
XGame:..:Death; The Game Master.

◼️ ◼️ ◼️ ◼️ XGame:..:Death; The Game Master. Chima Koniqua Andrews is a dull, uninspired, ambitionless girl whom no one takes seriously and no obvious potential to survive by herself without her parent's wealth and power. A person always talked down on but someone who just wanted to live without any restrictions or expectations. But Chima one unlucky day finds herself at gunpoint of a robot from the future. A hole with blood flowing out of it on her head later, she dies and is teleported to the future, where an alien species called Repilis has invaded Earth and enslaved humans. And an arena has also been built, called the Xgame:..:Death, where players choose to play to acquire power. Competition is steep and bloody. Chima is reincarnated into the body of Kiran a player completely the opposite of her. Now she has to play like Kiran does in the battlefield for power. But things takes a wrong turn for the players when the arena upgrades and death in it is permanent. Chima in her desperate attempts to learn the ropes quickly joins a team called the Blue Blazers whom she quickly warms up to and trust with all of her naive heart. But unfortunately, she is betrayed by a friend and sold out to an organisation as a lab rat. Chima, innocent, warm and ambitionless Chima has been tortured and exploited into her predecessor Kiran, cold, ruthless killer-minded helldog. After so many years of torture and psychological and physical pain, she escapes the organisation along with Tyr, her forced, unwilling companion and receives a Game Master system Ki.T, whom is an after image of her predecessor, sets on her mission, her mission to become strong, strong enough to take over and control the entire arena. Strong enough to become the ultimate Game Master. In this quest she meets associates, lose some and form strong alliances with former does and deals with friends turned foes. But things takes a crazy turn when the Arena is upgraded twice too soon and a war breaks out in quick succession, more players die and true secrets about the Creators and Arena starts spilling. Things turns darker as former allegiances break and former companions do unthinkable things to each other all to survive and escape death. And now, Chima finds it mandatory to break free her world from the hold of that these extra terrestrials had on them but with the war turning maniacaI, bloody and gory, it is no longer a fight for power but a fight wholly for survival. Will the humans make peace among themselves and unite in order to save their race and their world or will the cold shadows of carnage, holocaust and chaos forever loom over earth till the ends of time? Trigger warning!!!: Explicit depictions of body horror and gore. Explicit depictions of death. Explicit depictions of Mental Insanity and Derangement. Still ignore me? Well, read at your own risk. P.S: If you adore, female lead novels slash dark slash video games slash betrayal slash reincarnation slash futuristic etc. You might need a glue to stick to it!! Enjoy, dear readers!

MuteRivals2 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


@iamthebadguy scanned the area within 100 meters for any dangerous beasts and found that the place where the least beasts gathered was a mountain close to them.

He shuddered, the few brave users whom had come across this particular mountain had warned other users never to enter that mountain, no matter what kind of danger they were in.

@iamthebadguy's head was overheated, he wasn't usually a person who used his brain that much and he really couldn't think of any other way to get around this problem than to go in hiding, in that mountain!

"They're hot on out trail!!" @callmechunli said with less panic in his voice than expected.

@iamthebadguy gasped and looked ahead of them, there was an edge there, most likely the perimeter of the mountain as plants and trees never grew less than 5 meters away from it.

He saw hope and said,

"Boss, hold on, there's an edge over there and if we could get to it, I'm sure we'll be home and dry!"

@callmechunli didn't know what plan his partner had in mind but he was sure that it wasn't necessarily going to be a great one.

'Whatever, as long as we find a place to lay low, even for a short while, I can just take some rejuvenation pills, we should be okay...For a short while atleast,'

@iamthebadguy goal was centred on reaching the edge.....With his boss!

Soon he could hear their pursuers footsteps, holy heck!!

There seemed to be some 2 meters between them and the edge and @iamthebadguy pressed forward, this time dragging his boss but as expected, his boss pulled it back and gave it his all running, just to show to @iamthebadguy that he wasn't weak.

At all!

@iamthebadguy looked ahead, one meter, just one meter to go!

An arrow flew past his head scraping his ears, he didn't bother looking back for he knew whose arrow was that.

They were now just a few steps away from the edge, meanwhile Chima after realising that just closing your eyes and sitting didn't help in cultivating, started making a strange humming sound.

@callmechunli suddenly felt a chill down his spine and knew automatically that a hefty attack was coming towards them, he gathered the last of his strength and sent a dozen huge stone pyramids towards them along with a 4 ft tall stone wall.

As soon as he did that he threw himself out of the forest at the edge as his consciousness left him.

He had used most of his energy and Qi fighting @iamthebadguy instead of preserving it so still...Totally understandable.

@iamthebadguy stopped as his boss fainted as soon as they left the forest interiors and looked back at the wall then shook his head.

That wall wasn't going to last for long.

He carried his boss to a safe spot and started looking for the entrance to the top all around.

''Aaarg! They said it had an hidden entrance, don't tell me that was just an exaggeration too!"

He'd walked around the mountain twice, each round taking roughly six minutes.

As he closed the second, he suddenly heard a humming echo from hid left which was near the mountain, he stopped and put his ear to the steep wall and felt also a light breeze on his cheeks.

He started exploring the area with his hands and felt the edge of the door.

Soon it was opened and he would have done a happy dance if it wasn't the weird unnerving humming sound echoing from inside, he checked the area and realised there were swirling steps leading up, where he presumed the sound came from.

He shivered then went to get his boss whom was barely conscious yet.

He turned on his DL torch then carried is heavy body on his shoulder and looked up at the seemingly unending steps that lead up, steps that had walls away from them or railings atleast.

@iamthebadguy sighed and staggered in with his boss' body on his shoulders.

Did his boss choose Big Jack Horner just to suffer him!? This guy was so heavy!

Several times he adjusted his body to be more comfortable, several times he almost fell, several times he had to adjust his body to balance well but all through @iamthebadguy persevered with the weird humming sound that chilled him out in his ears and back.

He shined his torch at the faraway walls and realised that there were strange writings and marks on it, in a language that seemed very distant and cold dead.

The writings gave him a queer feeling and it was all he could do not to not ignore it.

When he got to the place which he felt was the middle of the long stairs, he suddenly felt eyes on him and looked around with difficulty.

There were thousand of pairs of red eyes looking at him, as soon as possible he put off the torch leaving him in total darkness and started breathing as carefully as possible, not too loudly and also walked slowly and silently.

Soon the pairs of red eyes all went away one by one and he breathed a sign of relief internally.

The weird humming sound was still there and he wondered what he would have to battle there once he reached the top, the thing had definitely discovered he and his boss through the red eyes and still was as calm a rock.

Who or what was that?

Was it the mountain itself or the thing or person that dominated the mountain?

Whoever it was was definitely very powerful.