
Yamcha new fangs

yamcha will reach is true potential

xues17 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

chapter 13

Yamcha had every right to come after Universe 4 after what they tried to pull.

And that was exactly what he did the moment the timer came back.

Suddenly Monna from Universe 4 eyes widened when Yamcha appeared before her and delivered a sharp kick to her face.

Her body flew, but Yamcha didn't let her fall, instead, he made her go higher and higher through a series of kicks, he debuted his air walk and used Instant transmission to spin her around like a ball.

Those who were watching were shocked.

"So high" Said, the Zeno on the left.

"Spin, spin," said, the Zeno on the right.

All his teammates looked with wide eyes before Yamcha spun and gave a sharp kick to the side, kicking her out of the stage finally.

She landed in the spectator's section, unconscious and badly hurt.


When Yamcha began to come down, there was three left, he went for the person he couldn't see.

Yamcha went to his store and brought the skill 'A Wolf's nose' and activated it, then he landed and started running.

Everybody did not have time to wonder where he was going, but Gamisara, a member of Universe 4 was running.

Yamcha constant swings and how Gamisara barely dodged them, told him he knew exactly where he was and that frightened him.

Gamisara ran fast, but it soon became clear that the only reason why Yamcha hadn't kicked him out yet was because, he was playing with him, he wanted to show him the difference between the two of them.

Everybody watched with wide eyes as Yamcha hunted something down like an animal.

Gamisara, did not even noticed he had run off the edge of the stage, until it was too late.

Gamisara was now fully visible landed in the spectator seat, everybody looked at the sudden appearance of a fighter with wide eyes, Gamisara looked as white as a Ghost.

"I-IM SAFE! I'-IM SAFE!" said, the fighter shaking.


"Eh?" said, the fighter.

But Yamcha was far from done, he had two more to pick off.

He suddenly fired a Kai ball at a blue-skinned fighter who was trying to run away, and when the fighter dodge, he was waiting for him with a kick.

They watched him pound the figure's face in with wide eyes and then reverse location transmissioned the guy out and he appeared unconscious in his spectator seat.

Suddenly Yamcha got a kick to the face, but it didn't hurt at all, but before anything could flee, he slammed his hand into his right cheek.

He could hear the cry of panic from Universe 4 god of destruction and a scream from the fighter that was now flattened on his cheek, Yamcha merely peeled him off like the bug he was and scraped him over the edge.

When the fighter appeared, he was a pancake.

"Universe 4 has lost" announced the Grand Priest.

And then the two Zeno's put their hands up and they both glowed.

Universe 4 was gone just like that.

The other universes looked at Yamcha with wide eyes.

He had just finished off a whole universe because they offended him.


"...L-Lord Yamcha of the Wolf Fang Fist Tribe," Pell from universe 2 said, with sweat pouring down his face and engraved the name into his mind like many others. "He is the strongest human being I have ever seen. To think a human being is cable of such a thing"

Some were thinking that he had scientifically enhanced himself to get to where he is today or he had some other race blood in his accessory.

However, what concerned them all, was that Yamcha seemed to be hiding more power.

What would happen if he went all out?

"THAT'S THE WAY YAMCHA!" said, Beerus in a good mood, if he knew he was this strong he wouldn't have hassled him so much.

And Krillin made a mental note not to make Yamcha mad and so did Gohan, Piccolo and Tien.

Yamcha brushed none existent dust off himself and took a seat on a boulder.

"Awww, he's doing nothing again" said, Zeno on the left.

"It's always so exciting when he moves" said, the Zeno on the right.

"Very exciting" said, Zeno on the left.

Yamcha then went to his shop and looked through the skills, the clan bank money could reach him from here so he was looking for the multitasking skill and brought it.

He then picked up a couple of rocks and began juggling with his hands and feet, those who were watching, had no idea what was he was doing but his team mates were thinking that he may be becoming stronger in his own unique way.

His juggling was getting noticeably better with time as well, the amount of stone dropping was decreasing.

Yamcha, Goku and Vegeta suddenly saw the light show going on where Gohan and Piccolo were, both Goku and Vegeta rushed there but Yamcha did not, if powerhouse's like Goku and Vegeta were going then why should he?

