

Dead_5666 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

2190/2 Days

(Nedeth: Everything seems so foggy)

(Nedeth: I can't make out where I am...)

(Nedeth: I see... a door... why is everything so dark)

(Nedeth opens his eyes and shock to see Kitten leaning over him with her tongue out)

Nedeth: W-Wha...

(Kitten covers his mouth and whispers)

Kitten: Shhh... It's okay.

Nedeth: Why are you here? (Nedeth Whispers back)

(Kitten gets up and smiles)

Kitten: Let's go on a date (Kitten Whisper)

(Kitten then picks up Nedeth on her back and they jumped out of the hole)

Nedeth: Where are we going?

Kitten: Somewhere your guard dog can't smell us.

(Once Kitten landed she sprinted at full speed towards the forest and she jumps high into the trees, Jumping from tree branch to tree branch Nedeth looks up at the sky and sees the Moon and the stars)

Kitten: Just a little further.

(Kitten jumps off a branch into an opening showing a river)

Kitten: We're here!

Nedeth: How far are we from the camp.

Kitten: 20 miles I believe.

Nedeth: So what did you bring me here for?

Kitten: The same thing I wanted to do before...like haven't you wondered about your shackle and chains?

(Nedeth Looks at his hands and feet)

Kitten: They Operate by Channeling your mana in a way like a two magnets on the same polarity,so any mana you have is neutralized.

Nedeth: Wait...how do you know this?

(Kitten looks down sad)

Kitten: I been a slave so long I eventually picked up on things...

Nedeth:How long have you been a slave…

Kitten: You and I are a lot alike you know that?

(Nedeth became confused by that question asked)

Nedeth: What are you talking about?

(Kitten hugs Nedeth Smoothing him with her breast)

(Kitten: Listen and understand)

(Nedeth becomes under her control and listens)

Kitten: When I was born I the runt of the litter and because of that I was never strong enough to fight back, Everyone always looked down on me and abused me, but that all changed once I gained my magic, I felt so…powerful until I met Walter…he showed me I wasn't shit! All my scars came from him… he tried to end me with no hesitation but Onyx was the one who stopped him.

(Kitten starts to cry onto Nedeth)

Kitten: I'll never forgive him for eating the only person who meant something to me…

[Flash back]

(Kitten and her best friend were walking home one night)

Bestfriend: Thank you for always picking me up from practice.

Kitten: Emma you're going to be a magic night Apprentice why wouldn't I come watch?

(Emma smiles and holds out her arm)

Emma: To think I came this far Enhancement magic I wonder if my father would be proud of me…

(Kitten looks at Emma and smiles)

Kitten: Well whenever I watch you and I see you try your hardest I get inspired so I know your dad would be proud…

Emma: Hehe You always know what to say to cheer me up and your the one who keeps me motivated, One day I hope we both become something great.

Kitten: Ha, yea like what?

Emma: I don't know maybe I can be a magic knight part of the kingdom and you could become a pro fighter...

(Kitten feeling embarrassed says)

Kitten: Why a Fighter..?

Emma: Well you do like to fight and you are pretty strong so why not?

Kitten: I'm honestly not all that strong...Even the weakest Beastmen is on par with the stronger humans...

(at the moment just after saying those very words A Wolf Beastmen pounced at full speed towards Kitten and Emma)

Kitten: Raise your sword and block!

(The wolf Beastmen bites his fangs into her sword making it crack)


{Helping Hand is a spell that Emma uses to boost the physical of for her allies}

(Kitten Feeling the boost in power She kicks the wolf beastmen off of Emma making him slam into a building)

Emma: What's his problem?

Kitten: I don't know maybe he has a death wish?

(The Wolf Beastmen Relieves the situation and gets more wild up knowing where to focus He lunges out of the rumble and devours Emma's right arm, the sound of her flesh ripping off and her bones being chewed on made Kitten freeze up in horror)

The Wolf Beastmen: Tasty (He says sticking out his tongue)

(Emma relieved her arm was ripped off and screamed in Pain dropping her sword and clutching her wound)

Kitten: Shit! Emma, can you cast another spell?

