
XXX-Blade (Kingdom Hearts)

While training together, Kairi and Lea talk about the past and future. Though Kairi realizes she is desperate to live her life to the fullest by doing all sorts of things before the final battle, and Lea is the first of her many partners to come.

sexdottxt · Video Games
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3 Chs

Flame Liberator

In the afternoon sun on the grassy fields, Kairi and Lea were lying down on their backs, resting after another day of training. In spite of all the missions he did under Xemnas, it still made him a little uncomfortable to admit to himself that using a Keyblade was far different from using his chakrams, to the point that now he felt like a beginner. That time he saved Sora from becoming Xehanort's next vessel seemed more like a lucky break than an accomplishment.

Kairi breathed hard and let out a loud woop of satisfaction. "You okay Lea? Sorry! Meant to say Axel!"

"I'll let it go for now. But you should try and..."

"Get it memorized?"

"That's it."

"I think the only thing you need to get memorized is an overhand swing. It shouldn't be that hard to block."

"I'm used to fighting with chakrams, dual wielding. I always feel open fighting with this one hand. Even when I go two hands to emphasize all my strength, it's not the same."

"Then let's make this next match special. Whoever wins gets to wear that coat."

"That's...that'll be kinda awkward." He turned away. "You know it's not your size, right?"

"Mickey told me he and Riku got to put those on, and I'm still nowhere near as good as either of them. I just want to feel like I'm one of them. Plus it'll impress Sora. He's only ever seen those Organization members in one of these. Maybe he'll think I beat up one of them and am wearing it like a trophy."

"But you're a Princess of Heart! In the old Organization, we wore these to protect ourselves from being contaminated by darkness when going into the corridors. You don't need to wear something like this. You have natural immunity."

She cocked an eyebrow at him. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

"Okay, okay! My shirt got really dirty when I fell into a muddy pond nearby, and I didn't wanna wear it anymore. I gave it to Merlin to wash, and he was really angry, talking about how he's a great wizard, not a maid. So I'm...I'm kinda half naked right now." A slight grin formed at the corner of her lips.

"That's fine with me. Gives you all the more reason to take this seriously, huh?" He tried to laugh it off.

"Yeah I guess so..."

"When you wanna start?"

"I was thinking a little later. At least until my clothes are clean." She frowned at that.

"I'm thinking that gives you an excuse to be rusty."

She really is getting into this now. Guess I gotta give it my all.

"Alright, enough already! You win, Kairi. We can duel right now." Her face beamed with delight. She drew Destiny's Embrace. Lea had to admit to himself that he never thought the weapon looked that intimidating before, but now with actual stakes on the line besides his pride, it looked a lot more vicious. He drew the Flame Liberator. The weapon was nothing if not impressive looking with it's shining fiery edge, but he didn't have a lot of confidence in it right now.

In the end, Kairi won out. She came down hard on him and he was able to block it, but she followed up with a quick flurry of strikes knocking his guard down. He found himself on the ground with her weapon in his face.

"Pay up loser."

"You okay Kairi? This is a side of you I haven't seen before."

"I don't know. It's been awhile since I've felt this free. Back on the islands, me, Sora and Riku would play fight like this. Not one care in the world."

"You don't say..."

"But don't change the subject! You know what we agreed to!"

"Okay," he said, smiling nervously. He slowly got up and stretched out. He unbuttoned the coat and in one swift movement, tossed it off. Kairi didn't say anything, but she looked practically googly eyed, looking him all up. She already knew he must have been fit from his life as a Nobody in the old Organization, and then doing missions for Ansem the Wise, but she was still impressed. His chiseled abs pulsed with every breath he took, and his muscular chest and shoulders were covered with a small sheen of sweat from all their training. He was feeling a little self-conscious, and wanted to defuse the situation. "There, you happy?"

She whistled loudly in approval. "Maybe," she said.

"Come on. This isn't the first time you've seen a guy shirtless is it?"

"No, I saw Sora and Riku shirtless all the time back on the islands but...well, that was a long time ago." She giggled. "But this does help you, uh...how did you put it earlier? Stand out in a crowd?"