And as expected they won.

But at a cost.


Just like that Universe 7 had another fighter added to the universe countdown.

"I'm sorry" said, Tien appearing in the spectator seat.

"No, no, no. There is no need to apologies" said, Krillin, Tien took down a fighter with him so he did amazing well.

"Taking it to a draw at the very end was impressive" said, Beerus, there was nothing shameful about his loss. "You have my Praise"

The light show ended with Vegeta final flash.

Suddenly somebody had the balls to approach Yamcha, because he suddenly heard.

"Should you really be doing that when your team mates are fighting?"

It was Frost.

Yamcha stopped juggling and said. "What an ugly smile, you have on."

He was talking about the smile that Frost had beside him.

And then Frost attacked him with his tail, Yamcha put his guard up only to be flown into a mountain.

However, his armour served him well on impact, it was nothing like the lightening attack.

"Yamcha!" said, Goku when he saw who he was up against.

Yamcha was killed by a Sabiamen, there was no way he could go up against a Frieza clone.

Frost came at him with a kick to the face which sent him flying and crashed into the floor, however when the smoke cleared, Frost was on top of Yamcha.

"So how does it feel to be crushed underneath? Mister Lord?" said, Frost.


"I'm disappointed" said, Yamcha speaking for the first time since the fight began.

Suddenly he grabbed Frost foot and they all heard Frost foot snapping, Frost heard it too.

"GET OFF!" said, Frost giving him a punch, only for Yamcha face to move slightly each time he punched.

"Let me tell you a little secret" said, Yamcha. "I've suppressed Frieza final form almost a year ago."

"Nani!?' Said, Frost and that's when Yamcha broke his foot.

Frost scream of pain echoed through the whole stage as Yamcha finally let go.

"You're not Frieza but I've been waiting for this fight since you forced Krillin off the stage and ran away like a coward" said, Yamcha and then he released a barrage of Punches to Frost's face.

Frost tried to fight back using his own strength but it was hard with a broken leg, suddenly Yamcha delivered an uppercut to Frost jaw.

He then released a Kai blast after seeing it enough times to mimic it, everybody looked with wide eyes as Frost was blasted upwards.

"WAAAAAHHHH!" screamed Frost.

Yamcha suddenly air walked upwards and met Frost as he began to fall down, he waited for him with a kick, Frost body flew through several mountains.

Everybody was stunned to see Frost go flying, only to see Yamcha appear from the smoke, standing over Frost as if he was god.

It was a sight nobody on his team expected to see since Yamcha had never gone up against Frieza in his entirely life, the stigma of dying from a Saibamen had been attached to him for years and now he was facing somebody several million times stronger and overpowering them.

It was unbelievable.

"H-How. How are you this strong?" said, Frost, getting up, realising he had picked the wrong opponent.

Yamcha grabbed him by his neck and rose him up, Frost was struggling to get out of his grasp.

Suddenly Yamcha felt a blast coming towards him and he turned slightly only to see a pink beam just barely go past his cheek.

He didn't need to see who it was to knew who fired it, and the identity had shocked Universe 7 and made Universe 6 celebrate.

It was Frieza.

"I'm not surprised, that you two teamed up." said, Yamcha.

Frieza smiled.

"But I was never interested in you" said, Yamcha before he landed several fast punches to Frost side, the creature face distorted from the blows, before he began to instant transmission to the person he thought was given instant transmission fighters a bad name.

Jimeze from Universe 2.

Jimeze had just finished beating up Gohan.

"How about fighting with a real instant transmission user?" said, Yamcha suddenly in the fighters ear while he dragged an unconscious Frost in arms.

Every bone in Jimeze body told him danger.

Jimeze instant transmissioned away, only for Yamcha to do the same.

When Jimeze re-appeared, Yamcha was ready for him with a punch, while holding an unconscious Frost.

Jimeze was sent flying, only to recover and instant transmission again.

When he appeared Yamcha was waiting for him with his foot.

Jimeze had truly met his worst nightmare in an opponent.

Yamcha had his smell and could instant transmissioned there.