Emma: It hurts but yea. CALM MIND!

{Calm mind allows the user to increase his/her strength and defense}

(Emma kicks back her sword into her hand and Kitten and her both lung at The Wolf Beastmen but His reflexes were sharp he grabbed Emma by the waist with his tail, Roundhouse kicking her in the face making her fly back but she digs her sword into the ground to catch her footing, kitten throws jabs but the wolf beastmen caught her fists and looked at her with disgust, The wolf Beastmen howled and kicked kitten his the chin making her almost lose Consciousness Suddenly it starts the rain as Kitten drops to the floor trying to catch her breath, Kitten looks up to Emma fighting off the Beastmen Until)

The Wolf Beastmen: Mmm Feisty prey make the best to eat but now it's time to stop playing with my food…

(Before finishing his sentence The wolf Beastmen is behind Emma grabbing her by her hair and cutting off her head with a scared expression on her face, With Emma's blood spewing everywhere Kitten gets Enraged but since Emma is dead her Strength became back to normal, Kitten sprints towards The Wolf Beastmen at full speed)

The Wolf Beastmen: Haha all that malice, Come and show me what you got!

(Controlled by rage Kitten send a Flurry of punches all connecting with The Wolf Beastmen's Face)


(The wolf beastmen opens his eyes and smiles to brush off the dust of his blood-stained clothes)

The wolf beastmen Is that honestly, all you got you Enraged is way weaker than you with your friends magic. (He then sighs and says) I guess your weak and a human lover I'm disappointed.

(After hearing those words Kitten was shaken to the core allowing The wolf beastmen to slice Kittens legs making her fall to her knees)

(Kitten: Oh no I'm doing to die…I don't want to die… not until I prove to my family im strong)

(In that moment of feeling nothing but despair a floating plush sized doll poofed up right in front of the Wolf Beastmen and began talking)

The Plush: you know it's not right to kill our kind Right Walter?

(Walter looks at the doll Angrily)

Walter: How can you honestly defend a Beastmen who loves humans, are you a trader like them?

The Plush: No and what she did isn't forgivable by any means but She could be more useful to us as a Slave rather than rotting meat on the ground.

Walter: Oh I get it nice prince charming coming to save the damsel, Hahahaha okay fine we can take her back just for you my friend (Walter Nudges the doll and grins)

(Kitten still processing what's going on couldn't hear anything but a loud ringing)

-The first friend who accepted me for who I am has died in front of my very eyes-

(Those words echoed in her head Making her Realize that she was weak and couldn't even protect the one she called friend Meanwhile The Plush Teleported into a tall White Lion Beastmen)

Walter: Okay Onyx bring her back to the base and go have your fun I'll finish with my dinner and come back.

Kitten: Dinner!? (She asks with tears coming from her eyes) Y-Your a mon…

(Onyx Touches Kittens forehead and Yells out)

Onyx: Raigo!

{Raigo is the name for his familiar that he summons allowing him to teleport him or the familiar to a location he knows}

(Onyx and Kitten Teleports back to the camp)

Walter: Now that they're gone I can finally enjoy my dinner in peace.

(Walter Finishes Eating Emma's Corpse then Howls before Sprinting back to the camp in the dark of night)

[Flash Back Ended]

Kitten: The reason why I'm telling you this is because you remind me of myself when I was younger and because we're slaves I want you to become strong and protect your sister and never let her cry no matter what.

(Nedeth Regains Consciousness and starts to tear up and holds kitten)

Nedeth: It's okay I want to become strong so one day I stop all the big baddies from hurting my sister.

(Kitten looks at Nedeth and smiles at him)

Kitten: Good and if you want we can spar…

Nedeth: Right Now!

Kitten: Haha your so funny not right now it's almost going to be morning and Onyx is gonna be looking for you.

