

Alessia is hell bent on celebrating her 18th birthday. She was yet to find her mate and discover her element or have her wolf.The daughter of a powerful witch and an alpha but she was practically human with enhanced abilities and for this, she was bullied while growing up. "Why do you want to celebrate this one" Meher asked her. "Because I hope to find my mate". She believes that her mate will love her unconditionally not minding her situation. She later finds out that she is mated to Dylan the alpha Midnight pack, the most feared and respected pack. "How Can It Be?" They wondered. Being an alpha of the most powerful and ruthless pack, his Luna needed to be strong, brave to be able to rule over his people. "I can't accept her, she isn't strong enough". "I am her reincarnation". What does Alessia mean by this statement? I'm trying to rekindle my writing ability, your opinion is needed. Thank you.

a_Oprahh1 · Teen
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20 Chs


Alessia was startled awake by the sound of someone knocking on her door. With a groggy expression, she opens her eyes and turns her neck towards the window. Through half-closed eyes, she gazes at the sky and notices the darkness. Realization hits her like a wave, and she exclaims, "Oh my goodness, I can't believe I slept through the entire day! It's already night outside" She said aloud to herself. After Alessia realizes that it's already nighttime, she reluctantly drags her lazy body out of bed. With heavy footsteps, she makes her way to the door, feeling a mix of curiosity and exhaustion. As she opens the door, she's surprised to find Diane standing there and Alessia's tiredness slowly fades away as she greets Diane. 'I've seen her with Dylan before' she said to herself.

"Hi, can I come in?" Diane asked. "Yes, sure, you can". Alessia responded stunned at the request. "Okay, so I haven't introduced myself to you. My name is Diane Ambrose and I am Dylan's Assistant and younger sister from same mom". 'Oh, so she wasn't his stepsister'. "Oh, hi, I'm Alessia Arthur, your brother's mate" Alessia said chuckling.

Diane mustering up her courage, asked cautiously with a hint of nervousness in her voice, "Hey Alessia, um... I was wondering... would you like to be friends with me?" Her words hung in the air, filled with hope and a touch of vulnerability. Alessia was stunned for a moment. Looking at Diane, a warm smile spreading across her face, and she replied, "Absolutely, Diane! I would love to be friends with you. It would be wonderful to have a closer connection." Diane let out a sigh, feeling relieved. "So, what's the occasion" Alessia asked looking at Diane's dress. Diane was dressed in a sleek, form-fitting black dress that hugs her curves in all the right places. The dress has a stylish off-the-shoulder neckline, adding a touch of elegance. Diane pairs it with a black strappy heel that elongate her legs and add a touch of glamour. "Oh, you didn't know? We are having dinner tonight". Alessia was caught off guard with this news. "We are?" She asked. "Yes, I, my sisters, you and Dylan, the elders, my stepbrothers and sisters with their family. It's going to be really chaotic." Wait, what!! 'That many people' Alessia asked herself. "Dylan didn't tell you. He probably didn't remember." Diane said again. "Alright let me get dressed." Alessia said getting up to her feet. "I'll help you." Diane offered.

After awhile, Alessia was fully dressed. She was arranging her hair and Diane was gushing over her outfit when suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Come in" Alessia said pausing her action. Dylan walked in. He was speechless looking at Alessia all dressed up.

Alessia was wearing a stunning floor-length gown with a slit in a rich shade of royal purple. It has a fitted bodice that accentuates Alessia's figure. To complete the look, Alessia pairs the dress with a silver strappy heel. She has stunning champagne blonde hair that cascades down in soft waves, shimmering like golden silk in the sunlight. Her ocean blue eyes are like glistening pools, reflecting the depths of the sea and twinkling with a hint of mystery and shock. Her physique is slim thick, meaning she has a curvaceous figure with a slim waist and well-defined curves. Her physique combines both slimness and a voluptuous shape, creating a balanced and attractive silhouette. She exudes confidence and beauty. Her skin is like pure milk, It's fair, smooth, and has a delicate and creamy complexion. Her skin has a soft, luminous quality that gives her a radiant and ethereal appearance. She is just absolutely breath taking and stunning. He was left awestruck.

