
Yamcha RPG

An average guy, with an average life, dies while playing an RPG game. Then he opens his eyes again, in a show he had grown up with. Exciting, right? Well, he wasn’t a Saiyan, he was Yamcha, the punching bag of punching bags. But what are these screens above everyone’s heads, showing levels? Follow his journey as he tries to maneuver himself around the dangerous world of Dragon Ball. With the Gamer Interface by his side.

BucketOfShirts · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Chapter 35 - Teachers

Nam was a man who provided and took care of his family and village. They always came first. It was his responsibility as a man and the strongest in the village.

He looked at his younger brother, so young and fragile he could see his brother's ribs. Despite having water, the land wasn't fertile enough to grow anything healthy. It was torturous for someone to see their family suffer through this.

Nam clenched his hand, and he shook in anger at himself. If only he was stronger, better, smarter, he could have given his people a better life. He spent hours training every day but no longer became stronger, even if he meditated all day. A sense of shame rose within his chest to admit to himself just how weak he was.

He needed to be stronger in case Tao decided to keep his promise. From what Nam knew, the assassin had escaped from his hospital room even with the heavy injuries Yamcha had dealt him.

"Is something wrong?" His younger brother asked him.

"No, no, just thinking of what to teach you next. It has been so long that I barely remember the basics nowadays," Nam smiled and waved his worries away.

"Yo!" Suddenly someone spoke behind them. Nam recognized the voice and turned around with a smirk.

"Yamcha, how have you been?" It was hard for Nam to keep the smile off his face. This was the man who had saved him and his people. "Everyone in the Martial Arts community is talking about you and how you defeated Tao. Then you go and disappear on everyone."

"Really?" Yamcha grinned back. "I seem to be out of the loop."

"Damn right you are," Nam offered a handshake, and Yamcha took it. "This is my little brother. He is quite the rascal."

"That's how younger siblings are nowadays. If it wasn't for us older brothers, they would be weak," Yamcha joked. "We toughen them up by having them fight people many times their size."

Nam understood what his friend meant by people many times their size, which was the older brothers.

"I have something I want to talk to you about."

Nam nodded and motioned to his brother. "Go and play with the other kids a little. I and my friend are gonna talk here."

As the kid went off, Yamcha's face became more serious as he looked at the village. Nam felt ashamed. Even with the capsule he had given him, he couldn't carry the water fast enough for people to drink and the plants. They couldn't cultivate without water.

"You know, this isn't a good place for people to live," Yamcha commented. It seemed like there was more he wanted to say, but he held back.

"Our ancestors have lived in these lands for generations," Nam stated calmly. "Why are you here?"

"Then let's get right to the point. I am opening a Martial Arts school on a private island. You are a strong fighter, and your willpower was unmatched during the fight against Tao." Yamcha complimented him without an ounce of hesitation. "I know how strong you can be, and I'm willing to take your whole village to my private island. The land will be fertile, and they won't have to worry about food for as long as I live."

Warriors don't cry, thought Nam. He had already cried during the tournament, and he didn't want to make a habit of this. But… But damn it! Tears spilled out of his eyes, and as they did so, Yamcha turned away fast enough not to see them.

"Yes, of course," Nam answered. "Seems like I won't ever be able to pay you back in this life."

"Don't worry about the small details," Tamcha reassured him. "I will call over some big choppers so they can carry your whole village, even the houses, if you want them."

"No need, we will build new ones," Nam shook his head and smiled at his friend's joke.

Normally he wouldn't trust some random guy saying that he will move the whole village, just trust him. But Yamcha had done a lot for him. "Also, I need you to take care of something for me. There is a village that was attacked by demons recently, and I wanted to donate some money."

Yamcha took out a sack and put it in Nam's hands, he opened it up and gold coins spilled out.

He had to stop for a second and take things into account again. Was Yamcha rich? This sack of gold could buy you whatever village out there.

"I don't care how you do it. But I would appreciate it if you did this for me."


