
Y/n Bakugo x Kyoka jiro)(gl) mha on your pov

A story that revolves around your Pov as Y/n bakugo in the mha verse who was meant to be with A certain Purple head girl Name Kyoka jiro let's see how destiny plays

Phillix_John · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

What is love? Y/n Bakugo x Kyoka jiro)(gl) mha on your pov


Quirk:Air element

You can manipulate around you however you like but it depends on how your stamina could hold it

First technique:Sonic Speed/Mors Celeritas:the air gives you a boost making the user as fast as the sound they can use it however they like but can only last until their body worn out or the user decided to unable it

Second technique:Mimic:you can make a noise like someone or something as long as you know how it sounds like

Third :??

Fourth :??

Fifth :??

Sixth :??

Seventh :??


I'm on my 3rd year on middle school here staring at the clear blue sky the bird's chirping on the background and the wind creating a warm comfortable feeling

I turned my attention to the teacher were currently having Our Math class at the moment and The teacher comented on why Izuku is dozing off in his lesson

Probably because your class is boring i thought

and i turned to look at him

Izuku is my best friend since we were kids we always stick with each other and lately he was more worn out and appeared to be making some changes to his body So as his friend i'm proud and supportive of his determination

I'm quite pissed as the laughing of our classmates became louder

Then we heard the bell rang signaling that it was the end of the classes for today most of the student headed out to their houses and it's just quite a few students left Me, Izuku, My twin Katsuki and His two other "friends"

"What do you think your thinking applying to U. A huh!? " he yelled at Izuku and kick his table making it stumble

"Yeah! Your not going to pass as you quirkless freak" The other Friend of Katsuki Remarked

What the actual fck! i cursed to myself before going and confront them

"Get your fcking @ss out!? "

I yelled pissed

"What you gonna do? " The other friend Said

"Do you really wanna know? " i said coldly

"Why are you fcking hanging out with this quirkless nerd!? " Katsuki yelled

"That's none of your fcking business Katsuki! " I yelled back facing him

"Tsk just remind your friend that he's not gonna be accepted to U. A and he snap out of his fantasy and face the reality"

The two friends of his snickered

The three then went out after that snickering to themselves as they did leaving me and izuku alone at the room and Izuku look at me and said

"Thanks Y/n" Izuku said and look at me with a smile his eyes a bit teary

"No big deal he need someone to stand up to him anyway" i said and sent a smile on Izuku's Direction

"Btw I'll not be able to Go home with you i got to do some errands"i said apollogetically

And grabbed my bag and open my Phone

" Don't worry about it Take care"he said and waved me bye

I waved back and walked out of the school

I was navigating my way to where the store where Dad said to buy some things

I was waiting for the street light for the right time to cross while putting my earphones on

There's just a few people so it's not that crowded so it's easy to move around

Then theres a certain Someone who managed to caught my eye a girl with purple hair a little bit smaller/taller(depends on you) those pale skin and soft looking skin making me stare at her at a short distance

The girl started crossing as the light indicates but there was a truck driving so fast past the normal vehicle speed and not on right time the driver must be drunk as the truck waving a bit unusual the purple haired girl froze in her place as the turvk came closer to her

Oh fck

I activated my quirk and run to her in time carrying her in bridal style and got her out of there as the truck found itself in an electric post luckily no one got hit And they called ambulance and some police

"You okay? " i ask the purple-haired girl

Who still has her eyes shut

Yeah i know my quirk is not near my family quirk

That's what everyone also said and commented like i was adopted

But i didn't mind i actually don't care what they think of me honestly

The girl open her eyes and blushed as she realize she was in the arms of a stranger

"U-uhhh" she looked away while her face heat up her ears giving it up as i realize what made her uncomfortable i gently put her down to her feet

She slowly secured her footing and finally looked at me

"Thank you" she thanked me offering me a shy smile

"No need" i said and sent a small smile on her way

"No i should thank you....you saved me" She said a bit blushing and smiling

I stare at her retreating figure for awhile until her figure can't be seen

I better snap out of it and head to the shop before it gets pretty late i thought as i walked the other direction

As i picked up the things i started to get back to my house The purple-head girl still on my head Every feature of her face her onyx eyes and rosy lips

Oh gosh!

I just met her and i'm this of a creep

Snap out of it Y/n!

