
Yamcha RPG

An average guy, with an average life, dies while playing an RPG game. Then he opens his eyes again, in a show he had grown up with. Exciting, right? Well, he wasn’t a Saiyan, he was Yamcha, the punching bag of punching bags. But what are these screens above everyone’s heads, showing levels? Follow his journey as he tries to maneuver himself around the dangerous world of Dragon Ball. With the Gamer Interface by his side.

BucketOfShirts · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Chapter 33 - Rags and Riches

Yamcha flew over the sea, and his mind wandered. After a while, even flying and defying gravity turns into the same monotonous activity as driving a car.

He never knew if there was an afterlife in his last world and wasn't much of a religious man either, but with what had happened to him, he wasn't sure. Maybe a God or some other all-mighty beings existed out there. This world had its beings like that.

Now, if only Yamcha knew for sure he would end up in the same afterlife as the people of this world, he wouldn't mind dying a little and running the Snake Way. Techniques like the Kaioken were quite suited for his body.

Then he would have Bulma, or someone else gathers the Dragon Balls and revive him. Okay, maybe not Bulma since she might wish for something extra.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The dragon radar in his hand made a beeping noise as he got closer to the dragon ball.

On the shores close to South Capital City, ashore washed a small ball with one star, and Yamcha picked it up with the dragon radar in hand.

Yes, this was a real Dragon Ball.

He looked around. Wasn't there supposed to be some kind of fight and defeat a lousy enemy that had the Dragon Ball first?

Or maybe that was only Goku's luck as a Shonen protagonist. He always had to fight some bad guy somewhere and had fate on his side. But for Yamcha, it was different, he isn't necessarily too lucky, but he doesn't have bad luck either. Though maybe being reborn with a Gamer interface could be seen as good luck. Depends on how one looks at it.

While he hadn't tested it yet, certain outside interferences to his body seemed impossible. What if he wanted to transform into a Saiyan? Were the dragon balls enough to change his body permanently?

Yamcha rubbed his brows and didn't bother thinking about things to which he had no way of knowing an answer.

He set off and flew eastward and put the Dragon Ball in his inventory.

'I'm not going to make the same mistake as Goku and have his son wear the four-star dragon ball in his hat, which screams: Hey, I'm here, come and kidnap me. Maybe I should advise Goku not to do that when Gohan is born, or if he is born in this timeline. Chances are this shit will go sideways if I don't try and keep it on track. Wait… will I have to put Viagra in Goku's drink to get him to do it with Chi Chi and to make sure Gohan is born at the right time to be useful?'

Yamcha shook his head and dismissed such thoughts for now. He didn't want to think about Goku and Chi Chi doing anything.

"I need a music player or something," he muttered. When traveling alone, some weird ideas always come to mind.

It didn't take long to reach Roshi's house, though finding an island in the middle of nowhere was harder than he had thought. In the anime, they always seemed to be able to find it when they needed to. Then again, they usually had maps or Ki Sensing way above Yamcha's current level.

Still, he found the place eventually, and Roshi was on the shore in his muscular form, trying to look cool in front of nice Launch.

Yamcha flew down, and Krillin came out of the house, pointed at him, and called out. "Hey! Yamcha!"

He landed on the ground, and Roshi looked at him. "That movement, levitation, where did you learn it?"

"Learn it? I discovered that myself," Yamcha remembered that Tien Shinhan was the first to show flying in the series, and Roshi might assume he had learned it from Crane School. "Quite easy actually, just push the Ki from the-"

"No! No! No!" Roshi deflated and covered his ears. "I don't want to learn such an overrated movement technique."

Yamcha stared at the older man. He was a little confused. Was Roshi's rivalry with Shen so bad that he wasn't even willing to learn flying? But that's an essential skill later on that any fighter worth anything knows. Yamcha tried to remember if he had seen Roshi flying on the original show, and… he never had.

There's no way someone this old can be so petty, right? Their rivalry was around three hundred years old. There's no way someone could be that petty, right? Yamcha thought. But he knew better than to bring this up again; if the old turtle hermit hadn't given up in three hundred years, Yamcha doubted the old man would give up now.

"Do you know where Korin's Tower is?" Yamcha asked. Despite it being a tower in the sky, finding it wasn't easy. Even Kami's lookout didn't appear in any satellite views. It was probably some kind of magic bullshit.

"Korin? The God of Martial Arts? You know about him," Roshi seemed surprised. "I guess you probably met him. That's where you got your senzu beans from."

"Yes, that guy. The senzu beans are a whole different complicated matter," it wasn't that complicated, but Yamcha gaslighted the argument. "I wanted to try training with him. Since Goku will be stronger by the time we meet again. I still want to be overwhelmingly stronger than him."

Roshi stared at him, and Yamcha saw the cogs turning in that old mind. As Goku's master, there's no way the old hermit didn't want his student to be stronger than some up-jumped bandit.

"Hmm~ maybe later, when he grows up and becomes a bit wiser," the old man seemed to be fairer than Yamcha had thought, or maybe he had already come to a decision but was acting as if this was a hard choice.

