
Yamcha new fangs

yamcha will reach is true potential

xues17 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

chapter 6

Yamcha was in heaven as he laid in a sea of beautiful women, naked, it was like he had been born for this moment.

All that misfortune had turned into his luck, and he could spend eternity just being smothered.

But Puar.

His best friend.

It's been a year, and all he had done was pay the bills and put money into the cats bank account.

The clan was up and running, it was booming, and his buddy deserved to at least eat the best food money can by.

He began to leave and said. "Sorry, ladies but I need to visit somebody."

"Come back soon," said, carline, a beautiful blond.

He blushed and coughed before he walked off and put some clothes on.

He wore an orange shirt and blue pants, over that was a green coat.

He could have worn something a lot more luxurious, but he wasn't going to a party or anything.

He walked out of the room, and was immediately greeted and treated with respect.

A very stalk contrast to the no respect he got a year ago.

He went out of the castle and began to make his way back to his house.

His old house, were it had been just him and Paur.

He flew to the front door, and found that he still remembered where he kept the keys.

He opened the door and yelled. "PUAR, IM HOME!"

The moment his voice bounced off the walls, he was faced with a flying crying cat heading towards him.

"YAMCHA!" Puar said, crying and hugging his face.

Yamcha broke down into his own sobs as he hugged the cat, his best friend.

It had been a difficult year, and now he saw somebody familiar.

Both of them just hugged and cried.

"Yamcha, is that really you?" Said Puar.

"It's all me" said, Yamcha as they both let go. "I got this great place, I just couldn't fully enjoy it knowing my best buddy was in this house."

"It isn't so bad," said, Paur. "Sometimes Chi Chi comes over to cook"

"Huh, Chi Chi?" He said, blinking.

Why would she come over?

"Anyway. Pack your bags Puar. Your new home is an incredible place" said Yamcha. "I want you to meet all sorts of people."

And the cat was already packing, ready to follow, a Yamcha who seemed more sure of himself.

He put his stuff in a brown suitcase and than Yamcha did something shocking.

He instant transmission Puar.

Piccolo who was watching the house was shocked when both their Kai vanished.

Yamcha kept Puar from falling due to shock.

"Yamcha that was-" Puar began.

"Instant Transmission," he said. "I figured it out after Goku gave us the bare minimum. And besides, I didn't want people following us to this place."

And that's when Paur saw it, a large castle that suddenly shimmered into being inside a mountain.

Yamcha touched down, and Paur saw a whole town.

Somebody saw him.

"Lord Yamcha is back," said, a female.

"Welcome back Lord Yamcha," said, a buff guy.

Puar was confused.

Who were these people and why were they calling him 'Lord Yamcha'?

Yamcha flew to inside the castle, and it was just spectacular.

Just the first corridor alone.

"Welcome back, Lord Yamcha," said a person dressed as a guard.

Yamcha continued to move before letting Puar go.

"Puar, welcome to the base of the Wolf Fang Fist clan," he said, and that's when two bundles rushed to him.

"Lord Yamcha!"

Puar dropped his suitcase when he saw two kids who reminded him a bit too much like Saiyans.

Kila went for his feet while Killua went for his forehead.

In a movement that was impossible for Puar too see, Yamcha caught them both and dangled them.

"Nice try you two." Yamcha said, "but next time don't yell my name when your attacking. It ruins the surprise attack."

Killua puffed his cheeks out, and that's when Kila saw Puar.

"Blue kitty!" She said.

Yamcha dropped them both, and Puar suddenly found himself being smothered by an incredibly strong Saiyan little girl.

"Kila, loosen up, you'll crush him," Yamcha said, worried about his best friend as the cat turned purple.

Kila loosened up, and colour returned back to his face.

"Puar, meet my two adopted kids, Kila and Killua. They are Saiyans," said Yamcha stunning the cat.


Lord Yamcha and now two adopted Saiyan kids!?

Puar felt like he needed to sit down, so Yamcha allowed his best friend to lay down and process what was happening.

Puar took several minutes before he came to terms with what was going on.

"I think you might have broken the cat," said Killua to Kila who looked down sad.

"Don't worry, my friend Puar is a lot stronger than that" Yamcha said because the cat had seen it all, he wouldn't pass out just because he had saiyan kids and lived in a place like this.

"Yamcha..." Puar said. "Are those two really..."

"Saiyan. Yes," he said. "I adopted them almost a year ago. Had to chop off their tails because I didn't want this place wrecked every full moon."

"But how!?" Puar said, Vegeta and Goku were supposed to be the only full saiyan on earth.

"Paur, let's just say if I told you how I found those two. Things would be very bad for me if somebody read your mind" he said, "But those two were hell to take care of. They had a cold, and they had the famous Saiyan appetite. I appreciate Chi-Chi and Bulma more now."

Both of them pouted.

"Let's me show you to the lords room or do you want your own separate room?" Yamcha said, stunning the cat.

Yamcha was different.

"Whatever room you sleep in," Puar said.