Alessia had same expression on her face. He was dressed in a stylish and sophisticated tailored black suit with a crisp black fitted shirt underneath with few buttons left undone. He paired it with polished black leather shoes and pocket square. On his wrist was a sleek silver watch. Dylan has this incredible, thick black midnight hair that's so lustrous and captivating. It's like a curtain of darkness, framing his face with an air of power and mystery. And those sapphire blue eyes? Absolutely mesmerizing! They shine with intensity and wisdom, like deep pools of sparkling blue gemstones. When he looks at you, it's as if they can see into your very soul. His presence commands respect and admiration. He has a strong and chiseled jawline that adds a touch of ruggedness to his overall look. As for his body physique, Dylan is tall and well-built, with broad shoulders. He exudes strength and athleticism, a true embodiment of an alpha.

"Cough cough." Diane coughed to draw their attention. Dylan's face returned to its usual state, it went back to being cold and expressionless, as if a switch had been flipped. It's like his natural demeanor just took over again, without any warmth or emotion. Dylan's look just reverted to its familiar, stoic state. While Alessia blushed so hard her face turned as red as a ripe tomato, and the flush of embarrassment spread to her head and ears. It was like her whole face was glowing with a deep shade of red.

"Let's go" Dylan said positioning his hand in a arm-in-arm or linked arms pose. The arm-in-arm or linked arms pose is when a man bends his arm at the elbow and holds it by his side, creating a hook-like shape with his hand. Alessia hooked her arm through his and they left.

As Dylan and Alessia, dressed in their stunning dinner outfits, entered the grand dining hall of the castle-like house, all eyes turned towards them. They were utterly stunned by how divine and ethereal Dylan and Alessia looked together. It was as if they had stepped out of a fairytale, radiating an otherworldly charm that captivated everyone in the room. Their presence was simply mesmerizing, leaving everyone speechless in the presence of such heavenly elegance. Jealousy filled the air as the onlookers couldn't help but wonder how Dylan's mate turned out to be so stunningly beautiful. Their eyes filled with envy as they gazed upon them, questioning how such a remarkable combination of physical features and physique could exist.

Dylan pulled out a chair for Alessia at the dining table under the scrutinizing gaze of everyone. With a graceful gesture, he guides her towards the seat.

While seated, Diane, with a warm smile on her face, introduces Alicia to her sisters Daphne, Delilah and little Stacy. Diane proudly presented Alessia, who was greeted with open arms and friendly smiles. Alessia was a bit confused because Diane, Daphne and Delilah had striking resemblance. As though sensing her confusion, Diane said "We're triplets." "Oh" Alessia responded nodding her head.

Dinner was served and they started eating.

Alessia couldn't help but notice that the maid serving her had a rather unfriendly demeanor. There was a hint of disdain in her eyes as she dished out Alessia's meal. And when Alessia made eye contact with another maid, she received a similar look of disapproval. It was as if there was some underlying tension or animosity in the air. This left Alessia feeling a bit perplexed and wondering what might have caused such reactions from the maids. But she decided to Ignore them and enjoy her meal. 'Wait a damn minute' Alessia said to herself, 'I'm sitting in the midst of werewolves, it's just a matter of time and they would be able to sense immediately that I do not have a wolf. I need to leave, I need to call Said.' And with that, Alessia stood up on her feet elegantly, maintaining her calm demeanor on the outside but on the inside she was a nervous wreck. "Excuse me, I need to use the restroom for a moment" she explained before any question could be asked and she left before anyone could respond. Her movements were graceful and poised, as if she were gliding on air. With every step, she exuded confidence and grace. Dylan squinted his eyes at her and returned his gaze back to his meal. When she was certain she was out of sight, she swiftly made her way to her room.

Getting to her room she was about to dial Said's when a sudden interruption took her by surprise. Someone gently placed a hand over her eyes, causing a momentary pause in her actions. She could guess who it was instantly. "Said" she called out to him. "Pleased to see me?" He replied taking his hands away from her eyes with a beautiful smile on his face. "Always" she responded as she hugged him. "Wow, Alex you look gorgeous. Dressing to impress your mate already" he teased wiggling his eye brows suggestively. She instantly turned red "Noooooo" she said guiltily.