Lea rolled his eyes. He tossed her the coat and she almost didn't catch it she had been so distracted by him. She jumped a little when she had it in her hands. He had thrown it a little harder than she expected and she had been distracted by his naked torso too.

"Don't you think that was a little rough?" she said.

"That's for all the times you beat me so far," he said grinning.

"Okay, you got me there!" He smiled a little. But she still hadn't stopped staring.

"Aren't you and Sora a thing? What do you think he'd do if he found you looking at me like that?"

"Yeah, I like Sora. I didn't know if I liked him or Riku better, but now I've decided when this is all over, me and him are gonna settle down back on the islands. I remember we all wanted to leave them way back when out for some adventure, but now nothing seems better than just relaxing on the beach again."

"Sounds nice. I used to have friends like that but...eh, they're all gone now. I don't know what I'll do when this is all over." An image of Xion popped into his head but he still didn't understand it. He looked away.

"Oh and by the way, thanks for rescuing him. If he really did become that old guy's heart container I wouldn't know what to do. It was hard enough almost losing Riku, but then Sora too?"

"I owed him one."


"I failed to save Roxas back then. From being defeated by Riku, and from becoming one with Sora. I've got no regrets for how things have turned out, don't get me wrong, but it still bothers me that Roxas is in there. And there's no way I was going to let him be used by Xemnas."

"And Xehanort."

"Xemnas, Xehanort, Ansem..."

"There's two Ansem's, remember?"

"They're all the same in the end, aren't they? Darkness this, Kingdom Hearts that. Knock off that bald old man, and I'd still have a score to settle with my so-called superior. Who knows, with no one else in his way, maybe he'd take charge like before and become all powerful like he always wanted to be." Thinking about his Organization XIII days, Kairi's image was completely gone and now all he saw was Xion.

He turned away, feeling flustered. The last time he turned on the waterworks with Kairi like this was embarrassing enough. He wasn't going to let her see him get all worked up, half-naked like this.

"You hear any word from Riku lately?" he said, eager to change the subject. "I told him I was gonna become a Keyblade Master and become better than him, but at this rate..."

Kairi smiled. "When I see him again, I'll be sure to tell him you lost this bet with me."

He looked back at her. It was just Kairi again, not whoever that stranger was. "Well, when the time comes, at least we won't have to worry about you, right? Kicking my butt and all like this."

"You keep it up, I'll be seeing your butt soon enough."

"Only other girl that's seen my butt is Larxene."


"Back from my Organization XIII days. Absolutely crazy woman. I know if Isa and Xigbar are back rubbing the corns out of the old man's feet these days, I wouldn't put it past her to be with them right now."

"Oh yeah, I think Yen Sid told me something about her."

"If you think he told you something about her, then he didn't tell you anything. Trust me, ignorance is bliss."

"Okay, I get it. I won't say anything. I'll just take a look at the scenery." She put her head in her hands and smiled, staring at him. He had to fight to keep a chuckle from coming on.

"You gonna put that coat on or not? I'm tempted to just take it back right now."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you'll get it back when you manage to win a fight."

"You and Sora ever do anything yet? I figured if you're being like this with me, you haven't."

"You ever do anything with this Larxene?"

"A little bit. And that's all you need to know."

"Tells me everything. In that case, no, Sora and I haven't done anything yet. But we're definitely gonna do something when this is all over."

"Haven't done anything, huh? You really are a Princess of Heart. Pure light and no darkness."

"Don't say it like that!" she said. She looked away from him, blushing.

"Hey, you demanded me to take my coat off, I only think it's fair to ask to make things even between us. Though if you and Sora haven't done anything yet, I think that puts me a step above you. At least when it comes to things other than Keyblade sparring."

"I didn't ask about that, but okay, not so blissfully ignorant anymore."

"Coming from the girl looking at me like this..." he said, his voice trailing off. "So you're telling me you and Sora haven't even kissed yet?"