Nedeth: Why is he such an ass to me and my sister?

Kitten: To him and the other Beastmen your just useless vermin and it wouldn't matter to him if you lived or died.

(Hearing those Words made it very clear what Nedeth's situation was, and if stepped out of line he could die at any time)

Kitten: Come hope on I'll take you back.

(Nedeth climbs onto Kitten's back and she bursts into a sprint deep into the Forest)

Nedeth: So are you able to use your magic?

Kitten: Well let's start with the basics, their are 6 branches of Mana and everyone is born with the ability to use mana, Conjuration, Manipulation, Emission, Amplification, Transfiguration and Unusuals.

Nedeth: What are you?

Kitten: Well I'm a Conjurer but how my mana works Is by use of my spell's condition.

Nedeth: Do u know what I am?

Kitten: You're Doctor Didn't tell you?

Nedeth: No but I remember I did magic one time and it started a fire.

Kitten: That Fire We Saw coming up was you?

Nedeth:…I lost control and my sister calmed me down…

Kitten: I think you two might be Royals.

Nedeth: What are Royals?

Kitten: I heard they're a group who consider themselves family with only pure elemental magic users.

Nedeth: really!?

Kitten: Yea maybe one day you can find your family.

(Kitten: I wonder why they both were left there?)

(Kitten finally arrives back to the camp and places Nedeth into the hole without anyone hearing)

Kitten: We'll continue this conversation later, Okay?

Nedeth: Okay.

[1 hour later]

(The Sun is beginning to rise and Nedeth Notices that the chimney in the kitchen started to release smoke wondering if it was his sister starting up breakfast)

: Hey kid…

(Nedeth Eyes Openned wide from the shock of by the Ominous presence that was all around him making him feel smoothed and choked)

: …You ssssmell a lot like that Cccat.

Nedeth: What is this???

: SSSShes taking a liking to you.

(The Snake beastmen Wraps his body tighter around Nedeth Choking him)

: You know a boy like you ssshould know your placccce.

Nedeth: I ccan't stop him…

(Nedeth Desperately tries to loosen its grip)

(The Snake Beastmen: If your so bold I guess I have to break you…)

(Nedeth started to cough for air when The Snake Beastmen finally released him)

: Your Weak but If this won't break you…I know what will…

(The Snake Beastmen Slithers away not making a sound)

Nedeth: What was that about? (He says after catching his breath)

(Meanwhile in the Kitchen)

Carrisa: Mari can you help Bianca find potatoes?

Mari: Yes ma'am.

(Mari Runs to the cellar to Find Bianca)

Bianca: Darn-it I don't know where I put those matches…It's so dark in here I can't make out what from what.

Mari: Ms.Bianca?

(Bianca startled because she heard another voice)

Bianca: Oh! Mari, it's just you whew don't do that I was scared.

Mari: I'm sorry, Miss Carrisa told me to come help you…

Bianca. Oh Yes! I need to light this candle and get the potatoes for dinner.

(Mari walks around with her hands in front of her and finds a matchbox)

Mari: I think I found them

(Mari back over to where she heard Bianca's voice and handed her the matches)

Bianca: Thank you!

(Bianca ignites the candle brightening up the room)

Bianca: Ahh That's better…Now we gotta find the potatoes.

(Bianca walks to the sack of potatoes while Mari looks around)

Mari: We have a lot of oil…

Bianca: …Yea we get a lot of oil since most of the hunters here brings back meat (she says as she grabs the sack of potatoes and walks towards the door)

Bianca: Can you out the candle for me?

Mari: Yes ma'am (Mari puts out the candle wondering if she can use her fire magic and tries to reignites the candle but it doesn't work so walks to Bianca to help the rest of the women with cooking)

(Mari: I wonder why can't I cast magic…I should have mana I'm not exhausted…could the clothes be the reason?)

Yasmine: Have you ever made Potato leek soup before Mari?

Mari: No I haven't.

Yasmine: Come here I'll teach you.

