
Yamcha new fangs

yamcha will reach is true potential

xues17 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

chapter 2

Puar looked out of the window as the sun went down, he hoped that the next time he saw his best friend Yamcha, that he had sorted out his inner demons.

Suddenly the phone rang and went to get it.

"Hello?" Puar said.

"Puar?" said, Bulma on the other end, surprised to hear the cats voice and not Yamcha's.

"Oh hi. Bulma" Puar said, "If you looking for Yamcha, he said that he was going on a journey to find himself. He should be back before the Tournament of Power though"

And Bulma was stunned.

Yamcha went on a journey to find himself?

She had called because she was concerned when she saw him forcing himself to smile when he saw the mashup, Goku had picked for the tournament.

But she thought he would be over it in a few day's, who knew that he would go on a self-discovery journey?

Wait a minute.

"He didn't take you with him?" said, Bulma, shocked.

"He said that he had to do this alone" said, Puar, worrying Bulma even more, since he never went without his best friend.

Just than Puar heard in the background.

"Hmph, the Beta male can self-discover all he likes but it won't change the fact that he's weak"

It was none other than Vegeta.

"VEGETA!" Bulma said, even though she knew compared to her husband, Yamcha was nothing. "Not everybody has crazy Saiyan gene's like you and Goku, that gives you a major power boost"

Vegeta only "humph"

"I hope Yamcha finds himself and he comes home safe" Bulma said, once she had smacked Vegeta around the ears.

"Thanks" said, Puar and she hung up.

Than Puar realised something.

Who was going to pay the bills if Yamcha wasn't here!?

#Scene Change#

[Quest Complete] Yamcha heard in his head, as he smashed his last boulder, after killing a pack of wolves.

"This is so easy" said, Yamcha.

It was child's play for him to defeat thing's that was born from Earth and had never faced monster's like he had.

The first 5 skills points he had, he had put it into buying 'Shadow Steps', he was amazed that the moment he brought it, he suddenly had the knowledge to activate it.

"Open my profile" he said, and the screen did.


Powerlevel: 15,302

Specialty: Wolf Fang Fist

Shadow Steps LV3 (45%)

Charisma: -14

Attack: 52

Defense: 45

Money: 284 cash

Inventory: Bag, Healing Potion

"I've only been training for a day and I went up 4, 000 power levels" said, Yamcha, wishing that he had more daily spins, he had used his morning one to get that healing potion. "I remember back then, Goku was just over twenty and Raditaz came and he was barely past 1,000." before he said. "We'll, it doesn't matter now. Goku can break a scouter just by going super Saiyan and he unlocked that like 20 years ago"

Yamcha felt depressed every time he thought of Goku when he goes all out.

"No, Yamcha. Don't compare yourself to him" He said, shaking his head. "Your human. It's not possible for you to get that strong" he slapped his cheeks together.

Realising that it was getting dark, Yamcha flew to his cave and began to start a fire and start cooking some of that wolf meat he had gathered.

While the meat was cooking, he heard.

[Cooking Skill Level UP!]

[Congratulations Cooking Skill is now 11!]

A quick look revealed that his cooking skill was now level 11, he looked longley at the ability to actually increase his Kai level and other perks as well, if his Cooking skills were high enough.

However, what Yamcha quickly realised was that he forgot to pack salt and spices, as a result, any food he made tasted terrible and he even had stomach trouble several times.

However his poison resistance went up with each terrible food he consumed, though.

Yamcha got up practiced his Shadow Steps.

He would always practice his shadow steps every chance he got.

As he activated the ability, there was suddenly multiple version of himself, but the thing is Shadow Steps consumed energy, the higher the level, the less energy it consumed.

Yamcha was saving his skill points for that Aura skill, he always envied the fact that even though Vegeta was short, just him standing alone made him feel like a huge guy.

He wanted that kind of presence even if it was to a lesser extent.

Even Mr Popo of all people had more aura than he did.

Was he even stronger than Mr Popo now? Yamcha wasn't so sure.

Yamcha felt his dinner finish ,ooking and he took a sniff and felt his stomach turn.

