
XXX Primal: A Warhammer Fantasy Story

The Desires of a Goddess of Chaos are Unfathomable and as chaotic as her and her brother’s personalities, on a whim she wants to see if a version of the one planet where the great game is played by her and her brothers and makes it in her image. After giving and order to one of her favored Daemon Princes, a journey is set for him as he loses everything he was to start from scratch and start a new in a world in Slaaneshes image. Fighting, Killing, Gratuitous Sex, and World Domination, all for her to watch and enjoy.

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Journey to the Southern Chaos Wastes

Remember to friend me on discord for east access to the link to the place where I store all the pictures at.


After repair the damage that was done to the regions around the capital along with Slithael Greysoul becoming my second Slaaneshy General in active duty to protect the home Territory my men had rapidly retrofitted an old elven vessel to fit more to our own personal designs.

And so me and my men departed for the Southern Wastes no more than a few days after the intial raid and we soon saw the shoreline of the Southern Wastes the following day.

Not much is known about the southern Wastes as unlike the freezing Climates of the Northern Wastes, the Southern Wastes had a different climate altogether.

It was indeed a wasteland, most of the land itself was arid plains, Rocky Mountains and some sparsely scattered forests filled with dead trees as barely any natural mortal life growled here whether it was vegetation or animals as they could only be found in few secluded locations that were monopolized by the various tribes to keep for themselves.

Though most settlements and capitals were settled directly on the shores as their staple supply of food was the various abundance of fish that inhabit their shores.

But we found a remote isolated cape where we made land fall before we departed and set up base camp for the time being away from Norscans, Beastfiends and Lizardmen alike.

"Furies! Scatter and scout out the areas near here!" I shout out before several groups of Furies ascend to the sky before spreading out to scout out the lands as I have no idea what we are up against besides the seven separate Norscan Tribes that my goddess ordered me to subjugate.

Luckily Norscans follow those stronger than them and if their leader is defeated or killed in combat the Norscans ultimately become vassals to their new masters so in reality all I must do is defeat the seven different leaders to gain vassalage over all of the clans.

If I can get these clans under my command while telling them to work together to subjugate the rest of the southern wastes and when that happens I will have easy acess to the rest of the world to allow my armies to invade northwards.

"By the time we return the women should have given birth to new species or possibly abominations of Slaanesh, I expect anywhere between 20-30% of the women to die during birth but their sacrifices won't be in vain." I mutter to myself as I sit in my tent while waiting for the reports from the Chaos Furies to come back in.

"After this we will have new willing men and women to be brought into the breeding dens to help generate new members to our ever growing legion of excess." I grin at the thought before my ears perk up from the sound of wings flapping as I head out and see my Furies return.

I came out of my tent to recieve the full report from them, to the eastern end of the Southern Wastes was a dense jungle area emitting waves of Slan magic energy, clearly this is where the Lizardmen were most located at on this continent, then towards the West closest to us was a Beastfiend Brayherd that had taken a large portion of the arid plains and Rocky Mountains as there own, while beyond those mountains the seven tribes of Norscans were located.

Though it seemed the Beastfiend Brayherd wasn't liked by either the Lizardmen nor the Norscans and seemed to be retreating from a recent attack on one of the Norscan Tribes to recoup and recover.

But it seemed an army of Lizardmen were making their way towards the Beastfiend clan to exterminate them, which posed an opportunity for us.

Lizardmen are naturally beings of Order while Beastfiends are beings of Chaos and as such they generally have bad relations with one another and one would ultimately want to wipe out the other.

But gaining an ally down here first that we don't need to fight to be on our side would make taking down and vassalizing the seven clans much easier to do with their help.

For some reason I felt a stirring in my soul, as if this was a battle I was fated, no that I needed to fight less I regret what I will lose if I don't, so I gathered my men and followed the directions the Furies gave us began our trek westward to flank the Lizardman army and save our future 'Ally's'


"Xitemikti nochi! temikti mochitlakah! kaua amo okichsiuatl anoso pilli nik ualmoakuepa tosemanauauh!" The leader of the Lizardmen called out to rally the Saurus Warriors, Skinks and Kroxigors under his command to wipe out their Beastfiend adversaries with no intention to leave a single man, woman or child left standing by the time their done.

"Krrgataka! Slan to bunubu! Ekzrada tekal!" The Beastfiend shamaness shouted out to her tribe as she waved her staff before summoning up a barrier to protect her clan from the incoming assult.


"They won't last long at this rate." I said as I looked through a magic mirror to magnify the distant battlefield.

Most of the male and female warriors were injured after their defeat from the Norscan Tribes and couldn't put up a proper defense, with their tribe weakened it was a perfect time for the Lizardmen to strike and wipe out this Brayherd of Beastfiends.

"Furies! Harass their back lines! Hellscourges! Cut down their weakened flanks! Everyone else, follow me!" I shouted out to which all of them responded before my chariots and furies took the charge as we began our renewed assult on the Lizardmen of the south.


Shorter chapter but I want the battle itself to have its own details like the last real battle.

And yes sex scenes will start up again soon enough so look forward to that along with the new creatures soon to be born from the expecting mothers back at the capital.