Alessia suddenly remembered why she had come back to her room. "We are having dinner. I don't have time for chit chat maybe some other time. I need you to perform the spell ASAP." "Wait, you're having dinner with his family?" He asked. "Yes, no, not really. His family is present alongside his stepbrothers and sisters and they're not friendly." She replied quickly. "Now hurry up before they begin to suspect something. Someone already knows that I do not have my wolf." "Alright, Alright. I'll do the magic and wait for you in here. I'm sleeping over." He declared. She was excited to hear that but then realized something "But what if I walk in with someone." She asked. "You always forget that I have magic. I'll simple go invisible" he replied facepalmimg. He hurriedly did the spell and she left. She sat down and was about to continue eating her meal when one of the elders spoke to her.

"Alessia, right?" He asked her. "Yes" Alessia responded looking at Dylan and then back at the elder. "I heard that you do not have a wolf but I can't really tell." 'Did he just say he can't tell?' She questioned herself. 'If he can't tell then that's good.' "Oh" she responded dryly without agreeing or disagreeing with him. The elder wasn't happy with her reply and he continued "you know I'm shocked that you accepted Dylan." 'Huh? Why won't I accept him? Have you seen this man?' She asked herself shocked at the elders words. "Oh really, and why is that?" "Because I thought you will reject him" the elder said. "Why will I reject him? I mean he's my mate." "Oh Alessia dear, you really sweet thing, you really don't know who you are mated to." One of the ladies spoke up. The lady reminded her of Starlette and she instantly disliked her. 'So this was what Diane meant when she said it will be really chaotic.' But she was curious about what the woman had to say 'what doesn't she know.' But no matter how curious she was, she wasn't going to give the woman the satisfaction she was looking for. Meanwhile Dylan's gaze had turned dark but he remained calm. He wanted to see how Alessia will handle the situation.

"Didn't you just hear me?" The woman asked. Alessia dropped her cutlery down and faced the woman "I heard you." "Don't you care to know more about your mate, you don't know what he has done." The woman said. "I do care to know more about my mate but not from you. And you're right, I don't know what he has done and I don't care." She stated. "Did you just say you don't care? He's not what he says he is." The woman said. "What's it with step siblings?" she was really fed up with them all. "What's you all problem? I have step siblings at home, so I'm very familiar with this attitude and it doesn't fit you at all. And if this is how you all have been treating my mate, I will no longer be having dinner with everyone." She said really pissed with the lady's attitude. Looking at her food, she grabbed Dylan's hand and stood up "I've suddenly lost my appetite" she said. "We will be leaving" she declared. Dylan stood up and followed her out.

{For this part listen to Silence by Marshmello ft Khalid}

Getting to the entrance of her door, she opened her door totally forgetting that Said was inside but he had gone invisible before she could come in when he sensed her at the door with someone else. "Thank you" Dylan said with an unfathomable expression on his face. "No need, you're my mate after all and as your Luna I am meant to stand up for you." She replied. "My Luna?" He asked. She was confused, why was he asking her that "Am I not?" She asked. "You're not." He said averting his gaze from hers. 'What did she just hear?' She asked herself. "What do you mean by that?" She asked terrified by what he was about to say next. "I don't mean to hurt you Alessia but I've said it before, you're not Luna material, you're not strong enough to lead this pack. I've already made arrangements, I'll be getting married to another woman who is strong enough to lead my pack, she will be my Luna." 'Whattttt!!!, what was she hearing? It can't be, right?' She asked herself questioning her life choices. "You said you didn't mean it" she said with a stray tear rolling down her right cheek. "I said it because I wanted you to come along with me. I'm sorry Alessia." He said apologetically, his eyes filled with remorse. He quickly left the room.

Immediately, Said appeared before Alessia. It wasn't a surprise to Alessia since she already knew he was there. She just looked at him with pain filled eyes, her heart was bleeding. Said hugged her "I was tricked Said, I was tricked" she wept bitterly.

Listen to Silence by Marshmello ft Khalid. I promised to work on my description skill, drop your thoughts in the comment section. Also do not forget to check out Diane's, Dylan's and Alessia's dress on Facebook. Page name: AOprahh1, Thank you.

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