I finally found my self in our house

"I'm home" i said as i gently twisted the door handle

"Welcome home Y/n-" Before Dad finish his sentence he was cut off with My Mom yelling

"Now where did you go this late!"She yelled at me

"Mom! I just picked up some stuff chill" i said and went to make her sit down

"I ask her Hun s-" Dad tried to calm her down

"Masaru! You could've ask Katsuki! Not her! " She yelled and turned to Dad

Oh boy

"You don't know what would've happened to her! " she continued

"Why me! " Katsuki yelled as he arrived downstairs

"Your the oldest and Your a boy!don't you know what would happen to Y/n if she's alone at this hour!"

"Then Just picked it up yourselves! " Katsuki yelled back

I turned to Dad and we both sighed

This is gonna be a long noisy night isn't it?

-𝘕𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨-

I woke up around 3am as usual and went downstairs wearing my hoodie and sweatpants with a water bottle and my phone and earphones

And there i saw Katsuki also awake reading a book while seating at the couch his hands on his chin

"Doing the usual stuff? " He ask and look at me

"Yeah" i opened the door leading outside

He's pretty chill sometimes and can be thoughtful and caring in his own way and we have a good relationship but i hate how he acts around Izuku after they found out he's quirkless and treated him badly so sometimes we fought over it

I walked outside and saw that Katsuki is now standing grabbing a water bottle and some looks like earphones his phone on his pockets

"What? " He said as i stared at him

"You coming? " i ask him as i scan him up and down

"Don't take it the wrong way the old hag would lecture me if she Knew i let you alone Okay!? " He yelled again

I knew he would never admit it so i just let it end there

We arrived at the nearby park where there's almost no one in there except for the ones who wanted to exercise as i was

I started stretching and doing some basic exercises after a few minutes before i decided to Start running around

The whole time were both silent but sometimes we have short conversations but the silence doesn't really feel awkward instead it just felt weirdly comfortable and relaxing

After i finished my thing my alarm buzz off signaling that it was already 4:30am

"We should go now then" i said and turned off my phone grabbing my stuff and went to walk back home with Katsuki right Behind me

When we arrive Mom was already on the kitchen wearing an apron and looks like about to cook

"Good morning Y/n" she greeted me

"Morning Mom"i greeted back

"Glad to see you kept an eye on her" Mom said To Katsuki

"Whatever Old hag" He said and went upstairs

"It's your entry test on U. A today isn't it? "She ask

"Yeah" i said and took a sip of water and wipe a sweat on my forehead and went to organize my bag real quick

"Do your best you two" she said

I thanked My mother and went to my room

I took a shower and went to get dressed

I just wore our school uniform and my glasses

or maybe i should go with my contact lense? i ask myself as i stare at myself in my bathroom mirror I decided to wear contacts

And head downstairs right after to see that they're all in thereWith the food prepared on the table I greeted Dad good morning and took a seat beside Katsuki and infront of Dad

I was a little hungry so i finished my meal in seconds

My parents said i should eat more but i think i should not eat too much as i know i'm gonna be really nervous later on so much that i think if i eat more i would puke it later

After eating we decided to head to U. A

"We're gonna go now Mom, Dad" I said as we head outside

"Take care, You better not cause any trouble Katsuki! "Mom bid us as we did

I think that's the way Mom said Take care to Katsuki atleast i hope

"Whatever" He said and we both head out

Katsuki pull out his earpuds and went to listen to some music

I took a peek and saw that it was my (favorite band)

"Did they release a new song!? " i exclaimed as the song was quite unfamiliar to me

"Why are you being so Loud! " He said annoyed


"But can i listen to it too? " i ask him

He look at me for a moment

And then he passed me the other earphone and we just stayed quite on the walk but clearly enjoying the music

We arrive at the U. A in mere minutes and saw there's already a lot we're preety early 6:20 but the start of the Entrance test is 7:10

We both headed inside

While scanning my surroundings There's almost no familiar faces i could see which left me feeling a bit out of place I couldn't even spot Izuku probably were too early or is he already in there?