"Master Roshi, look at this new Comic. Isn't it cool?" Krillin asked. "It's about an alien kid who landed on earth and fights villains. His hero's name is Superman."

Roshi didn't care about any comic unless it was of the adult variety.

They flew on his plane toward a jungle where Goku was training. If what Yamcha said was true, he would become the strongest human on earth. Wait, maybe Yamcha was already the strongest.

Roshi wouldn't consider himself a competitive or stubborn old man. But if he could make his students stronger, he would do anything to make them the best version of themselves. Maybe Goku would pass Korin's test too.

"Do we know where Goku is?" Krillin asked while reading his new favorite comic book.

"Dragon Radar," Roshi answered simply. Goku always kept the four-star dragon ball on him, and Roshi knew the general direction he had gone to train. So this had to be Goku.

Yahoo Jungle was a dangerous place that most humans didn't dare enter, and it was one of the places where usually only armies enter. There were many places like that on earth, either due to their dangerous environment or dangerous creatures.

Finding Goku here normally would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. But with the Dragon Radar's help, they found the young monkey-boy napping atop a tree. "Goku! Wake up!"

"Huh?" Goku rubbed his eyes and looked at Roshi. "Oh hey, master Roshi," and then he fell asleep. "Just a minute."

"Don't worry. I have a perfect technique I have developed." Krillin jumped down from the plane and walked up to his friend.

'A new technique? As expected of my brightest student.' Roshi nodded proudly.

"GOKU! FOOD IS READY!" The young monk yelled out, and while the so-called technique sounded dubious, Goku shot right up and looked around, confused.

"Oh, Master Roshi, Krillin. What're you guys doing here?" He asked with a smile.

"I'm going to take you to one of my old teachers," Roshi picked up the sleepy Goku like a sack of potatoes and put him on the plane as it levitated in the air. Technology was an amazing thing. He didn't have to copy anything from that Crane-necked fool, Shen.

Planes were clearly better at flying than some fancy levitating technique that took way too much Ki. Shen wasn't better than him. Unlike Roshi, he was just an old man who hadn't caught up with the times.

Korin's tower was close, so Roshi flew over them in less than an hour and landed at the bottom of the tower. Once there, Goku looked around, and a giant of a man with caramel skin and a native look came out with a frown on his face.

Back when he climbed the tower, there were no living people around the base of it. But that was quite a while ago.

Roshi got ready to fight against the man, and his muscles tightened. But when the native man saw Goku, a smile came on his face.

"Goku!" The native man went and greeted the youngster.

"Do you know them?" Roshi asked his student.

"Yea, we fought against some bad guys."

"Bad guys?" Roshi was a little confused by that. What did bad guys mean in this case? Because Goku would call a giant dinosaur ready to rip a human to shreds a bad guy, he would also call a simple rude person a bad guy.

"Yes, some men who called themselves the Red Ribbon army took my son hostage to steal my Dragon Ball. Son Goku here helped save my son," the native man explained, and as soon as he did so, a young native lad came out of the bushes.

"We are here to climb Korin's tower," Roshi got straight to the point.

"All of you?" The man asked curiously.

"Uhhh…" Krillin looked at the tall tower and seemed about to pull out, but Roshi put a hand on his student's shoulder.

"Yes, all of us," by Roshi's estimation, Yamcha was probably one of the strongest people out there. His talent was nothing short of monstrous, either. The power he displayed was no joke either, and the only other person of similar power he could compare to was Demon King Piccolo.

If Yamcha were to grow, Roshi had no doubt in his mind that the young man would become a force to be reckoned with and reach heights no human had before. "Goku, you must beat Yamcha in the next Tenkaichi Budokai, understood?"

"Yes, master Roshi!" Goku beamed.


A/N: For this week I will post daily chapters, and for every 100 Power Stones you will get +1 extra chapter.

A/N: I have an exam in a bit. Hopefully, I will do okay. First exam of the last year in college. Damn, these years during covid went by so fast, it feels like yesterday I entered college.

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