(Mari walks over to the cutting table)

Yasmine: Start by cutting off and discarding the root ends and thick dark green parts. Cut the leeks in half lengthwise and rinse each half under cold water, pulling apart the layers to remove any grit that's tucked inside. Once the leeks are clean, roughly chop them, you should get about five cups of chopped leeks from four large leeks. To make the soup, melt the butter in a large soup pot, then add the chopped leeks and garlic.

(Yasmine Cuts on the stove and powers all the ingredients into pot stirring it and making the butter melt) Cook, stirring occasionally, until soft and wilted.

(Yasmine adds the potatoes, chicken broth, bay leaves, thyme, salt, pepper, and heavy cream)

Bring to a simmer, then taste and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper. Serve hot, garnished with fresh thyme, chives, or anything you like.

(Mari sips the soup)

Mari: Mmmmm this is yummy.

(Yasmine smiles)

Yasmine: Thank you it was my husband's favorite growing up…

Mari: I have a question…can you use magic?

(Yasmine grabs Mari's wrist)

Yasmine: Do you remember being shackled, well these shackles suppress magic.

(Mari just realized Nedeth's shackles were also gone too)

Mari: They become invisible?

Bianca: No, more intangible(she said as she walked right through the shackles on the ground)

Mari: But how can we see them now?

Selena: Once you feel its presence it shows itself to you.

Yasmine:…Yeah kinda reminds me of Draco's magic ability.

Mari: Draco?

Bianca: The big Snake Beastmen.

(Mari looked in angry as she remembered arguing the day before then suddenly a loud noise erupted from the eating area

Mari: What was that!!?

Bianca: Oh that's just Kuma, His yawn is something you gotta get used to in the morning.

Yasmine: Well lady's it looks like it's time to serve breakfast.

(Mari and the rest of the women grabbed everything and began to serve as soon as Onyx and Kitten walked in the loud room of people eating became quiet and still)

Kuma: You know kitten ever since you been here the only people You'd talk to were Onyx and Walter, So what's up you've taken a liking to little meat puppets now?

Kitten: Why don't you come say that to my face

(The 16ft Panda Beastmen stands up towering over Kitten)

Kuma: Gladly.

Onyx: Calm down you know you aren't a threat! (Kuma focuses on Onyx)

Kuma: Oh yea and why wouldn't I kill you?

(Kuma grabs the Axe from his back holster while Onyx removes one of his gloves, Kuma swings his Axe but Onyx swiftly drove his claw's through Kuma's Throat leaving him coughing on blood and asking for help)

Onyx: If you live your gonna have to clean up this mess.

(All the women continue to serve like nothing happened leaving Mari the only one in shock and horror)

Bianca: Hey… Mari….Mari…(Bianca grabs Mari) Mari Can you pass me the laddle for the coffee?

(Mari Snapping back to normal passes the ladle)

(Mari: Is this normal?... He Ripped through his flesh like paper)

(The moment Mari processed what happened An enormous pressure of fear took over everyone in the room except Onyx)

Walter: NO FAIR!!!

(Walter Walks in glaring at Onyx)

Walter: I have to work hard for you to fight me but all he had to do was step up!?

(Everyone in the room stopped whatever they were doing in fear of the wolf beastmen's presence it was turning from ominous to Menacing)

Kitten: Shit! This is bad...

Onyx: No matter how many times we fight you never seem to notice neither of us wins!

Walter: That changes today I'm killing you here and now!

(Onyx begins to get serious grabbing for his buster sword)

Onyx: That's what I want to hear!

(Walter realizes who was in the room making him lose focus only noticing Mari)

Walter: Unusual I see you're fitting in.

(Everyone in the room looked at Mari making nothing but anxiety flood over her)

Yasmine: Unusual!?

Walter: I hope when you get the opportunity to try something you do.

