
Yamcha new fangs

yamcha will reach is true potential

xues17 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

chapter 18

Everybody stared in shock and surprise as something came down the spot where two Yamcha had been not too long ago, not quiet understanding what was happening.

But what everybody did understand was the massive wave of power that had never been felt before, blast out of the beam.

It shattered rocks, caused a wirl wind and even the sky turned red.

The specators who were sitting down had to hold onto their seats or else they would be blown away.

"T-This power!" Said Vegeta.

Suddenly they all heard the unmistakable sound of a wolf howling in the nonexistent wind.


Jiren eyes went wide when suddenly a large gash on his cheek opened up as if he was slashed.

He saw something appear from the smome and felt danger, he moved only to have a furry tail come from nowhere and swatt him like a fly.

This happened in a mineute of a second.

Suddenly Jiren was a long way away but he recovered in mindair like the monster he was.

He looked at the dark figure seriously in the beam, it couldn't have been more ominous.

Was this true evil?

A foot stepped out and then another foot.

What they saw next could have been described as half man, half beast.

The head was that of a white wolf, while the bottom half was of a man, however he wore Yamchas pants.

One step.

And then another.

Nobody spoke.

Nobody could say anything.

The being was just walking and yet his presence filled not just the stage but the dimension Zeno had created himself.

He walked past where Frieza was hiding and the alien body was completely frozen in place.

Every bone in his body told him not to fight this thing, he know immediately he would lose a limb if he tried.

"W-What is that?" Said Tien. "This presence...i've never felt anything like this"

"I think that thing is Yamcha" said Piccolo, stunning those around him.

Beerus eyes were wide, the feeling of being pray to something casually walking seeped into his heart.

"It looks like Zeno tournament brought out something even the gods themselves do not understand" said Whis.

"But is he in his right mind to try and control it?" Said Beerus.

There was no question about it, if all the Universe came back, Yamaha would be the most feared human in all the 12 universes.

To think something like this was hiding away in his universe.

"Ooh." Said Zeno on the right.

"Ooh" said Zeno on the left.

"What is that thing?" said both Zenos. "It looks super interesting"

Grand priest put up a barrier just in case, Yamcha turns out to have gone insane and by attacking anything.

"Hey, is that you, Yamcha?" Said Goku and then the head snapped to him and the Saiyan shut up immediately.

The pressure suddenly staring the Saiyan down was the heaviest he had ever felt in his life.

Even Vegeta was wondering about his mental state and the power he must now wield.

What kind of miraculous thing did Yamcha come across!?

But then the half wolf did something shocking.

It smiled.

That's when everyone know shit was about to hit the fan.

An explosion where Jiren was, was the only thing that signalled Yamcha had moved even to the most accurate of eyes.

Yes, he was that fast.

Jiren didn't even have time to raise up his defence before he was subjected to a sharp kick from Yamcha knee into his gut.

The coughed up blood and was tossed into the air.

Everybody was shocked.

Yamcha right hook went right into Jiren stomach very calmly, Jiren froze in midair before his body reacted to not just the one blew.

Yamcha had in fact delivered 40 hooks in what looked like one blow.

Ultra instinct.

The thing that made Goku become the most feared person on the stage, was in the hands of Yamcha, a human being.

This was too scary!

The remaining gods had their eyes wide in fear and shock.

In that moment, Jiren landed his own blows but Yamacha acted like he didn't feel them at all.

Jiren eyes went slightly wide at that.

What happened next was Yamcha giving the middle finger to pain.

No matter how many cuts or bruises Jiren inflected, Yamcha didn't even flinch.

He didn't yell.

He didn't even tense to show if it truly hurt.

But the cuts were there and Jiren fists were so fearesom that even Gods, feared them.

However, Yamcha pressed on like blood wasn't seeping out of his wounds, his breath didn't get heavier and his punches didn't seem to stop.

"What are you?" Said Jiren.

"A guy who has gone through every type of pain imaginable" said Yamcha, with calmness. "You've only felt one kind of pain, Jiren. You only know one kind of sorrow."

"One kind of sorrow?" Said Jiren. "Don't talk to me like you know anything about pain. You must have been born strong"

"Yes, I was born strong by human standards" said Yamcha. "Until I was 16, i believed that I was the strongest. But then I met a little tailed boy and won. But I soon found out the only reason I won was because he hadn't eaten yet. It was a blow to me but he opened a new world for me, I realised the world was a lot bigger place then I thought it was. We fought along side each other but I quickly realised that the boy would always be ahead of me, simply because of genetics. Do you know how messed up it is, to train for years only to find yourself in heaven becaude of a single blow? To have your own girlfriend stolen from you by the man who once ordered your death and has hung it over you ever since? To have 'jokes' made about you and pretend not to see the looks that told you, your not strong enough, why not retire?"

Everybody was surprised.