"I mean, on the cheeks a couple times. Riku's kissed me there too."

"So you haven't kissed a guy yet."

"On the cheeks." He smiled at that answer, and sighed. "No I guess I haven't. I always...I always wanted it to be special. But when the time comes, I'll know what to do."

"If you say so."

"Don't make me beat you into the ground again."

"Kiss me and you can keep the coat."

She was actually taken aback hearing that. "What?"

"I said, you kiss me and you can keep the coat." Kairi's face blushed beet red. He was hoping for a reaction but not that. "I was joking!"

"Fine," she said.


"I said, sure, let's do this. You'll make good practice for Sora anyway." But as confident as she wanted to look, her voice still sounded shaky, and her face was still red.

"On one condition. You have to be a good kisser. Otherwise I get my coat back."

"Uh, um...okay..."

"Close your eyes, Kairi." She did as she was told and became still as a statue. He leaned in. He slightly brushed his lips against hers at first. She tried kissing back, but the way she moved her lips against his, it was barely a kiss, she was so shy and inexperienced. He pressed his mouth against her a little stronger for a few seconds before he parted from her.

"Oh...oh wow," Kairi said. Her hands awkwardly touched her lips. This time he was sizing her up, and she had to look away.

"That was your first kiss, huh?"


"You're not bad. But you can be better."


"Close your eyes again." She did. "Now, lick your lips." She did as she was told without any hesitation. He leaned forward again. He opened his mouth just a little approaching her, and sensing that, opened hers too. Enough to taste each other's breath, to feel the heat in each of them, but they didn't feel each other's tongues. Yet as much as Kairi tried to match his movements, she was unable to keep up. Lea was practically swallowing her mouth with every kiss, and the moisture on her lips made it so easy for him to overwhelm her.

When he broke the kiss, Kairi didn't even realize it had stopped, and was still making movements, trying to kiss the air. It took her a moment to realize that, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Lea grinning ear to ear.

"Was I that good?" he said.

"No!" she said, looking away. She put the back of her hand over her mouth, feeling it up. She looked away from him, she knew she was blushing enough already and couldn't stand to look at his cocky grin any longer.

"I'll be taking my coat back now if you don't mind."


"Wait? That wasn't part of the deal. If you're not a good kisser then I get my coat back. Got it memorized?"

"But I..."

"But you what?"

She immediately sprang at him, knocking him to the ground. She was sprawled on top of him kissing him. She was running her hands all over his muscular body. It was true that seen guys shirtless before, but this was the first time she ever touched another guy like this, let alone someone as dreamy and well built as he was. and he returned her touches, holding her close.

Lea was surprised by her attacking him. For someone so new to this, Kairi was a lot more animated than he expected. Though after their recent training, he really shouldn't have been so shocked at how aggressive she could be. She was so warm, the fabric of her clothes was soft and nice. Her kisses were still awkward and she knew it, but he didn't care, anyone would love to be in his position, under her being showered with affections. He was only happy to give her what she wanted.

And he was so very happy too. Ever since he laid eyes on Kairi even as Axel, he thought she was beautiful, and now that he was whole again, he still couldn't get over the strange feelings she stirred in him, reminding him of a distant other. Fleeting as those memories were and incomprehensible they might be to him, he still felt attached to her for that reason. For the moment, he was so glad to have her and her alone. More than that, she was the first girl he had like this since reforming as Lea. He had a few flings back at Radiant Garden when he was younger, had gotten into some really kinky stuff with Larxene, but now that he was whole again, all he heard about was darkness, duty, and Keyblades. It felt so good to be able to relax for a change.

He flicked his tongue out and got a quick taste of hers. No longer ashamed of her inexperience and hungry for more, she stuck hers out. He easily returned her kisses. Their tongues were in each other's mouths, but he was better able to lash against her tongue, licking the roof of her oral canal and tasting her teeth.

He wasn't entirely shocked when he felt her grab his crotch. He was already enjoying this makeout session plenty so no surprise he was pitching a tent, but when she touched him there, the fire inside him burned just a little hotter.

