

Volume 3: Ydeo's Adventure and the Clash against the Twin-Headed Dragon - CHAPTER 21: TORA THE FLOATING COUNTRY

Tora is Located on the the North of Mala-Laya, to the East of Viyato, and to the South of Yong as Bakunawa explained to us.

Bakunawa also said to us that it is a floating island and it is a mystery as how it is floating. It is the only floating country in the Garsula continent.

Mayari said to us that his Father the Emperor of Viyato wants to conquer the Tora because of how mysterious it is but unfortunately it is hard to attack and to sneak in.

There's only one way to get there, and Bakunawa said we will understand it once we get there.

It's about lunch and Mayari's Knight prepared us a lunch, Mayari said that it is one of Viyato's most delicious cuisine. I'm excited to taste it, I wonder how delicious it is.

Mayari said it is called Poqui-Poqui.

After the preparation, Mayari's Knight served the food. Why is this Knight so distant to me? I do not eat people.

So Poqui-Poqui is a fried eggplant then cooked with egg and tomato. Looks like Bakunawa expect too much with Mayari's words.

"I think I should be the one to cook." I suggested.

"Do you know how to cook Ydeo?" Bakunawa asked.

I said to them ever since I was young I always help Dayang Ba-na in cooking which is actually unusual for a boy to do. It's a custom for a man to be a warrior, hunter or sailor but for me I love eating and cooking delicious foods.

Since when I tasted a delicious food? I can't remember.

So I told them that I helped in our Torogan in cooking. Of course I personally hunt and collect for the ingredients.

Mayari couldn't believe in it so i said to them that I will cook for them.

From what I can see Mayari loves vegetables more than meat while Bakunawa is a meat lover but how about this Knight? From I remember she cooked a rabbit for Mayari.

What do we have on the storage? But look how big this storage and how finely made this kitchen, I admire it.

So we have rabbit, I guess I'll dress this cute fluffy rabbit.

"Don't be scared my friend little rabbit! Hahaha!"

I'll prepare something special for Mayari and because we have few eggplant, I'll use this to cook for eggplant with garlic sauce will surely do. For Bakunawa, I think he will like Rabbit Barbeques. As for the Knight I'll make sa rabbit soup. I'll add some mushrooms and potato with it. And for the main course is Rabbit Sisig.

"Let's do this!"

"Hello Guys, the food are ready!"

What's with those eyes? "Did I take too long?"

"No Ydeo, but I can't wait to try this! Bakunawa said.

Looks like everyone are hungry, I can see it in their face.

"Enjoy your food!"

I never see Mayari eat like this! HAHAHA

Bakunawa eats a lot too!

While this Knight have no reaction at all!

What wrong with you?!

Is my Rabbit Soup taste bad? No it's not! It's how I usually cook it. Bakunawa and Mayari enjoyed it.

What's wrong with this Knight?

"Hoy, don't eat my share!" I exclaimed.

Looks like everyone loves it! So from today on, I will cook for us!

And all of a sudden, ten Sea Monsters rose from the Ocean.


They look familiar! A Cow, a Banana, an Earthworm, a Chicken Head, a Carabao, a Butterfly Head, a Lizard, Grapes, a Bell Pepper and a Chili Pepper!

I remember them! I fought with them!

"You're back again! Are you hear for revenge, Cow!" I shouted.

"I am not Cow! My name is Baka!" He said.

"Why are you here Baka?!" I asked.

"We smelled something good so we came to see it!" He said.

"What did you say you smell us and want to eat us?!" I replied.

"We don't eat human, Idiot! That's what you always think!" He replied.

"No need to talk if you're here to fight let's fight, I want to see how delicious you are!" I said.

"These filthy human! This is why we hate you, humans!" He said as he attack me with his tail.

I fought back

Bakunawa and Mayari was shocked and didn't know what's happening.

They are surprised as how I fight back with ten Sea Monsters.