He really needed spices.

[New Quest Alert!] He suddenly heard and he opened his menu.

Gather Salt and spices to improve your cooking skills


75 dollars

Wild Cooking book.


Skill: Hand eye coordination Unlocked

Food poison: -10

This was it?

All he had to do was shop at a supermarket and he got all of this!

Yamcha finished his terrible meat and than, he flew out of the cave leaving a marker and went to the direction that he sensed the most small Kai at.

He arrived at a town 20 minutes later and had a white shirt and blue jeans before joining the population.

When he looked at his first store, he realised he was no longer in japan anymore but Korea and it was a rural area.

He walked in and saw the long row of people shouting to get people attention in their stalls.

When they saw him it was like they were sniffing primed stake.


A free sample?

Yamcha turned and saw a plate of cubes, and that's when he saw it.

A warning popped up onto his screen.

Antoinette Chocolate Love Letters

(Warning: Highly addictive)

Mentality: -15 decrease

Money loss: 100%

NANI!? Yamcha almost fainted when he read the warning over the innocent looking snack.

To think taking a bite would make him give the man all his money and become a slave to the snack!

Yamcha did a quick b-line, and when he did that Yamcha eyesight was good enough to catch an irritated look on the man's face when he managed to escape.

The man had clearly bankrupted people with the snack in the past.

Yamcha stayed on course and brought salt and spies, before paying for it.

He then began to leave only to see a poster for a fighting tournament, he took it.

It was no world fighting tournament but it was a tournament.

He walked out of the store and flew, not caring about the wide eyed people who looked at him as he flew.

He flew back to his cave and put it all in his inventory, the moment he got back, he received his rewards and a wild cooking book dropped before him and he suddenly felt his hands glowing.

Yamcha did some basic fighting pose's, and felt like he was actually getting some where with his hands movements as he do so.

For a single night, he was just training his body movements, trying to get them to level up before tucking in for the night.

When it was morning, Yamcha brushed his teeth and took a shower in the river and as he did so, he looked at the flyer he had taken.

Seoul Fighting tournament?

Once he was done, he put some regular clothes on and headed for one of the locations for sign up.

There was a long line but he could wait.

He got to the front of the line.

"Name?" said, the man.

"My name Yamcha." Yamcha said.

"Yamcha...here is your number and place your money in the entrance box" said, the man and Yamcha blinked when he saw a large dark box.

Yamcha put what he thought was twenty bucks into it and received his number.

He than flew away, stunning those who saw.

For the next few days, Yamcha trained like he was a Saiyan.

All to many times, his arrogance had gotten the best of him and he suffered a humiliating defeat.

Not this time.

#A few days later#

[Aura pressure has been brought] said a mechanical voice.

"Just in time for the tournament!' Yamcha said, finally he had an aura and decided to activate it.

He didn't feel any different and the fact his wasn't being consumed made him think the aura was doing nothing.

Yamcha made his way to the Soul tournament in his fighting uniform, he saw a long line of people who were fighters waiting for the tournament, when he got in, he received directions to which wing he had to go to and the moment he entered the room, he was welcomed by giant and buff fighters.

Half of the room was easily taller than him and they puffing out their muscles trying to intimidate those who didn't have giant muscles.

Yamcha felt giant men glaring at him but compared to the stare down of somebody like Frieza, he paid them no heed and just waited to get up there just like everybody else, those who lost were exiting the stadium.

#20 minutes later#

Finally it was his turn and he walked out and saw giant man on other side with pulsing muscles.

"This is my opponent?" The man said, before he laughed and said. "This won't take me-"

Yamcha punched the man in the gut, he had learned to shut his mouth after so many fails and was waiting to see what happened.

The man eyes went wide before his body flew back, crash into the concert wall.

Those who were watching the fight were shocked by how quickly it ended and his overwhelming strength that was shown.



Yamcha blinked.

Realising he won, Yamcha stayed on and the next person came on and was none other than skinny guy with bandaged fist's.

"Watch my feet!" said, the guy and his feet became impossible for a normal human being to see.