We waited at large room with thousand of seats And sat on our assigned seats and we both stayed really quite and just listened to the music

There songs really are great i'm much more calmer now

I felt my tensed body relaxed at the melody playing in my ears at the moment

After a few minutes the whole big area was filled with students and Izuku made his way on our direction he smiled at me as he sat down beside me

"Hello Everybody! " Pro hero Mic is our instructor in our entrance test

"Mic.... " Izuku was already having his moment

He look at Sir Mic with Enthusiasm and greta admiration

Well atleast he's not that nervous now

i look over to Katsuki who has his Serious look and was focus on the paper given to us

--You already know that--

"We're gonna be in different places" i said as i look over to Katsuki, Izuku and my paper

"Too bad i would love to beat your fcking @ss" Katsuki remark taking small glance at Izuku which made the green haired boy tremble a bit

"Katsuki! " i whisper and halfly yelled at him

He just Rolled his eyes at me as he started to head to his designated place

We we're called in our assigned places that made me turn to the two and give them a good luck before heading to my own

i arrive at my place feeling a bit nervous and out of place and you can see all over the place different people Some talking to others and others dealing with their nerves on their own way

I decided to check the air on the surroundings

My output have much more capacity in this place i thought as i scan the place all over using my eye

The venue was an open space area so it's a lot easier for me

"Hello Folks"Sir Mic called out appearing to be on the rooftop

We all are waiting for his countdown

But he didn't do any

Leaving all of us confuse

He just said " Does real battle have countdowns? "

He said making us rush to the ground

Avoiding the crowd of people

I made myself float up using my flight abilities and settle to one of the rooftops

Getting a full view on everything scanning where the robots are

There are a time limit so i quicklt get down as i got a better understanding of the robots position

I use my Sonic speed getting on the front of the robot punching it my air giving extra force right after leaving the face of it shattered

I quickly turn to the other robots and quickly finish it off as best as i can before i took a short break

A lot of people seem to be reaching there limit

I finished my short break and quickly flew to another small area

There i saw the same purple-haired girl i saw yesterday

With Danger in its way

Why do we always bump into each other when there's danger!??

The Giant thing was terrifying making the place shake in its every step

All the other participants fled out of there

But i can't leave her alone i scan her all over her ankle seemed to be badly injured making her unable to move her feet

i have to help her. Fast.

I got no time i just gotta attack head on

I activated my Sonic speed technique focusing it on my feet and flew upwards right to the face of the 0 Point robot

"Air punch output 4! " i yelled when my body was on the best position sending a punch to its face my air output making a lot more impact creating a whole to its face making it fall back

And there i spat out

Y/n! Get yourself together

I said to myself as my body was falling really fast and I'm losing consciousness i would have casted my flight abilities if i'm not spatting blood right now

My body was worn out that every move i make i spat out small amount of bloodRight i didn't took that on account

I lost my consciousness

Maybe this is the end?

I definitely don't know

My eyes were slowly shutting down as i hear a voice seemingly coming closer at me but as my consciousness fade away all i could see is a blury figure of a teenage girl

then a loud thud made its way to my ear before passing out

*Few hours later*

"Your her Twin? " I heard an old woman spoke up

"I am" a familiar blonde haired boy answered

Huh? Who are they?

Wait.... That sounds like Katsuki

I groaned my body was really numb and a bit hard to move

"Don't put pressure or do you want to not be able to move your body for awhile" The old lady said walking closer to me

"Thank God your fcking awake" Katsuki sighed in relief

"Are you that happy to see me? " i teased

"Grrrr if your not in that hospital bed i would've smack you" he said

Then i remembered

Where is that purple-head girl? I hope she's already back to her own house

i just woked up and she already on my mind did i get hit or something i chuckled to my mind

Oh speaking of which it's already 4 pm? I said my eyes landing on the clock

I've been knocked out for that long the two would probably barge in later or right now

"Y/n! "

"Speak of the devil" i said

The door burst open revealing Mom and Dad

"Oh thank god your alright" She said and hugged me

"I'm fine"i said as i was squeezed by her barely able to say that

"Take this" the old lady put some gummies at my hand

"A-alright" i said before taking it its flavorful so it's easy to take

And i felt my body gain some energy

"Your discharge now" she said as she took her cane and sat on her chair

"Let's get you home now? "Dad suggested after i took the gummies

"Yeah... I want that"

"𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘱"

