the absence of any other information he had accepted the little that the old man had said.

That's why he was no longer acting like a scared idiot.

Although he had accepted his condition as dead, this old man in front of him seemed to be the entity that would guide him to his destiny, so he tried to be cautious and not get on his bad side, he did not want to end up in hell.

Could he be the modern version of Charon? Hopefully and no, right now he was missing some coins for the tribute.

"Sit on the couch and stay still… no matter how much I talk, don't move" – the old man in the suit only gave instructions – "I'll start with the transfer"

'Transfer?' – Robert sighed a little hesitantly, but he did as the old man said. He didn't want to piss him off since his possible passage to heaven was at stake – "Okay, okay, let's continue with whatever has to happen."

Sitting in his place, the young man could see the entire big city through the glass, it was a truly captivating view.

In the distance, he could see through the glass of the wide window how the dark sky began to lighten, announcing the soon dawn.

'A nice view to go to the afterlife eh... I wish I had enjoyed my life more' – the boy mentally whispered.

'I really would have liked to say goodbye to my family... I hope they can resist'

Only in this moment of reflection did Robert remember his family, especially his mother, the only member of his unfortunate family who moderately supported him so that he could excel and succeed.

The last thing he said to her was a quick goodbye over his cell phone when he told her about his trip to California.

He knew that the news of her death would shock her, but there was nothing he could do about it. It wasn't like he could send her a goodbye message right now.

"Hey man, do you think we can go to one last place...?" – Robert asked.

"Boy, this is not like in the movie 'Ghost' you can no longer communicate with anyone who is alive, and I am not at your service" – the old man, who heard the boy's thoughts, spoke.

"Oh... well, at least I tried" – the boy smiled wryly.

"Ah... look, you don't have to worry too much about your mother. Although she will go through an unpleasant time, soon good luck will smile on them and she will smile again until the end of her long life, I can assure you that, happy?"

"… Thanks, I guess"

Robert smiled wryly. He didn't expect him to be helped this way, but he wouldn't complain. In itself, this situation of being dead was something that no one could deal with, so he would not push his luck.

Shaking his head to stop thinking about his mother, he began to think about everything he had achieved in life, everything he had strived for, everything he had grasped.

The abandonment by his father when he was 10... his first fight at school... his first kiss with his neighbor... his first sexual experience... the scholarships he won for high school and college... all the people he met in his 30s years of life… all the things that marked him.

Will the friends he made throughout his life remember him in a good way? Will his ex-girlfriends cry at his funeral? These were questions that began to emerge at this time.

'Ah... fuck, sex, another thing I'm going to miss' – Robert complained internally.

Robert's personality was not that of someone withdrawn, but rather that of a handsome and sociable young man.

He would not boast of being someone with precocious mental maturity, but at an early age, he had learned a lot about life. He knew what to do and what not to do in order to make the most of situations.

And if we added to that his good face and body, as well as his promising future, it was not surprising that he never lacked female company in his life.

'If I'm going to miss any of them... maybe it's Amelia... every time she put on her cosplay costumes she always left me with my balls dry'

Robert thought about one of his ex-girlfriends, a cosplayer girl, with whom he experimented with role-playing sex.

"Now pay attention, I will only repeat this once" – suddenly the old man stood behind the chair and put both hands on the boy's head – "If you manage to remember these words you will be able to do great things in the future"


With a snap, tension fell over Robert's body, leaving him completely still and only able to move his mouth and eyes.


At the same time, a small stream of multicolored lights swirled around the young guy, beginning to spin faster and faster.

Suddenly he heard how the old man began to recite some lines as if they were a religious chant, as if it were some kind of mantra, at the same time that a golden light appeared in the hands that held his head.

"With the lives of millions of pure souls offered as an offering"

"With the blood and flesh of the executioner delivered by the hand of another"

"With the key to the prison offered among the father's cries"

'Pure souls in offering? executioner meat? What the hell was this old man saying?! won't I go to heaven? 

"H-Hey! Those songs look more like the invocation of a demon!" – Robert became anxious again as he listened to the old man speak.

However, he didn't try to move. His head was being grabbed tightly and he didn't want it to burst like a watermelon.



Just when the old man finished reciting those strange chants, several of those guttural laments from heaven echoed again!

However, now many more could be heard!

Those sounds made everything around seem to distort, as if they were breaking reality itself, causing Robert's heart to seem to tighten from the sensation they conveyed!