(Walters words struck fear in her heart making her begin to quiver)

Walter: Oh yeah I lost interest (He said to Onyx)

(Onyx looks at him and continues to get breakfast as he originally planned, Walter walks out of the hall with a smile on his face having only the memory of Mari's face)

Walter: I hope you grow up strong so it would be more amazing to kill you…

Bianca: So which one type of Unusual are you?

Mari: uhh I don't know but I have fire magic…

(Mari said nervously)

Bianca: An element? You could be a part of the fire Famiglia…

Mari: What's a Famiglia?

Selena: A Famiglia is like a clan, They all have their own rules but you can only join if you have a specific magic type.

Bianca: Some Famiglia's are so powerful that they help govern the lands…

Onyx: To bad all you meat sacks are weak no famiglia can ever stack up to the beastmen empire

(As Onyx said that he grabbed his food and walked away dragging kitten along)

Mari: Beastmen Empire?

Carrisa: Yes, from what I studied Beastmen usually is one of the stronger races physically, and because of this they built a hierarchy where the strongest are praised while the weak die…

Yasmine: And that's how we ended up with a dead bear Laying in his blood.

Carrisa: Because of this hierarchy they eventually found a king whose strength rivaled even some Deities…

(Time went by and the sun that was sitting high in the sky went away and night time was approaching, Nedeth finally back from carrying 90 pounds of water from the nearby river gets to talk to Mari and they Explained all that went down throughout each other's day)

Nedeth: We're you scared when onyx killed that bear?

Mari: it was terrifying he ripped a gaping hole into his body making his organs and blood spill out.

Nedeth: Is onyx even that strong… I mean if I train I could beat him…right?

Mari: No, You must not do anything to piss these animals off…That bear dying was scary but the real threat was that wolf we have seen earlier.

Nedeth: Wolf?

(Nedeth takes a second to remember)

Nedeth: Walter I think right?

Mari: Yea his presence alone shifted the energy of the room (Mari starts to sob) I don't think we're ever going to leave this place…I don't know what to do…

Nedeth: What do you mean you told me that we can make it if we stuck together right?

Mari: Nedeth look around we have no magic, we can't fight back, we just have to accept this…

(Nedeth grabs Mari)

Nedeth: What happened…You're just giving up? What ma…

Mari:…He knew we were Unusuals and He told me he wants us to try and do something if we do he won't hesitate to kill us… I don't want us to die…

Nedeth: And we won't…as long as we stick together.

Mari: Carrisa told me that a Beastmen can rival a deity.

Nedeth: Then We'll just have to become more powerful than all the deities.

(Hearing that Mari felt a little at ease to know she has someone to confide in making her giggle)

Mari: Awe I guess u gotta protect yourself before you pee on yourself.

Nedeth: Heyy! I don't do that anymore ( He said nervously)

Mari: Okay Needy (she says with a smile) it's getting late so I'm going to head off to bed

Nedeth: Okay.

(Nedeth hugged her and walks to the mess hall so he can eat for the first time today)

(Nedeth: I've never seen Mari that terrified she almost seemed like an entirely different person)

(Meanwhile, Mari slowly walks toward her room but suddenly she collapsed)

(Mari: I can't move!?… my right leg feels heavy and cold)

:ssssso kind of you to drop by.

(Mari scared looks behind her to see a snake beastmen)

: you know, I met the boy you hold ssso dearly…He had the ssssame frightened look in hisss eyess.

(Mari unable to move or speak cccould only listen to Snake Beastmen ramble)

: I ccame to my cccconclusion the only way to break him wasss you… your hisss bright light but I want to ssee what happensss when I blow out your ccandle.

(The Beastmen slithers closer to Mari and begins to wrap his body around the paralyzed Mari)

: I'll make this painless as possible.

(The 30-foot snake coiled his body around the girl covering her body in the darkness slowly suffocating her)

: Draco you know it's a waste to just kill her.

(Draco being startled loosening his grip enough for Mari's breath)

Draco: Hakeem!…

(Mari: Who's Hakeem?)

Hakeem: You know we want this one alive,she's still a virgin

Draco:Yesssir I…

Hakeem:Where you planning on fucking her corpse?