I can fight you properly! Unlike last time I do not have a proper rest!

Taste my punch!

Meanwhile on the ship.

"What is he doing?!" Mayari asked Bakunawa.

"I don't know what's going on!" Bakunawa replied.

"Is he damn? Did he know that fighting a Sea Monster means fight against the Ruler of the Sea!" Mayari explained.

"I know but it is not new, there are Galleon Captains who is basically an enemy of the Sea. Your country is giving them funds to continue their voyage. So basically your empire is the number 1 enemy of the Sea Ruler." Bakunawa said.

"Yes, but those are Skilled Fighters, unlike Ydeo an ordinary boy, those Galleon Captains are expert in fighting Sea Monsters." Mayari said.

"Our country's Academy offer education and training for those who wants to be a Galleon Captain." She added.

"My Lady, from what I can see these Sea Monsters are smaller than the usual, maybe they are a young Sea Monsters." Knight said.

"But look at him smiling like that as if he enjoy fighting them!" Mayari said.

"And look he already beat 3 Sea Monsters as we speak." Bakunawa said.

"Wait is he coming here?!" Mayari asked.

"Hey, do we have a long rope? I'm planning to take the Chicken Head, Banana, Bell Pepper and Chili Pepper. We can used them as ingredients!" I said.

"What are you thinking?! They are Sea Monsters! What are you going do with them?!" Mayari said.

"Anyway, Bakunawa get me one!" I said.

Ydeo jumped back and continue in fighting the Sea Monsters.

"That Idiot! What is he planning to do!?" Mayari said.

"Don't take the rope!" Mayari commanded.

This is annoying! How can we get out of this situation?! The Sea Monsters are already pissed!

"Bakunawa get the rope! ---- "But you said i shouldn't. Bakunawa said.

"Get the rope and take Ydeo back! Used it to him!" Mayari said.

"Sail Port! As fast as possible!" Mayari commanded to Knight.

"Bakunawa if I said take him, take him. We have to run from this Sea Monsters first!" Mayari added.

"But can we really stop this Sea Monsters?" Bakunawa asked.

"We can, you just have to do what I tell you." Mayari said.

As they plan, they sail across to the the Sea Monsters and when they passed, Bakunawa quickly jump to the ocean and went to Ydeo.

"Looks like you improve Baka!" Ydeo said.

"What do you take us for?! It just happened that you’re lucky that time, but not this time kid!" Baka said.

"Kid?!" Ydeo got pissed.

Before Ydeo and Baka clashed, Bakunawa grab Ydeo and stop Baka's Head Butt with his sword.

After that Bakunawa use his Two-Sword Style: Warm Breeze to irritate the Sea Monsters.

Bakunawa quickly jumped over the Sea Monster to the Ocean and swam back to the Ship.

The Sea Monster swam down the Ocean as they got irritated by the wind. But when they are near at the ship the Sea Monsters reemerged.

They saw Ydeo and Bakunawa, and they chase them. They quickly swim and get to the Ship.

But as Mayari Plan a sudden rain come.

The Sea Monster where frighten to the rain, and then Mayari shout and, "A storm is coming!"

The Sea Monster believed it and quickly swim back to the depths of the ocean.

After that the quick rain stop.

"Amazing! How did you do that?!" Ydeo asked.

"It's nothing but simple trick, it's all thanks to Bakunawa." Mayari said.

That is amazing! I never see someone change the weather like that!

"But my food run away!" Ydeo said.

"That's not important, Idiot!" Mayari said.

"Before you fight, let me tell you guys that we are here." Bakunawa said.

"Where?!" I asked.

"Look up, it's Tora the Sky Island." Bakunawa said.

We can see it from afar! It's a massive land with a shape of crescent moon!

From our view we can see a massive land with massive Mountain. It's like a mountain protecting its land.

"I can't wait to get there! But how will we go up there?" Out of curiosity Ydeo asked Bakunawa.

"First we have to go to that island." Bakunawa said.