Yamcha just stared before the guy came swinging right to his face.

He felt nothing as the fist made contact and the guys eyes soon went wide when he yelled.


Did he just hit a steal door!?

However, Yamcha just merely kicked his backside and the guy flew out of the stadium.

Everybody was stunned.



The message confirmed it for Yamcha, he got xp and other things when he defeat an opponent.

The next person was sent out, and Yamcha, against top level human fighters who don't even know how to fly was like a wrecking ball.

When a guy stays on for half an hour and he takes down opponent after opponent without getting a single scratch people notice.

But Yamcha wasn't looking at people, he was looking at his rewards that he was obtaining, with 12 fights he had level up, every stats he had, rose by several points and that included his Aura pressure skill.

People noticed when suddenly he had a deeper air around him.

"Who is that?" said, one man in the audience. "He's taking down opponents without obtaining a single scratch. Is his fights rigid?"

People soon found out his name was Yamcha but he had never entered this tournament before so they were beginning to think all of his opponents were letting him win, after all the cash prize was 500, 000 thousand dollars in cash.

Those who were behind him in his section, were soon told to go to a another section because they wouldn't get their turn others wise.

When they got onto that stage and turned to the stage they should have been on, they understood that they may never step onto that stage.

And than pretty soon all that was left was the last people from each stage, those who managed to survive or got lucky.

Yamcha was paired with a lucky one and he was shocked to find people booing him.

"CHEATER!" somebody yelled.

"WE KNOW YOU RIGGED YOUR FIGHTS!" yelled somebody else.

What? He wasn't rigging fights!

Yamcha had never been outright booed before, but he was focused as he faced his last opponent.

"We have a cheater, eh?" said, a man who slim and looked fairly strong.

"Its JIM!" somebody yelled.

Suddenly the crowd went crazy, a complete turn around with how they treated Yamcha.

"JIM! TEACH THAT CHEATER A LESSON!" yelled somebody.

The man tossed his hair and said. "Give up now. Some of us spend our whole lives just preparing for this tournament. This is no place for a cheater like you. If you forfeit now, it would save your dignity"

And Yamcha did not like this person when he heard that, he couldn't help but remember the countless times he got his butt handed to him by somebody who was shorter than him.

[Aura increase]

Yamcha was silence.

"We'll, I did warn you" said, the guy before he rushed with the speed of a champion and delivered a punch.

Yamcha was sent knocked back.


That was what was supposed to happen, reality was much different.

Not only did Yamcha not let that punch land on him, but he caught it by hand.

The crowd and the people were surprised.

No more.

He would not be used for a weakling to look good.

The guy realised he couldn't move his fist out of Yamcha grasp and tried to use his left arm for a sneak attack.

Yamcha saw it too and now he had caught both hands.

Suddenly the guy was on his knees by force.

The guy arrogant face changed as stared at Yamcha eyes that was enhanced by Aura pressure.


Of course the fans couldn't see how out matched their 'under defeated champion' was.

Yamcha finally spoke.

"Give up now, and I won't embarrass you in front of your fans" He said, clapping back at Jims early statement making the guy face twist.

The guy kicked him with all his might.

Yamcha did not feel a thing, he didn't even notice the kick land.

The guys eyes were wide with fear.

"W-What kind of a monster are you?" said, the guy.

"I'm no monster. Your just much weaker than me" Yamcha said, before he flicked the guy away by his nose.

There was a crack sound and than came the flying backwards, the guy was buried deep into concrete and his nose was broken.

He was unconscious.

The crowd of cheering people turned silence as they realised what just happened.

The Champion had been dethroned and so easily.

Yamcha said to the crowd. "IS ANYBODY HERE WILLING TO TAKE ME ON!?" around him was a strange blue aura.


Everybody suddenly found the floor very interesting.

Yamcha was declared the winner and given the cash prize, he walked out hearing the sound of the quest completed and people looked at him in shock, awe or fear.

Yamcha had forgotten what it was like to win a fight.

However even though he won so easily, Yamacha know he wasn't strong at all.

His win was bittersweet