We arrive at our house and they made me stay in bed to take a rest

A tried not to move much but

I'm getting bored

I thought as i slammed up to my bed

Maybe i could borrow some of Katsuki's Manga

I slowly walk out of my room to Katsuki's room

The door was wide open so i welcome myself in

I saw Him reading some Manga

He turned around and exclaimed

"Holy fck why are you moving you fcking idiot"he pushed me making me sit to his bed

"What we're you thinking huh!? " he yelled

"Sorry I'm just bored"i answered

"For fck sake Y/n! You could've called me" he said and assist me back to my room

He came back to his room

And came back with a lot of Manga volumes putting it near me

"Now don't fcking do that again" He said and sat down on my computers chair

"Thanks Katsuki" I beamed at him

And hurriedly open the New volume of my Fav manga(fav manga)

We occasionally have chats mostly about the manga were reading and recommendation of some sort and before we know it it's already dinner time

"Katsuki!" Mom called out to Katsuki making him close his manga

"What is it old hag" He said half yelled as he look at the doors direction

"Bring Y/n downstairs"She said yelling from the kitchen down stairs

" You better not hurt her or else! "She added

I just sighed and let Katsuki assist me to the dining room

After i sat up he also sat beside me

And there is my fav food (fav food) and Some spicy ramen what Katsuki and Mom really love to eat specially anything spicy

Dad isn't the one for spicy foods

I can handle spicy foods but i don't particularly like them

Then Katsuki stand up and went back to the kitchen and came back with his Fire hot sauce

Now that's a little too much Katsuki i thought as i remember using that and already felt my tounge burning just the thought of it being mixed at the spicy ramen

We thanked for the food and ate

Mom and Katsuki devouring the whole Spicy ramen while me and Dad stayed with my fav food

We all finished eating and Mom ask Katsuki and Dad to deal with the dishes while Mom help me up

I kinda feel guilty they have to assist me everytime because of my carelessness

I sighed

" What's wrong? "Mom ask sensing my gloomy mood

" it's nothing important"i said

Mom left it in there

*2 weeks later*


Our doorbell rang

Me and Katsuki were the only one in the house so i volunteer to get the door as were both in the living room just chilling

I went out and open the gate to be welcomed by a delivery guy

"Do Y/n Bakugo and Katsuki Bakugo live here? "the guy asked as he was holding down two letters on his hand which i look and saw that it has A U. A stomp on it making me abit nervous but excited as well

"Yes" i answered and the man handed me the two letters he was holding before and went back to his motorcycle

I went back inside excitedly as i finished locking the gate

"Our envelope from U. A is here! "I said and tossed him his envelope as i was holding my letter on the hand

We both sat down on the sofa

I'm really excited but also nervous

What if i didn't pass?

What would i do now!?

Somewhat reading my mind Katsuki said " Your gonna pass because i don't have a twin who wouldn't be able to pass it"

It's supposed to be reassuring right? Why do i feel kinda pressured now than relaxed?

I shook my head and opened the envelope revealing a letter and a small thingy

"What is this? " I said as i pick up the thing

There a screen suddenly appeared

"Holy Maccarons! "I suddenly said as i was startled by the thing

"Sh't! " Even Katsuki was startled

a hologram appeared

"Y/n Bakugo and Katsuki Bakugo" the sleepderived looking adult with blackhaired addresses us

"I'm here to inform you that You both have passed the test with high scores and as a sneak peek for the credits of defeating the 0 point robot Y/n Bakugo got extra 100 points making you the top scorer alongside Katsuki Bakugo

After that being discussed a short clip played making us see

Izuku has a quirked!?

i thought to myself shocked and there i saw him also defeating a 0 point robot saving a brunete girl who was stuck i look over to bakugo to see his face a little bit annoyed and frustrated i felt shocked and a bit betrayed if you ask me but nonetheless happy that clip came to an end but then

It proceeds to show the footage of the judges watching everything happened on the three different arenas and our ranking was also present

We both somehow ended up with the same scores 160 the highest for all the participants

I saw that Izuku Managed to get passed too

which made me glad then a footage was proceed the time when i was knocked out there you could see the purple head girl crawling over at me as some robots came to our direction she successfully defeated it making my knocked out self priority for safety which made me a bit grateful

who know what would happen if she wasn't there i would probably be dead not that the school would let that but i would probably suffer some serious injuries