"Than it's the Lords room" Yamcha said, and Paul followed him, only to pass some double doors and hear women voices.

"That's Lord Yamcha special room," Killua said, making Yamcha go completely red.

"Killua, aren't you supposed to be learning how to read?" Said, Yamcha and the boy pursed his lips and floated away.

"How many girls?" Puar said, taking the room existence well.

"15..." Yamcha trailed off, and Puar eyes widened with shock.

When did Yamcha have such game!?

"Anyway...to the Lords room," he said, trying to gloss over it and he opened the door, and Puar came inside.

Puar was shocked to see a swimming pool; a large king sized bed far fancier than anything they slept in, wardrobe, lights, flat screen television and a giant weight wrapped inside something.

Paur would be shocked to find out that weight was half a quarter of a medium planet in weight.

Puar floated around in awe.

"Do you like it?" Said Yamcha.

"I love it!" Puar said before dropping the suitcase and floating down onto the bed.

So soft.

"Yamcha, this place is amazing, and it's all yours?" Said Puar.

It wasn't paid by Bulma, or he didn't get it discounted?

"It's all mine," he said. "I own the deed to this land. I didn't even think I'll ever be a landowner in my lifetime" he laughed.

And than Puar stomach growled.

This would usually be the time Chi Chi comes over to make Lunch.

"Hungry?" Yamcha said. "I'm sure there is something in the kitchen."

Puar followed him to the kitchen where he was again impressed; there was people behind the counter.

"Oh, hello. Lord Yamcha" said, a man.

"Can you whip up something for my best friend Puar?" He said.

They all looked at the floating blue cat.

It must likely ate human food.

Puar was seated before something appeared before him in record time.

The dish revealed itself and Puar couldn't stop drooling.

Puar wasted no time in grabbing a fork and digging in while Yamcha got a steak.

"This is so good," Puar said, finishing up.

"Are you sure you don't anymore?" Yamcha said, seeing him pat his stomach. "I'm used to feeding large mouths."

"I'm good" Puar said. "This place is so amazing, no wonder you were so busy. I would love to live here."

"Well, you can't live here officially. Only Clan members can do that" Yamcha said, surprising the cat. "However usually I would have got you to sign a contract, but all you have to do is promise to never show somebody this location. Never reveal any secrets you may see within these walls. Don't attempt to steal from the Clan vault or the treasurer has the right to gut you and wear the Wolf Fang Fist Clan name with pride."

"Sure," said Puar.

[New Clan Member added]

"Great. Now hold still" said, Yamcha much to the cats confusion as he touched the cats head.

[Buff cast]





Yamcha breathed deeply before letting go of Puar head.

"What did you do?" Puar said, he felt more energetic.

"A secret that you'll thank me for one day," Yamcha said before he said. "Now it's time to train" he got off the seat and began to make his way to the training room.

Puar followed him, wanting to know more about this new Yamcha.

Yamcha was greeted with respect when he walked through the door and then he walked into his personal training room.

Many had tried to lift his weights but to no success.

Yamcha took off his shirt and began to lift, he had grown so familiar with each part of the weights, what technique to best use to spread the pressure of his body evenly so that he didn't pop blood vessels.

He began to lift, his veins showing but he still kept at it, going up and down, up and down.

Puar saw him punch a bag that was soaking in his blood for hours without complaint.

He saw his own kids helping out by throwing massively painful and heavy things at him.

It was torture, and yet Yamcha still kept going despite how severe the injuries were.

It was by far his most brutal training, but he stood back up.

When the day was done, Puar was sure Yamcha would need a week to at least recover but he was back up again in several hours, he drank something, and his injuries were healed.

Yamcha was ready for round two.

Puar couldn't help but wonder, why was Yamcha training so hard?

What was his end goal?

Seeing Yamcha like this, anybody would have developed some kind of respect for the punishment he put his body through.

When he did turn in for the night, Yamacha looked like he had the worst day of his life.

But he was smiling.

His training showed results.

#Several days later#

The phone in the Briefs house rang.

"Sure, don't get the phone" said, Bulma voicing her disapproval of her husband watching tv.

"Woman, you forced me to be here instead of training. This is what you get" Vegeta said, with his daughter.

Bulma huff and went to the phone and said.

"Briefs residence"

Who she heard next had her stunned.

"Hi, Bulma. It's me Yamcha"

"Yamcha! You've decided to finally call after a year" said, Bulma.

"Sorry about that." He said. "I recently connected back with Puar and he told me you were having a Barbeque in a few days and I was wondering if I can come along. After all I haven't see you all in a year"

"Of course you can come, Yamcha" said Bulma ignoring her husbands growl in the background. "It would be nice to see you and we can catch with what you've missed"

She believed she knew everything about Yamcha since his last tournament.

"Ur, Bulma can I bring two guests other than Puar?" He said.

"Oh, sure" she said. "I can always make more food. How much is reasonable?"

"Bulma, my two guests may give both Vegeta and Goku a run for their money" he said.


"WHAT!?" She said.

What kind of food junkies did he make friends with!?