He broke the kiss and looked her in the eyes.

"Kairi...you sure you want to do this?"

"You're telling me this doesn't feel good?" She was still rubbing him there, and as good as it felt, Lea felt himelf at a loss on how to calm her down, or if he even should try to calm her down.

"But...but you and Sora..."

"I've never done this before, okay!" She sat upright on top of him. "I've never done this before so...if things don't work out in the end, I want to at least be able to say I've done this." She looked away. He put his hands on her shoulders, moving his hands up and down her bare arms, both to comfort her as well as for the pleasant sensations of her skin. "And if things do turn out fine, I want to really rock Sora's world."

He smiled, not seeing her as Xion or his sparring partner anymore, just a pretty girl he was with. "Alright. Then I think I can teach you all sorts of things." His hands moved to her legs, completely at his mercy, and he eagerly felt them up. Kairi never felt bad dressing like this, she looked good and she knew it, but it always bothered her that Sora and Riku never really touched her like this. It felt good to have someone that appreciated her in this way too.

She crawled back down on top of him and they started making out again. She reached for the lump in his pants again, rubbing all over it. His pants were getting a little tighter with each touch, making him more aggressive. His hands had moved up her skirt now and gave one of her buttcheeks a little squeeze.

Kairi broke their kiss this time, a strand of spit between their tongues. She licked her lips, savoring the taste. He leaned in for more, but was surprised when she pulled her vest apart and lowered her blouse. Even though she was being this bold, he knew it was taking a lot of courage for her to do this, and realized that he was probably the first guy who saw her so.

Lea could always tell Kairi was rather well endowed. But seeing her bountiful bare breasts was a completely different matter entirely. Her cute nipples were pointing right out at him. He grabbed her mounds, feeling their bouncy pliant texture.

"You like this?" he said. She wasn't looking him in the eyes, but she had a sheepish grin on her face and nodded just a little bit. He moved his hands with just the right amount of pressure, and her face flushed. He felt her on top of him moving a little bit in a nervous kind of giddiness, she really was a virgin. She still wasn't looking him in the eyes, but he could tell she was loving it.

He pinched her nipples. She sighed softly and bit her lip. By now her crotch was right on top of his. He could feel the heat in her there, but he had no idea how wet she was. Still kneading the full shape of her breasts, he adjusted the grip on her nipples as needed, letting go a bit before getting too rough and then resuming the pressure once more.

She started grinding on top of him. Sitting up with her, he pulled her close and took one of her tits in his mouth while continuing to fondle the other with his hand. She held him by his back and buried her hand in his hair, encouraged him to keep sucking her tit. He felt the nipple harden on his tongue and he loved it, she tasted so good and he was eager to be her first. And Kairi felt his crotch getting bigger from right under her.

She reached down and unzipped his pants. She grabbed the member in his undershorts and pulled his penis out. It surprised him so much that his mouth jumped off her breast. He looked her in the eyes.

"You ready for this Kairi?"

"Yeah," she said, pulling her panties down. His naked member so close to her bare vagina, he could feel the heat coming from it. She could feel his heat down there too, and it made her want him so much more. She couldn't believe she was actually going to do this!

Despite her earlier initiative, she really was nervous looking down at the stiff dick right in front of her. She had no idea how it would fit inside of her, or if she'd even be good enough at this sort of thing. His pubic bush was just as deep red as the rest of the hair on him, and in the afternoon sun, she could see streaks of gold in his strands. For as confident as she was earlier, it started to dawn on her what she was about to do.


She once had a crush on Riku for the longest time, and he reminded her of him in so many ways.

"Promise you won't tell anyone about this?"

"Of course not. This is gonna be between you and me. We say nothing to anyone. So you better..."

"Get it memorized?"

"My line, but sure."

She smiled. Leaning forward, the two started making out again. While she was hesitant before, kissing him right now was so good and reminded her of why she wanted to do this. It was getting her excited again, his hot dick was hard right next to her vagina, and she was so wet. Breaking the kiss, both of their lips were wet with each other's spittle.