"Kyoka jiro got also an extra 60 points for protecting an unconscious person and Katsuki bakugo as he battled the robots while the other are tired and worn out getting on top of them"

i turned to Katsuki and smirk as i heard this making him look away in an annoyed manner

"Aizawa-san" the camera man whispered something and quickly left the camera's view

"Oh Welcome to U.A that's all right? " He asked and then he quickly went to a yellow Sleeping bag before the footage was cut off

There's a small silence before Katsuki burst

"Hell yeah! I know i'll pass even the top"he said proudly

Well it does make me proud too though this would also mean were gonna have a lot more challenges to come

There i decided to call Izuku

The phone rang twice until he picked up

" Y-Y/n? "He ask nervous

" Did yours came? "I ask clearly excited for him

" Oh Yeah i was about to open it up when you called"he said

"Oh sorry Though call me if you already know kay? " i said


He said before hanging up

"I just hope we're in the same class"

"Oyyy Y/n! Give me a hand here you! " Katsuki yelled as he was now standing at the kitchen

It's our schedule to make dinner so we need to cook dinner for us before 7:30

"Chop those i'll go heat up the Pot" He said turning to the stove

I nodded and wore my apron also tying my hair into a high ponytail before getting to my task

I skillfully sliced the ingredients in an even manner

I pass the ingredients to him and went to prepare the mixture for the meat

Then the doorbell rang i volunteer to open making me walked up to the door and gate greeting our parents

I went back to the kitchen as i let them in

"We heard they passed the envelope already how did it go? " Father ask as they sat down on the sofa looking a bit tired

"We did great" i said enthusiastically you could say i was beaming

"Heck yeah we surpass them all" Katsuki said energetically and shouting again

"Congrats you two" Dad congratulated us mom just smiled at us

I finished my task after a few minutes and went to prepare the table

Right after i finished Katsuki was finished cooking

I look to the clock 7:25

Well better than late i thought

𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘱

I got a message from Izuku awhile ago saying he also passed i congratulated him and he did the same for me before i decided to close my phone

I plopped myself on my bed face on my pillow

The breeze coming from outside a little humid and the sky was enveloped by the dark clouds resulting to the stars to be invisible at the night sky

I groaned as i feel that i wouldn'tnot be able to sleep any minute

I decided to go to our rooftop and chill there

I grab my red hoodie, my headphone and my phone

I slowly and gently walked pit of my door and to my roof to see that Katsuki's in there

"Katsuki? " I called out getting the attention of my twin

"Oh it's you Little runt" He called me by his given nickname to me

"What do you mean? " I said and sat down beside him

"It's nothing"he said

He look a little troubled? i thought as i look over at him

"You okay? " i ask as i saw that look in his eyes for a split second

He quickly denied like usual but i already know he also has some trouble on his own

"Of course i am what do you take me for some weakling?" He scoffed

I sighed knowing he's not the type to open up

"suits yourself but if you ever want to talk about it you can always come to me" i said and lay on my back

Then i passed him a small box of milk

"What is this for little Runt? " He said taking the cardboard away from me

"A lot of people say you'd get a good night sleep if you drink milk" I said opening mine and gently sat up

After awhile we went to our own rooms and fell asleep

The next morning went by and i just did my usual routine each morning

Tomorrow is the start of our classes at U. A and it seems Katsuki and I have the same Class we compared our sent schedules

"Good morning you two" Dad called out as we joined them at the dining table


"Mornin Old man" Katsuki said as he gently sat down hands in his pockets

"Do you have everything you guys need for tomorrow? " Mom ask placing the food on the table

"Most of it but I think i need some textbooks" i said starting to dig in

"Then you guys should visit the bookstore" Mom said putting her apron to the hanger

"Yeah... " I said

"You should go with Y/n Katsuki" Mom suggested

"I am going not because you ask me to but because i'm going to buy some new volumes"

"You really got some nerve talking to your mother like that"Mom smiled terrifyingly

"I'd do anything i want old hag" He yelled back

Oh gosh

It's so early in the morning and they're already bickering

have mercy on my ears-

I turned to Dad and we both sighed stuck at the noisy situation

after awhile we all finished eating and i quickly went back to my room to preparw myself for the day

I came down in my casual clothes

"You guys going now? " Dad ask

"Yeah" i turned to Katsuki who was already seating with a red polo and white T-shirt with Brown Jeans and white sneakers