"Listen carefully, there is no time for more!" – the old man's voice began to convey a sense of urgency – "You will go to a fantasy world, an anime world to be exact, understood?"

"Anime world? "Aren't I supposed to go to paradise?!" – The young man complained while his eyes were fixed on the dawning dawn – "I don't understand anything, old man! Furthermore, those terrible sounds were heard closer than before!"

"Stop complaining right now Robert!" – The old man responded as his voice became a little calm – "Think of this as if it were your own paradise where you can do many things and enjoy life. Think of this as if it were your ideal world"

The young man was silent for a moment while he processed this information.

"Is this really happening?" – Robert asked – "It sounds too good to be true! Are you sure you are not a god?"

Even though he was already dead, there was something he had learned throughout his life.

There is no free lunch in the world.

If he accepted his death as a fact and the existence of paranormal things, then the existence of a god would not be far-fetched.

And the only thing that could give him this kind of second chance would be something akin to a god.

So why would a god give him a second chance so randomly without asking for anything in return?

"Although I can't prove it right now, everything I tell you is true" – the old man spoke while his gaze was directed towards the ceiling as if he could see the sky and much beyond – "But don't worry, nobody will demand anything from you in return... this is something that had to happen"

"It sounds really good! really. What happens if I refuse?" – Robert said as the multicolored lights rotated with increasing speed.

"You can refuse now, then the things that are making those sounds will come for you, break your body into a thousand pieces, and torment your soul for all eternity within a place that will make hell look like a field of flowers."

The old man's words sounded so simple, but the young man had goosebumps all over him right now!

'Shit' - was the only thing that crossed the boy's mind.

Now would he accept?

Hell yes, of course.

"Ok, ok I understand…damn…this will be like a vacation right?" – the young man spoke with an annoyed tone – "So what's the trick? I don't think you will send me to a world for no apparent reason, You must want me to do something or am I wrong?

"Of course, there is a trick, boy! If you want to preserve your peace and tranquility in your world, you must do some work, but you will know in due course"

'Damn old man! A few moments ago you told me that nothing will be asked of me in return!' - Robert cursed mentally.

"No information?… of course! This sounds like a shitty business" – the young man responded with a sarcastic tone – "Well, what do I have to do? Will I save the world? Are you going to send me to the world of Dragon Ball Z?

"Who knows!... I don't know what you will find in the world you will arrive at" – the old man tried to smile, but the worried tone of his voice was too evident – "What I do know is that you will have to go to several other worlds to do your jobs"

The old man's words seemed so simple, but a cold sensation ran down the boy's back.

With every word the old man said an invisible weight increased on the boy's shoulders as red flag alarms sounded everywhere!




The reality was beginning to crack as the cries of the beasts became louder and louder as if they were approaching this place from the deepest reaches of the universe!

"I'm sorry I can't tell you more, I'll try to explain another time!"

"Wait wait! What do you mean by that!" – The young man screamed as he continued without understanding, but he could no longer ask more because the multicolored lights covered his entire body, causing him terrible pain – "Hagh, damn! Haggggh!"

Suddenly, the first ray of dawn radiated the entire room through the window glass, just at the same time that the golden light covered the boy's body, making him explode in a luminous flash!

*Boooooooommmm! *

It was an explosion that illuminated the entire place, even the luminous flash expanded outside the room through the glass, making the sky of the entire region shine!

After a moment, everything returned to normal inside the luxurious room, and little by little things calmed down. The old man was behind the chair with his hands in the air above the backrest.

Robert was nowhere to be found.

However, this did not seem to matter to the old man. He was just looking towards the horizon with tired eyes.

Suddenly, little by little the entire 'reality' began to distort as it collapsed little by little, cracking at a terrifying speed!




The sky shattered horribly, generating cracks through which multicolored lights could be seen!

Several grotesque extensions resembling gigantic arms passed through those cracks, darkening this entire world and transforming it into a complete hell!

"Hahaha… they were late" – the old man spoke with a mocking voice as he closed his eyes and smiled – "I just hope you don't die, boy"

The old man sighed and said those last words before disappearing with this entire world.


Hey guys, I hope you're doing well.

When I published my fanfic, almost everyone said that the MC's attitude was a bit annoying.

To some extent, I based my MC's personality on that of Dean Winchester, the protagonist of the television series "Supernatural."

However, he will stop complaining a lot and be more understanding, all thanks to the experiences that he will have in his new world, with which he will mature little by little.