They were both looking into each other's eyes. In those tender moments, even the more experienced Lea couldn't find anything to say or know what to do. It was a feeling far more potent than his jumbled memories as Axel. Not wanting to doubt herself again, she grabbed the cock under her and pulled it inside her pussy.

She knew it would feel awkward, considering she never put anything in there, but she was still unprepared for the sensation of a dick inside of her, let alone one that was so big. It wasn't uncomfortable considering how aroused she was beforehand, but she still didn't know what to do. For a few moments, she forgot about how horny she was and how much she wanted to do it with him.

To help her along, Lea starting thrusting. It was slow at first, but Kairi started to feel the same heat inside of her again. She felt his member inside of her poking at her hymen before breaking through it completely. It wasn't exactly pleasure she was feeling, and it didn't register that she had officially just lost her virginity. She simply felt strange inside, but at the same time, she didn't want it to stop.

She felt a little more comfortable now, and started thrusting back with him just a little. Mentally it took her a lot of effort to do that, but as soon as she did it, she found it incredibly easy to do. More than that, the old heat inside of her returned stronger than ever, and her heart sang with delight. With every passing second, her pace increased a bit faster until she was matching him in how her hips were jerking with his.

Lea was having a good time too. He had no regrets about deciding to fuck someone as incredible as Kairi and be her first, but now that she was into it, he was really intent on making sure she had one hell of a time. She was so tight and wet too around his dick thrusting inside of her, he could tell she was getting off on it. The way she was riding him left nothing to be desired either, and with the pace they were seeing together, there was a wonderful suctioning sensation inside her. After they were done, he could see himself falling in love with her for real.

Her eyes were closed in bliss as she took it all in. Her soft hair was being thrown back with every movement, her ample breasts jiggling up and down. In the sun's shining rays, She was moaning louder as time went on. He had to increase his tempo to match hers, and anyone peeping on these would never think she was inexperienced as she was.

But as much as he would loved to let her hold out and enjoy herself to her heart's satisfaction, Lea was getting off plenty on it too. He felt near his breaking point and wasn't sure how much longer he could last. He didn't know if she was nearing an orgasm like he was, but cumming right now never felt more right. Her speed wasn't exactly helping things, and his penis, inside of the juicy cunt moving up and down, enveloping him, it felt like he was hit by electric shocks of pleasure.

"K-Kairi...I think I'm going to..."

"I know! I know Lea! Me too!"

Relieved, he felt no shame pumping inside of her harder. Her inexperience showed again, as his speed and her wanton desire caught her by surprise, she wasn't even able to move with him anymore. She screamed out loud at the top of her lungs in a fit of orgasm from it all. The virgin pussy crushing him was spasming in a fit of climax and he quickly pulled out. Unable to hold back himself, he nutted in an upward arc, shooting jizz all over her hair, face, and bare breasts.

Lea had done this before so he was no stranger to that post orgasm afterglow, but this one had been so emotionally satisfying. She lied down so she was laying opposite him, their bodies in a single line. He slowly got himself comfortable, getting up and looking over her. Just as beautiful as she always was. He felt no guilt and no emotions or recollections of some stranger that he didn't understand. In the sunlight's reflection, his cum looked like jewelry adorning her beautiful features. She was breathing roughly in a dazed satisfaction, simply thinking on all of it. He was so happy to have pleased her.

He chuckled to himself thinking that he could do this on the regular with her, both because it felt amazing, and to keep those obnoxious memories away.

She opened her eyes, simply looking at everything. After giving herself to him, the verdant scenery and blue sky seemed so new to her. How many other worlds under like skies and beautiful landscapes like this had such wonderful experiences? How many more were there to come? It just made her want to protect everything that much more.

She wiped a wad of his cum off her face with her thumb and tasted it in her mouth. Finally she said, "Was I...was I any good?"

"Not bad for a beginner. But there are some things you can do better. And I'll be more than happy to teach you."

She took another glob of cum dripping down her chin and tasted it, before she smiled up at him.