
XXX Primal: A Warhammer Fantasy Story

The Desires of a Goddess of Chaos are Unfathomable and as chaotic as her and her brother’s personalities, on a whim she wants to see if a version of the one planet where the great game is played by her and her brothers and makes it in her image. After giving and order to one of her favored Daemon Princes, a journey is set for him as he loses everything he was to start from scratch and start a new in a world in Slaaneshes image. Fighting, Killing, Gratuitous Sex, and World Domination, all for her to watch and enjoy.

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Battle at Mount Athull

Yeah I found a new Ai generator, but it's realistic style doesn't look that great and one of the other styles looks much better but looks more cartoony as a result but it will have to do, it's your call whether you see the women looking hyper realistic like before or these new cartoony looks they have now instead.

Though I have to say this one is Waaaay better than the old one as it's much much less likely to fuck up what your trying to make so I actually like this one much more.


To say that both sides were surprised with our sudden appearance on the Lizardmen's flank would be an understatement, but it wasn't something they couldn't make counter measures on the fly for.

Suddenly three Carnosaurs and two Triceratops along with several Skink javelins and blowpipes along with two warrior skinks units turned around and faced my on coming army while their general, a chameleon Skink named Oxyotl, as well as several groups of Kroxigor and Saurus Warriors kept pounding at the barrier that was barely holding them back.

"Furies! Change of plans! Harass the kroxigors and Sauruses! Hellscourges! Cycle charge them until they are ground into dust! Everyone else! Take down these pesky Lizardmen!" I call out to which they roar in cheer in response before following my command as I head towards the front to deal with those attack the barrier.

"Naualtin! tlachiua amo ueikapa! okichtin! nechnik!" The Lizardmen Leader shouted out as they turned to try and stop us while their shaman was combating the barrier.

(N) And yes that's a real language for the Lizardmen, it's based around the Aztec(Nuatl) language so no it's not a bunch of Gibberish.

My furies swooped in and kept cutting into them before retreating back into the air to dodge their various attacks while I stayed down on the ground and swept my sword through those that came to stop me as I cut them down one after another.


"Ugh! Bastard!" I shout out after ripping a poison dart out from my side as I saw their lord holding up a blowpipe before going to hide within his men.

While the poison wasn't too debilitating it did make me slightly sluggish and as a result I had a harder time both attacking and defending as cuts began to appear on my body from their sharp blades and claws.

"Hmph!" I snorted before a pinkish purple musk spread out from my body which began to confuse all those not on my side.

Sporific Musk, something all generals and hero's of Slaanesh have, a heavenly scent that dazed and confuses any who smell it while on occasion making one horny and thinking about sex leaves one inattentive and well…

*Swish! Thump!*

…. You could end up losing you head that way.

But some weren't as inattentive and could still defend but they were all sluggish leaving them open to attacks from both me and my Furies.

The rest of my army was cutting through the skinks and running over the Saurus Warriors with our Hellscourge Chariots while our Spawns of Slaanesh were attacking the Kroxigors and fending them off as Daemonettes were launching themselves onto the backs of the dinosaurs and stabbing their crab clawed hands into the Dinosaurs bodies causing them to bleed and quickly began to rampage from the damage killing not only just my men but also their own.

One of the many downsides of my army is that as we worship beauty and all sensation of excess we don't wear much armor besides the Forsaken and the Chosen Warriors of Slaanesh who do still wear armor but we make that up with our speed and strong weapon attacks.

But my artists were starting to get killed off one after another, however the Lizardmen were losing more of their men than I was and were beginning to falter as they were being pushed back by the minute.

The skinks were the first ones to break as they have low morale and aren't ment to be stuck in the melee of battle for long and getting attacked from all sides made them begin to flee.

Meanwhile I finally was able to deal with the shamans and make them stop trying to attack the barrier which gave the Beastfiend Shaman breathing room and decided to help us.

"Torga Eesgla! Morrslieb! Karaga Dal Tul!" After getting room to breath and calling upon the winds of magic that move chaotically down here in the Chaos Wastes as she began to call upon Morrslieb, The Chaotic Moon of Darkness that Norscans, Vampires, Chaos Cultists and Beastmen/Beastfiends worship as one of their gods to call down ancient and dark magics.

Suddenly the sky began to darken before many scatterings of Meteors began to smash into the Lizardmen and a few of my unfortunate men who got caught in the explosions of the Meteor storm.

"In iluikatl ka uetska! cholo! uel tiamh ka nikan! ya! xiya chantli axkan!" Oxylotl shouted out to his men as they all began to scatter and flee from the battlefield as netora kept raining down on them as they made their escape towards the jungles in the west.

Soon enough all there was left were craters and dead bodies of Lizardmen, Dinosaurs and plenty of my soldiers.

But I raised my sword and roared out with my men roaring out in return as we turned towards the Beastfiend Shamaness who lowered the barrier and allowed us entry into the tribe proper.

Luckily as a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh I have a innate understanding of the various races of the world so I know what they are saying.

(N) I'll only have them speak in their native tongues when they are either enemy or neutral factions, at least for the Beastmen and Lizardmen who don't speak the common Tongue of the World of Warhammer.

"We thank you for saving our tribe Followers of the Serpent, how could we ever repay you for this?" The Beastfiend Shamaness who was also the Tribes Chief who calls herself Grayfoot, asked me as my men and women were partying with the Beastfiends who were gorging themselves on Lizardmen meats and wine from our army as I sat myself within her personal tent.

I smiled slightly as my aromatic musk began to slowly fill the tent as soon the sounds of the party outside began to be sounds of ecstasy and pleasure as the men and women began to run there selves ragged.

"I want you and your tribe to become mine and follow the path of bliss under the guidance of The Snake." I said with my bewitching voice as her eyes glowed pink while she slowly began to pull off her robes and bared herself naked before me as she came and sat on my lap as I snapped my fingers and became nude as well.

"My tribe owes you everything for its existence, we shall worship the snake and I shall be one of your women, now my lord, please take me." She said as she offered herself to me to which I licked my lips.

"Let us take part in a night of excess shall we?" I said before I pinned her under me before I began to have my way with her.


Here's some example pics from the new Ai art generator I'm using, it's not an app but a site you can go to on browser.

Good news is that it's about 90% accurate to what you want with your prompts and looks really good.

Bad news is that if you don't buy any of there currency's need to generate the art you can only really make one or two artworks a day, though for 15 buck subscription on subscribestar for their content you can get like over 40 bucks worth of that currency and have priority in making art with you being able to cut the queue for your works to be generated sooner but for the most part it looks really good.

(Example Pics)