"You ready Little runt" He ask looking at me

Sometimes that nickname is getting on my nerves

I'm not a child or a toddler!? But i decided to just stay calm and compose and not bicker with him

"Yeah,let's go" We we're in the door and i bid Mom and Dad goodbye

before we head out Katsuki closed the door behind us

We chatted for awhile walking to our destination until we heard some commotion

A lot of people was gathered into a section of the district

I thought it was just something like a famous actor walking

But next thing we heard a loud thud and some things being smashed

We both turned back around and push ourselves were we can see what is happening

A group of small thugs was destroying the stalls and beated some people

And there i saw a big guy holding a kid holding him to his wrists

The kid tried to resist punching and kicking the guy but it's no use and it just made the guy annoyed

I turned to Katsuki

"Let's go" he said turning his head around

"What the fck! " i yelled quite angry at how he just acted and grab his collar

"Are you just gonna turn a blind eye towards this!? "i yelled at him frustrated at his actions while still grabbing him by the collar

"Who said i'm backing down i want to beat those guys up" he said with his small explosion

I sighed in relief and turned to see The Katsuki i know

"Your right"

"I'll go get the kid" i said and went to the small way on the right side while Katsuki went to the other

"Oyyy Fat ass over here" Katsuki yelled gaining the big guys attention while making explosives on his palm getting it to the guys face

I took the initiative and took the kid and put him to safety her mother quickly went to him and i turned to Katsuki's Direction to see him Gang'ed up by those thugs

I punched the guy who has his back turned to me knocking him out while also gaining the attention from the other thugs lunching to me simultaneously

"Oyyy don't you dare turn your back on me you assh"le"He yelled knocking the other guy

Then Kamuii Woods Arrived with other pro hero following right behind him and dealt with everything left easily

Some heroes gather around us complimeting how we handled that

But also scolded us and lecture as that we should get to safety first and let heros do their job

Katsuki just made a "Tsk" sound

And i just sat there exhausted at there repeated orders

After a while they let us out and we head to our main destination i dragged myself a bit exhausted

We looked around the bookstores and stumble upon the textbooks and some new manga volumes and a certain manga caught my attention i gently took it

"The pink dress?" I lowly said to myself as i read the manga title

i flipped through the first pages

Oh uhm it's a yuri manga

It's not that i hate it i just felt really embarass if someone find me reading it

"What's that?" Katsuki look over me

I froze in place the book still on my hand on a certain page and scene

"Oh didn't know you swing that way little runt" he remarked with a smirk across his face looking down at the book i have in hand making me shut it close

"S-shut up" i said and went to the counter the manga still in hand

We payed and went out

Then we stumble to a Ramen shop called Hell fire Ramen

Oh boy

Before i knew it Katsuki was already heading in

I swear he really likes spicy foods

I followed behind him and we sat on an empty two seat table the whole restaurant is busting with cry or screams from different customers

Probably the one's who doesn't have any tolerance for spicy stuff

And i think this is a bad place to start

The menu was something

Pot of demon fire hot soup

Blazing spicy hot grilled meat

Extreme heat ramen

Oh wow all of it sounds so spicy

I should've expected when i saw the name of the shop

Then someone came to take our order

"Do you kids want to try for the best deal? "

"Were making it free if someone managed to finish the whole new recipe of ours"

"Wait you mean we don't get to pay? " i ask looking at at least 30+ yrs old man

"Yes" They answered with a nod while saying so

"Give us that" Katsuki quickly said without hesitation

He would probably managed to do it

But i don't think i can

"I think i'll probab-" i was about to decline offer when

"Each one of us" he said crossing his arms

"Alright coming right up"

Then they quickly went to the counter

After staring at the back of their figure i turned to Katsuki

"Why did you do that!? " i whinned

"It's free and you can just buy some milk after it" he said pointing to a large refrigerator of the store

I just sighed i can't really do anything about it at the Moment might as well try i said sighing in defeat

They returned with our meal and a timer

And oh boy it's a romen noodle and it's color was as red as the roses with some side dishes that also seems spicy

The whole serving was a little big for me but enough for Katsuki

"I'll time you guys with this"the man said as he push some buttons before signaling us to start

We only have 25 min to finish the food before the time rund out

I tied my h/c hait into a ponytail

I slowly dive in for my first bite

The first bite was not really that hot but after a while you'll feel your mouth burn