"We will use a boat from that island and wait for the night to come."

Everyone don't get him but they did it as how Bakunawa instructed them. They went to the island below the Tora and sailed using the boat till they are beneath it.

"Hey Mayari, I'm just curious, how come that those Sea Monster run from rain?" Ydeo asked.

"They are not afraid of rain, they are afraid of storm. Those strong and unpredictable wind, it can destroy nations to nation, even an adult Sea Monster can die from a Storm." Mayari explained.

"Natural Disasters are scary, you know." Bakunawa said.

"Aren't they body strong enough to live in the depths of the ocean? So how come that a storm can kill them?" Ydeo asked.

"What do you mean?" Mayari asked.

"Well I always love to dive back then when I still in my homeland, and as far as I can go deep, it is harder to move and to breath, so if they can live deeper than human can, how come that they are afraid of storm?" Ydeo said.

"The answer is very simple, if you put a fish in to a pool, it will surely can swim freely, however if there is a sudden change to the pool, like a waves, the fish will get stressed out, even if you put toxic chemicals to the pool, it will surely kill the fish. So what I mean to say, it is natural to them that they can swim to the depths of the ocean, but the sudden change of the wind and strong current as they got wrapped on a typhoon will surely kill them, they're not immortal creatures." Mayari said.

"And because they're big in size, they can easily get caught on a whirlpool." Bakunawa said.

"I see, so they are like us then." Ydeo said.

"What do you mean?" Bakunawa asked.

"Just living to survive and doing the things they want." Ydeo said.

"Coming from a person who immediately attack them." Knight said.

"I apologize, I did not think as I thought that they are just monsters who casually eat humans." Ydeo said.

"Are you alright?" Mayari asked.

As the night goes by the Ocean lights with different colors. The ocean is glowing from red, to blue, to violet, to pink, to green and every color. It is so beautiful.

Ydeo was about to touch the water but Bakunawa stop him from doing it.

"It's contagious." Bakunawa said.

They wait until something big emerge from the ocean.

"Was it a Sea Monster again?!" Ydeo shouted.

Bakunawa said it is called a Giant Jellyfish, and they can fly up to the sky.

Then beneath them another Jelly Fish emerged and it flew their boat up the the sky!

"Wow! We are flying!" Ydeo said.

The Giant Jellyfish keeps on emerging the ocean. It's a beautiful view! It's a Night Light.

They flew with the Giant Jellyfish!

"It is what Bishop Pontiveros said, a Giant Jellyfish will fly you to the Tora. It has the ability to fly in the Night and they love to go to the Sky Island as if it is their nest." Bakunawa explained.

"If we are lucky we might be able land on the top of mountain of Tora but if not we might be on the bottom of it." Bakunawa added.

"But if how will we climb up to the Tora if the Jelly fish are contagious?" Ydeo asked.

Bakunawa said that Giant Jellyfish produce poison using its tentacles so basically they just don't have to touch the tentacles.

So they did it but unfortunately as what Bakunawa said they are at the bottom of the Tora.

"We are now on a dire situation!" Princess Mayari shouted.

"What is your plan now Bakunawa!" Princess Mayari added.

"They whole body of the Giant Jellyfish are sticky so we can use its stickiness to climb up!" Bakunawa said.

The Knight grabbed Princess Mayari and they climbed up on the head of each of the Giant Jellyfish.

They used the Giant Jellyfish heads to climb up to the surface of Tora, but Ydeo excitedly go faster than anyone else.

"I'll be going now guys! See you later!" Ydeo said.

"Stop it Ydeo!" Bakunawa shouted.

Ydeo quickly climbed from one after another.

Bakunawa and Mayari stayed.

"Don't move, Princess Mayari! Bishop Pontiveros said to his letter that Giant Jellyfish change position for every 20 seconds.

We just have to stay like this or else we will fell down to the ocean." Bakunawa explained.

Will their stamina last or will they fell first?!