(Draco begins to shiver and becomes nervous as the air around them becomes cold)

Hakeem: So why are you killing the only one we can pleasure ourselves with!

(Mari: Pleasure!?)

Hakeem: Even that Walter knew the importance of that…do you even know what will happen if they found out?

(Draco slowly releases her and tries to slither away)

Hakeem: Why are you so eager to run away?

(Hakeem stomps on pearl white snakes rattle)

Draco: Sir,I'm sorry I wasn't thinking…

Hakeem: I understand but the fact that you try to run with ur tail caught between your ass and think it's okay is unacceptable.

(Draco unable to move looks at Mari with anger and tries to strike her paralyzed body with his fangs but Hakeem swiftly pulls out a dagger blessed with frost and slices Draco's Tail off making Draco stop and scream in pain)

(Mari:…why is this happening…I don't wanna see anyone else die…)

(Blood pools around Draco as he lays on the floor slipping in and out of consciousness)

Hakeem: We'll get that medic to see if she can patch you up.

(Hakeem the Horse Beastmen towers over Mari)

Hakeem: It seems like your still paralyzed…but it's okay it will make this easier on your young body.

(Hakeem picks up Mari and starts to undress her as he grabs the dagger with frozen blood all over)

(Mari: Nedeth…Someone…. help….)

(Hakeem shakes the frozen blood clean off the blade and presses it onto Mari's back, the intense cold felt like fire to her skin)

Hakeem: your body seems to have exceptional tolerance to pain…usually people would go unconscious from the pain.

(Hakeem drops his dagger and continues to undress Mari having her bend over he starts to shovel his erection into her ripping and tearing her vagina open)

Hakeem: You're a lot tighter than those old kitchen hags.

(As Hakeem begins to thrust deeper into her all she could do is cry from feeling helpless and dreadful)

(Mari: I hate it here…I wish I could go back to the orphanage…I miss mother fre…)

(The Memory of Mother Freya beating a younger Mari in the court came into her head making her tune out Hakeem's moans)

Hakeem: I'll make you a true woman

(Hakeem continuing with no remorse grabs Mari by her hair and pulls her more onto his 32-inch penis tearing up her insides almost making her almost unconscious from her body being in shock as time passed Hakeem begins to start ejaculating deep inside of Mari most of his semen was pushed out of the body which was failing to handle this much torture)

Hakeem: Good you were able to handle it all and I thank you.

(With Mari on the brink of passing out Hakeem left leaving her with ruptured organs and internal bleeding, laying in a pool of blood and semen the two could only wait till morning to be found by the early bird Carrisa)

Carissa: Oh my God Mari!!!… Mariii are you okay!!!…what happened…Did Draco do this to you????

(The morning sunshine glaring onto Mari awakens her finding out she's no longer paralyzed she cries in horror)

Carrisa: I'm here everything is okay now.

(Mari continues to cry into Carrisa's arms from the pain that Mari is now feeling since the paralysis wearing off, as she explained what happened Carrisa starts trying to heal Mari with a herbal kit she keeps on hand)

Carissa: this may sting but I think if you don't push yourself you should be okay but for now get on my back.

(Mari looking confused as Carrisa squatted down)

Carissa: Come on how we gotta get you to bed you need rest.

(Mari uses all her strength to climb on)

Carrisa: To think that stupid snake started this all…

(Carrisa walks towards Mari's room while looking at Draco's severed tall and body)

Carissa: Walter is gonna have a field day once he finds out.

(Carrisa reaches Mari's door and lays her onto the bed)

Mari: promise not to let Nedeth find out I don't want him to worry about it me…

(Carissa remembers saying those exact words when it was her first time)

Carrisa: I understand if you ever want to talk about it I'm here…

(Carissa said as Mari started to fall asleep)

[6 years went by but the Rape and abuse never stopped for Nedeth and Mari finally both at age 12 the Women devised a plan with kitten for them all to escape]