Universe 2 could only watch in horror, as Jimeze was beaten up every time he instant tranmissioned, his feared presence on the stage had become nothing against Yamcha.

"Jimeze, shake this guy off!" said, Jerez, God of destruction from Universe 2.

But Yamcha beat Jimeze, he kept beating him every time he instant transmissioned, he wore him down until he was in no shape to instant transmission.

Yamcha grabbed the guy who was struggling like Frost and ignored the attack sent his way, it merely made his head move.

Both Frost and Jimeze where thrown off the stage like trash, but before any winged person could save Jimeze, Yamcha opened fire using Kai blast's.

Under attack, who would have time to save anybody?

Both of them appeared in their respected universe's, beaten like a pulp by Yamcha and their bodies were swelling.


Yamcha turned towards Frieza and said. "So, do you want to go one on one?"

Frieza laughed and said. "Hardly. I was merely using that loser to test how strong you were. He's way too trusting"

"WHAT WAS THAT!" said, Frost.

So now Frieza knew for sure, he was stronger than his final form.

Suddenly there was an intense wind that they could all feel and almost knocked some fighters off their feet.

Goku energy was near Jiren...

Yamcha went to get close, it was finally happening.

The fight that would decide if Universe 7 would have a shot at surviving to the end.

He sat on the rock and watched Goku turn SuperSaiyan and rush at Jiren but the guy didn't even flinch, he was blocking with his gaze alone.

And than after a bit, Goku went Supersaiyan god and this time Jiren did move, he used his hand to block it all.

"I get it" said, Goku, jumping away. "You can't get serious like this"

And then the wind picked up and with a scream, Goku turned Super Saiyan Blue.

Jiren looked interested.

"He's finally showing the power of Super Saiyan Blue" said, Beldmo, God of Destruction of Universe 11. "Never the less it's a pointless effort"

"No, its not pointless Belmoda-sama" said, the Kai from that universe. "This would likely be a very important fight"

"Meaning?" Said, Belmod.

"Please look" said, the Kai.

He saw that every single fighter on the stage was stood still and did not attack each other, instead they were all looking to where Goku and Jiren were fighting.

Even the person who had the highest body count, had stood still to watch this fight.

"That Universe 7 Goku-san, is quiet cable" said, the Kai. "If Jiren beats him in his full power state, the remaining warriors will lose the will to fight. They will see its futile to stand up against Jiren"

"So Son Goku is a sacrifice to show Jiren overwhelming power" said, Beldmo, smiling sneaky.

"Even then we can't be too cautious" said, his angel.

"Its foolish to think of Jiren in a practically sense" said, Beldmo. "Jiren is a being that would never lose. No matter who he is up against"

Goku got ride of his raging blue aura and approached Jiren, it was a stare down, with such aura that Yamcha wished his aura was that high.

And with a pulse of power, Goku threw the first punch and Jiren put his guard up, only for the force to send him flying back, Goku followed him even when he passed through a mountain of rock and into another one, his fist was there to hammer it in.

Jiren and Goku went through several mountains of rock before Jiren fought back and it was like watching an adult beat a child with how easily he turned the beating around.

It was soon Goku on the ropes and he tried to get some distance only for Jiren to haunt him down and grab his leg, Goku went plummeting to the ground, only to instantly get back up and meet Jiren with a fist.

Jiren dodged and anybody watching could see the massive difference between Jiren and Goku, Jiren was clearly far superior.

In no time at all, Jiren stood over him while Goku was hunched down and with Jiren foot he didn't stand a chance, getting up.

Jiren grabbed him by the hair and said. "Its over" and than he delivered a punch to Goku gut.

Goku was sent flying through several mountains and over the edge of the stage.

It really was over.

Just like that, Universe 7 had lost their best fighter.


Suddenly they all felt something and Goku didn't appear in the spectator seat.

Goku hand was grabbing onto the edge and he pulled himself up, before he said. "Where do you think your going?" and then Goku lunged at him.

And with just one powerful glance from Jiren, Goku was not only repelled back but he was forced out of his form.

Everybody but Universe 11 was shocked, but that wasn't the end of it.

In a second, Jiren had landed multiple blows and Goku went flying through Mountains.

"Dad!" said, Gohan.