It didn't matter in the end, as Yamcha decided to add more fuel to the fire, anything to get Goku to Korin's tower. "Also, thanks for the new technique."

"Huh? What technique?" Roshi broke out of his thoughts and stared at Yamcha. With his sunglasses on, the old master was quite hard to get a read on.

Yamcha closed his eyes and remembered how Roshi had used the technique before he landed on the island. It might have been quite far, but he could see and sense everything the old man did, every muscle, and how his Ki moved.

Every muscle fiber in Yamcha's body was imbued with Ki. The muscles bulged to unnatural proportions, and he had to use Ki to stabilize the gaps in physical muscles.

[You have learned a new Skill: Pump Up]

[Ki Control has risen to Level 31]

Roshi stood agape at what he saw. "N -No way!"

Yamcha smiled and deflated back to normal. 'That's a hard form to keep up. My muscles felt so tight it caused some tears.'

Even now, his muscles had some pain despite using it for only a few seconds.

[Pump Up - Lvl 1/10]

[+100% Strength

+25% Endurance

-75% Agility]

The skill itself was nice for a temporary boost, but in the long run, losing so much speed wasn't good in a fight.


Suddenly Yamcha felt a gun pointed at him. The source was a blonde-haired Launch. "I knew you would come looking for me, handsome."

Yamcha looked at her and couldn't help but think. 'Is there a reason why I keep attracting crazy women? It's happened twice now, and the common denominator was me. Shit, am I the problem here?'

"Anyways, see you all later," Yamcha's Ki burst out, and he flew off.

"Hey!" Launch kept calling out to him, but Yamcha didn't hear anything. If she later asked, he would use the excuse of the wind being too strong up here.

He had finished his mission here. Yamcha needed to plant the seed of the idea to send Goku to Korin's Tower. Whether this would work out, he wasn't 100% sure.

Yamcha was planning to go off-planet in the future. But due to the changes he had made, he was a little nervous that there wouldn't be an earth to come back to when he returned.

So he had to plan in advance for that. In this case, he needed a group of specialized people who were strong enough to handle such threats. But how would he gather a group of people like that? Yamcha had gone through many plans, from creating a bounty hunting group or maybe a team of elite assassins.

Amongst all such options, only one stood at the top.

'I have to create a Martial Arts School. Where Earth's Defenders will train in these three years. I almost got what I needed from Earth.'

As he flew over the ocean, Yamcha thought of the more minor but essential details of opening a martial arts school. Unlike Roshi, he didn't want to take a new student every couple of decades and wanted to have a lot of people, at least a hundred.

For something like that, he needed a secluded place, like an island. To get that, he would need money. There were a lot of empty islands in this world, but they didn't have what an average human required for basic survival.

So he needed something that could fix problems like that, also known as money. He had multiple options to get money. The first and easiest way was to ask Bulma, but no, just no. Asking her for money and being in her debt would take a special kind of masochistic person who liked being stalked.

The second option was to turn in Tao's head and get the bounty. But that was dangerous too, as it could cause Shen to do something drastic. He barely changed anything major, yet Tao somehow ended up in the tournament and almost killed everyone. Yamcha had to be careful with these things, despite how weak Shen was by comparison.

Then there was the third option which was why he bothered coming to this desolate place. The Pirate Treasure is a minor plotline in the original Dragon Ball. Goku and the others would have stumbled here during the Red Ribbon Army Arc. He doubted the Red Ribbon army could push Goku so far because the Saiyan at the end of the tournament was stronger than Tao.

"It should be somewhere around here," Yamcha concentrated on his now unlocked Magic Power and drew it around him. He remembered how Baba did it and shaped the Magic Power in a sphere barrier around him.

[You have learned Skill: Barrier Magic]

Immediately the barrier stabilizes and becomes hard as a rock. Yamcha submerges with the barrier around him, and by using Ki he can fly underwater, moving faster than any submarine.

Finding the entrance to the cave was the same as trying to find a needle in a haystack. The chance of it happening by just looking around was close to zero. But Yamcha used his Ki Sensing to try and sense strong life forces.

It took some time, and the sun was about to set, but it barely made any difference when he was almost at the bottom of the sea. Suddenly, while walking amongst the many crevices with the barrier around him to keep the water pressure away, Yamcha finally sensed a strong power.

He remembered that Goku fought some giant octopus, which was quite strong and should have a stronger signature than the other fish around here.

Yamcha looked around and finally found an underwater cave. He entered and saw light from above. He swam upward and stumbled on a dock with ships and submarines. However, they were the old type of submarine. This shows that this place's inhabitants were likely alive a long time in the past.


He suddenly heard the knock of a gun behind him before bullets rained down.


A/N: For this week I will post daily chapters, and for every 100 Power Stones you will get +1 extra chapter.

I will post 2 chapters a day. SInce I feel like writing anymore the writing quality drops. Though don't worry as I will post 2 chaps daily until I post all of the bonus chapters.

BucketOfShirtscreators' thoughts