"I pretended I was okay and hide my feelings" said Yamcha. "But deep down, I wasn't okay. I dispised Goku. I was jealous of him. Why wasn't I born with his amazing Saiyan body? Why was I in the hospital for months while Goku would be up and far stronger within days? Why were all the strong people looking at him and not a single one of them looking at me? Why does every time something happens, I'm expected to pin my hopes and dreams on Goku or Vegeta? Even the so called Gods and fighters here were looking at Goku this whole time even though I had the highest kill count on the stage. And why? Because I am human. Humans need protection and can't stand on their own. Some of the fighters that were here today had whole strategies made to combat Goku and Vegeta. Thank God you offened the Prince of Annoying, I couldn't stand that guy. I wanted to throw him off myself so many times. Along with Goku son, Gohan. The kid has Supersaiyan. Use it"

His speech started off heartbreaking but then Yamacha revealed how much of an asshole he was.

Vegeta tick was so big, he could pop a vessel and minute.

"Well, he's not wrong" said Krillin turning to Gohan and so did everybody else.

They hadn't seen Gohan turn into super Saiyan once in the fight.

How come?

Gohan looked red as he realised, the form had mysteriously slipped from his mind.

"So that's why. I'm making a declaration right now" said Yamcha. "The final battle will between be me and Jiren. If anybody interfers, I will treat them as an enemy, even if were from the same universe. That includes you Goku"

And then he turned his head and looked right into Goku eyes and said "If you want Jiren, Goku. You have to take him from my fangs"

Everybody was truly shocked, the most unsuspecting twist had occurred!

"Hey, Yamcha! Have you gone insane!" Said Beerus. "Rush him together!"

"SHUT UP!" Roared Yamcha, shocking everybody once again. "You can delete me from existence later but what matters is now. Goku, back away or I will show you my new fangs. Fangs that have been sharping since the day we met. For once in your life, look at my back instead of me looking at yours"

Both Humans and Saiyan had a stare down, however, Yamacha eyes continued to be fierce and unwavering.

The eyes of a leader.

Both of them finally had the same eyes.

"Alright" said Goku backing down and sitting on the rock.

Everybody knew this fight was going to be spectacular.

"Thanks for Waiting for me" said Yamaha to Jiren. "Let's begin" and than he went into his classic stance that to certain people felt like the day, Yamaha met what would later become part of the Z Fighters for the first time.

Back to basics.

Jiren cracked his neck and than both of them disappeared.

No God could see them move, but every god and mortal could feel the shockwave that rocketed out of their fists when they made contact, the shockwave alone turned the already broken land Scape into a picture from hell, through barely open eyes.

The Angels had to actually encase their charges and their fighters in protective bubbles because the shockwave was just that strong.

Goku, 17 and Frieza fled underground.

Those who had giant sticks up their asses couldn't believe it.

A wolf howled in the nonexistent wind, it was like every time they heard the howl, Yamaha got stronger and the fight could be seen through eyes.

Yamaha caught both Jiren hands in a hand lock and Vermoud, the god of destruction for Universe 11 looked ready to bend over in shock.

Never in his eternal life did he think he would ever see a human catch Jirens fists.

"W-What is he?" Said Vermound.

The clown god turned slowly to his counterpart and instead of incredible smugness he thought he would see on Beerus face, the God looked just as shocked as he was.

How did the god not know he had this monster in his universe!

Meanwhile the Zeno's were busy cheering.

"Oh, he's so strong now" said the Zeno on the left.

"He's really strong" said the Zeno on the right. "And he's getting stronger"

And it was true.

Through his Comrades shocked eyes, Yamaha hair was slowly turning white as the Ultra Instinct roared out of his body like a flame and they all heard the howls of a wolf.

His Aura was beyond their imaginations.

Of course, Vegeta could not accept what was before his eyes.

Yamcha, was the guy who got killed by a pipsqueak training soldier, and who's woman he easily stole from under his nose.

So how could this human now be stronger than him?

But than both Goku and Vegeta Saiyan blood boiled.

The dimension cracked as both Vegeta and Goku had the same thought.

I want to fight this guy.

Yamcha was getting used to his rapid growth and was not going to let Jiren overcome his trauma.

He could feel it in the fighters fists.

If Jiren over came it, the alien would transform into a true monster.

And Yamacha wasn't a Saiyan who would let a bud bloom into a throne bush just for the best fight.

He was going to nip this as a bud.

Yamcha hair turned complete White and thus began the Jiren beat down.

It wasnt enough to just be Jiren in Yamcha eyes, this asshole almost killed him and left him for dead.

How dare, the Alien stand by and look over them a like a good!

Yes, Yamcha had a lot Beef with Jiren who he had been forced to lower himself to because he wasn't strong enough.

As for what was happening nobody know.

One moment Jiren was struggling to get out of Yamcha grip the next, the next Jiren had so many blows in him that he was unrecognisable as he was tossed off the stage and appeared in the stand, just barely alive.

Everybody stared in shock.

What was that?

That wasn't a fight.

That was a massacre.

Lord Yamcha of the Wolf Fang Fist Clan was the strongest fighter on stage.

And scene!