"What happened!?" said, Piccolo.

"Tsk" said, Vegeta "Even I couldn't see it, that guy is ridiculous!"

Goku was clearly very hurt even when he managed to sustain his blue form, Yamcha could not believe somebody this strong existed.

This was truly the Tournament of Power.

Jiren stood behind him, waiting if Goku had anything else to show him.

Goku de-activated and said. "I get that your this strong. So let me show you my trump card" suddenly he jumped back onto tall rocks until he was at the highest point and he put his arm up in a position that he had only done a few times in the past.

Spirit bomb.

"Its the Spirit bomb!" said, Krillin while Jiren was wondering what he was doing.

Another strange trick.

"Why did he return to normal?" said, Tien.

"As a Super Saiyan, he can't gather because maliciousness creeps in" said, Krillin.

"Sorry everybody." said, Goku shouted. "Lend me your energy please!"

"Use my energy" said, Gohan immediately.

"Mine too" said, Piccolo.

"You can have my energy" said, 17 as he and his sister rose their hands and began glowing from the transferred energy.

"Use as much as you want" said, 18.

Frieza laughed and said. "So its that attack? I have nothing but bad memories from it." before he said. "Very well, go ahead and take it. The energy of Frieza-sama!" he began to glow as energy was being transferred.

"Damn, Kakarot. I'm not helping" said, Vegeta stubbornly.

Now the only one left was...


Yamcha suddenly got a notification.

[Would you like to transfer spirit to Spirit bomb?]



Yamcha clicked yes, because he always helped Goku out and he clearly didn't have the power to beat Jiren.

However, Yamcha or anybody watching was not ready to see Yamcha spirit energy came out.

It was the form of a giant Wolf and it gave out a large howl, it's sheer presence knocked some fighters off their feet.

Both Zeno's and Grand Priest looked extremely interested.

And all the time, Yamcha had to pretend that what was happening to him was completely normal and he wasn't ready to bend over from shock like the rest of them.

"What is that?" said, Krillin.

"Yamcha-kun, sure has an interesting Spirit" said, Whis, he had never seen Spirit energy so alive before.

"That guy...why does he have such a lively spiritual energy?" said, Beerus, just when he re-evaluated Yamcha, he had to re-evaluate him again.

"Goku." said, Yamcha. "Take my spirit and pound this guy"

Goku came out of shock and accepted it.

They all watched the wolf spirit fly through the sky, it was quiet the sight to behold, even Jiren was watching.

The ball began to be formed before their very eyes.

"Thanks everybody!" said, Goku, before Goku said. "Its not enough. I need more time"

And as if to mock him, Jiren said. "I'll wait"

Goku was surprised.

"I said, I'll wait" said, Jiren. "That's your special attack isn't it?" before he said with determination. "Come at me with your full strength"

You won't find much fighters who were willing to wait patiently for him to form it and Goku commended him on that.

Meanwhile a certain love-based Fighter was about to shoot at Goku was 'welcomed' by Vegeta who was standing guard.

"Hurry up, Kakarot" said, Vegeta.

Finally all the energy's came together and everybody including Goku could hear howling from the ball, no doubt coming from Yamcha spirit.

Suddenly Yamcha received a notification that almost had his eyes popping out.

[Your spirit has rejected the Spirit Bomb. It has decided that Son Goku as the Wielder is laughable. Spirit will return in 10 seconds.]


Yamcha spirit energy was apparently a stuck-up prick.

Goku released the ball and before everybody very eyes, the bomb shrunk in size.

The wolf spirit energy was released and it looked at Goku with an expression that said 'Ha, like you can control me.' before it disappeared.

"WAIT! COME BACK! HOW CAN YOU BE SUCH A PRICK!" yelled, Yamcha, speaking to his spirit energy.

How can his mind and body be willing when his spirit had attitude!?

But it was too late, the Spirit bomb had been released and heading straight for Jiren, Goku had to do without Yamcha energy and it started a standoff between Goku and Jiren.

Jiren soon pushed it back through sheer will power, much to everybody shock.

Goku gave it another push and it was a tug of war, but each time it went to Jiren, the way Jiren stopped it became more ridiculous.