I look to see Katsuki dealing with it a little to easily

He finished it after 15 minutes

And i still have 1/4 left

I can't take it it's too hot

I thought fanning my lips

"Are you just gonna leave that like that unfinished huh?little runt" He said

Something lit a fire at me at those words and almost immediately finish the rest on the time of 19.33min

"Woah you kids are good with this here is a treat from the restaurant anything else you want? "

The man ask as he gave some milk at us

We took it

And the milk was so cold"

"We'll have the Blazing spicy grilled meat"

"Alright i'll got get you kids some"

"First of all I'm not a fucking kid! " Katsuki yelled at the man

Causing them to Laugh

I just sighed looking at the yelling katsuki

Oh well at least were full and the spiciness inside my mouth stop

Leaving me with half-filled juice bottle

We head out of the ramen place as we got our prize

We were walking back to our house when a little boy walked closed to Katsuki

"Mama spiky hair" The kid said poitning his finger to Katsuki's hair

I laughed

"What do you mean spikey hair huh Little shit" He yelled at the little boy causing him to cry and walked back to his mother

"Hey you just made a kid cry"

I said and scolded him and apologized to the mother

"He just called me spikey hair" He yelled

Luckily i'm strong enough to drag him away in there

Avoiding making the scene worst than it already is

I let go of his arm as we arrived at our doorstep

Then the door swung open revealing our old man

"You two are back" Dad said his hands still on the door handle

"Yeah" i said and went inside Katsuki following behind me

We then placed the blazing hot grilled meat that we got on the restaurant

"Hmm? What's that? " mom ask as she wipe her hand and walked to the table where we put it.

"We won on a kind of eating contest and they gave us a treat it's spicy by the way" i said before going upstairs

"You two got everything you need? " Dad ask

"Yep" i shouted across my room before closing it and laying my body down my mattress

"That was certainly an exhausting day for me..... " i said closing my eyes out of exhaustion

Katsuki's POV

I pulled out everything i bought from the store and there i saw

"The pink dress.....?" I read the title

Wait isn't this?.... I think it's the book Y/n bought i thought to myself

Curiosity getting the better of me i pulled my chair and sat down my hands holding the book as i flip through the page

I clearly remember this being a doujinshi manga

I started to read it getting suck in on the story until the volume came to an end

After a few minutes i closed the book placing it at my table my hand resting on it

"This is.... Interesting..... "I said looking at the book

I might as well get the 2nd volume next time a small smile appear on my face

If you ask me i don't mind Y/n being you know lesbian.....i totally support it if you ask me

I chuckled at my thoughts then i lean more into my chair now staring at my room ceiling

But i wouldn't admit that out loud.....

No one's POV

Y/n woked up the sky darker now making it known that it was already night time

A murmur can be heard from her as she groggily sat up rubbing her eyes

The girl started to get up and walked up to her balcony opening it letting the cold air hit her making her shiver to the sudden coldness making her grab a hoodie before standing there

The purple hair girl is all over her head even when she was sleeping making Y/n go crazy

"Love at first sight.....?" Is all she can mutter as she remember how the girl look as the street light hit her face making her features glow

The girl at the Balcony chuckled at herself

I'm already this crazy even though we just met twice just how much more crazy am i gonna be...? She muttered staring at one particular star at the dark sky while a small smile curled up to her lips

Hope we meet again Kyoka Jirou... Is what she say before going back to her own bedroom and headed downstairs

Y/n's POV

As i close the door of my balcony the cold wind fade making the atmosphere on my room a bit more average

I decided to head downstairs to be welcomed by a pitch dark room that made me need to turn on the lights as i did the clock made its appearance

8:30? It's already that late huh?

I thought and just right after my stomach grumbled

"Sheesh i must be really hungry" i scratched my head as i was heading to the fridge a plate which was covered with a plastic on top has a sticky note

Just heat it up if you feel hungry hun ---love Mom

I smiled as i read the note taking the plate with me as i closed the fridge then there a blazing hot grilled meat and some katsudon is in there keeping the note in me i took out the plastic and put the food at the microwave

Tomorrow will be a nerve wracking day for sure i thought as i sat down the note still on my hand thinking of what could possibly happen tomorrow

I hope we're in the same class Jiro.i said now fetching the heated food